Taki's Replacement Revealed?!

  • Admin
This week Daishi has been teasing that he might do an early reveal of one of the two silhouettes posted about a week ago. He's been asking which of the two silhouettes people want to see most, and today he gives us an early look at a brand new female character!

new character.jpg

Daishi has been rather glib on whether or not Taki would be returning. However, with the reveal of this character, it can be assumed that Taki may only play a secondary role in Soul Calibur 5.

Thanks Daishi! Comic Con 2011 is only a week away, stay tuned for the next reveal!
The thing is this is going to be the new Taki. Taki concept art has a more serious and mature tone. And now they are replacing it with another anime archetype. We already have X, Talim, Amy, Tira, etc... all with an anime feel, do we really need more. I don't want SC5 to become anime fan service.

This girl is young so of course she would look that way, show me a concept art the series that didn't show a young female that looked anime like? Of course Taki looked serious and mature, she was older and had a serious background. I like it because now we have some spunk mixed with old and wise.
I think she's hella cute! If she plays just like Taki then I might pick her up if Tira doesn't come back. :)
Unless she sucks...

PS: Taki might be DLC later, cause I have a feeling that peoples bitchen and moaning (on facebook mostly) will make Namco consider having her as DLC.
I was never a fan of Taki so I don't really care that she was replaced. If anything, I actually prefer this new girl. She has an energetic feel that an old Taki wouldn't have. I'll still be pissed off if they replace Mi-na though.
The thing is this is going to be the new Taki. Taki concept art has a more serious and mature tone. And now they are replacing it with another anime archetype. We already have X, Talim, Amy, Tira, etc... all with an anime feel, do we really need more. I don't want SC5 to become anime fan service.
I was addressing the fact that you were judging the series' direction based on the type of concept art they're releasing as though it hasn't always been like that. And as far as the four characters you named, if any of them come back seventeen years older they might now have "a more serious and mature tone".
Well....this was surprisin'. I mean, I knew without a doubt that she would be a ninja and not Taki, but I just didn't expect her [I'm pretty sure no one was] to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Talk about a culture clash; a European kunoichi....Those words don't even sound right, together...Oh well, I'm still lookin' forward to play her

P.S: I kinda feel bad about all the hate mail and death threats that Daishi's gonna receive from the Taki loyalists. Hell, he might get it from the Setsuka fans as well, on account that she was the walkin' contradiction in the game, and now she's also in danger of bein' replaced by this European Kunoichi.
one asian ninja character gone, for an american ninja. im not going to Bitch yet but if i see another two WHITE characters not counting sopit family, i callin Namco out on this bullshit to please the general public they are going after. And thats Fucked up anything for more consumers, appeal to the caucasians.
White Ninja my ass, hell i expected a male ninja. this characters voice is going to be annoyin
Yaaaaay My new NINJA BxTCH!!!!!
I will forever b a Taki fan, but i hope dis new replacement actually uses Both Short Swords ,instead of bombs cancels etc.

Well....this was surprisin'. I mean, I knew without a doubt that she would be a ninja and not Taki, but I just didn't expect her [I'm pretty sure no one was] to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Talk about a culture clash; a European kunoichi....Those words don't even sound right, together...Oh well, I'm still lookin' forward to play her

P.S: I kinda feel bad about all the hate mail and death threats that Daishi's gonna receive from the Taki loyalists. Hell, he might get it from the Setsuka fans as well, on account that she was the walkin' contradiction in the game, and now she's also in danger of bein' replaced this European Kunoichi.

You know in a way she's like Ken Masters from Street Fighter. He is American but he learns a "softened" form of Anatasuken.

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