Taki's Just Frames + Tech Traps


[13] Hero
I've been fooling around with Taki's A:6 and 33_99A : B : B : B, 66B:A and stuff you can do after them.
Gonna test a bit more and post the stuff later.
You actually have fewer options after A:6 than you do after A6, the benefit of the JF is that it comes out as a mid faster. They can tech away from anything you try as you recover from doing the JF. I didn't demo it cause I couldn't find anything that worked well.

If you JF into WR, you're into the same game as from A6

now the 33ABBB JF I don't know about nor do I know about the 66BA JF in the AIR (on the ground it's the same as the non JF version)
If you do jf A:6 WR it's actually worse than normal A6 WR.
They can tech away from WR B to both sides.
After A6 only one direction saves them.
Actually, after A6 WR B, it all depends on character size.

Smaller characters can tech out either way, Larger characters can't tech out at all.

Some can only tech out in 1 direction
neither have I, but it's listed in the Wiki as causing a sliding stun when the JF version hits in the air.

That being said, I've never seen 33ABBB JF either.

Someone needs to make a vid of it
since 66BA JF is the only one i can do consistently at least in training, i have tried teching after it

found a weird thing as well. the JF does not come out when hitting the enemy in the back. when hitting the enemy's right side it hits normally, from the left side it seems to sometimes whiff. While i found this particular move to whiff occasionally, maybe it's some glitch whith this move + the left side that makes it so.

Other than that, tried JFing with it in the air with no luck.

tried to do it after a stun - no difference.

on normal and counter hit it seems to be the same recovery-wise for the enemy, save for 5 more damage. the pushback seems to be big enough not to allow any any guaranteed follow up or good tech opportunity( as most things with taki - depends on the situation)
it's a nice challenge to mess around with her JF's and good to practice the JF's plus other stuff, but let's be honest. her JF's suck balls((((
A:6 has it's uses - especially after getting hit by a 2K, if you can do the JF consistently, you can beat their follow up attack.

It also connects after 22B (which is only -13 on block) and you can delay the WR B for extra damage (around 70 from the launcher)
Ok this is what i found:
after 33_99A:B:B:B, 6A+B hit's all techs but when they Tech to their left. When you start 33_99A:B:B:B a bit farther away backwards tech also saves them.
But this seems to be the only thing that's useful from a jf at least it's hella useful.
A:6 is not better than A6 (tech trap wise)
and 66B:A has too much pushback for anything but 66K, which also misses if they tech to the side =/ and 33_99B if they tech back in your face which noone does lol.
I personally can't do the JF consistently enough and people after a while stop teching against Taki cause the damage of 6A+B on the ground is minimal and she doesn't have great options at hitting grounded.

Watch TakiTech3 on youtube.... You can apply the stalker K setups to 66B:A to some degree especially if they tech back (in this situation they generally do)

well hell, I never did make a vid of that stuff.

Well, long story short, you can use stalker K against people who tech back or to the sides after certain knock down moves and 66B:A was one of them
Isen't 66BA an just input or have i been drinking to much? Btw i find 33A:BBB to be Taki's easiest JF i just push the BBB as fast as possible not that i notice any diffrence in the jf and normal hit
66BA has a 3 frame window for the JF but only on the middle frame do you get the flash, otherwise it's just the second hit.
Btw i find 33A:BBB to be Taki's easiest JF i just push the BBB as fast as possible not that i notice any diffrence in the jf and normal hit

You're getting it wrong it's :3::3:_:9::9::A:::B:::B:::B:. You need to do all inputs just. And the difference to the normal is that, on hit, instead of leaving you at +/-0 frames, it knocks the opponent down for nice Tech Traps/wake up.
I personally can't do the JF consistently enough and people after a while stop teching against Taki cause the damage of 6A+B on the ground is minimal and she doesn't have great options at hitting grounded.

After :3::3:_:9::9::A:::B:::B:::B: i think most people will either press G, or an attack, because they think it's the same as :3::3:_:9::9::A::B::B::B: and it won't knock them down.
Ok this is what i found:
after 33_99A:B:B:B, 6A+B hit's all techs but when they Tech to their left. When you start 33_99A:B:B:B a bit farther away backwards tech also saves them.

Edit: if you hit them from either side with :3::3:_:9::9::A:::B:::B:::B:, tech backwards also saves them from getting :6::A::+::B:ed.
And if you hit them from behind, the last :B: of :3::3:_:9::9::A:::B:::B:::B: whiffs.
To each his own.
I like it very much.
I think it's good for show off and psychological warfare.

Getting :6::6::B:::A: in a juggle is very hard for me because if you launch them for examle with BT :A::+::B:, :6::6::B: gets either buffered in the recovery of BT :A::+::B: which sort of distorts the frame window for the ::A:,
or, if executed after the recovery it's too late and the :6::6::B: whiffs.

Same goes fo the :2::2:_:8::8::B:, :A:::6:, WR:B: juggle combo that you showed in one of your vids.
Only that here the :A:::6: doesn't whiff if you wait for the end of :2::2:_:8::8::B:'s recovery.
I think it's still hard. Are you able to pull it off consistently?
Because it's very valuable and seems to be the best guaranteed damage that you can get out of :2::2:_:8::8::B:
the combo is different depending on where you hit with 22B.

If you hit with the tip of 22b (ie. at the distance from the very beginning of a round) you can get A6 WR B without the JF

Otherwise you need to do 22B, A:6, WR B which is much harder. I can't get it with a ton of consistency. But I also don't drop the combo because a single A attack will connect after 22B
I've learned to time the A and then try for the jf. I'd rather miss it by hitting them with the A in the air and not getting the JF, rather than whiff A6 as they land on the ground.
There are other option select way around it as well:
You can AB into whatever variation you like but as you do AB hit 6 early on such that if you do get the JF, it will come out, if not, you get AB into something else. - actually happens to me all the time. I do AB and as I try to go into PO, I actually do 63214 as soon as I start up AB and sometimes I get the JF which will be good damage, but will throw off my rhythm cause I wanted to do PO.
And if you wait until the last possible moment you can do A:6+B, B+K B
This way you don't get buffer issues that screw up the jf timing and if you still miss it you do ABK although the K is easily Air Controlled... But if you do this "ABK" too early the K has no chance to connect.
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