Talim in SCVI: Move Study & Analysis


[13] Hero
SC6 Talim Move-List Analysis
* = New Move
** = Hidden Move (not listed in game's command list)

In-Game Command List:

Here's all the info I could gather on how she functions. Included gifs of new stuff.

A Attacks
A,A - Classic AA (NC)
A,A,A* - New String ~ AA into her old 3A (3 Highs. Leaves Talim BT. Leaves Opp in BT on hit. NCC?)
A,A,A+B - Replaces her old AAB (KND on last hit. NCC most likely)
A,A,B - Old SC4 AA6B 3-hit string (3rd hit is Mid. May be delay-able.)
A,A,B,A - Old SC4 AA6BA 4-hit string (3rd hit is Mid, 4th is High. May be delay-able. Goes into all stances.)
A,A,B,B or A,A,B,(B)* - New String ~ Old SC4 AA6B into her 2A+B (2 Highs, 2 Mids. Goes into Wind Fury if last B is held)
A6 - Replaces her old A+K. (High. TJ 2-hit attack.)
6A,A - Classic 6AA (2nd hit on NH gives KND/RO. Goes into all stances.)
6A,B* - New string ~ 6A into a sweeping uppercut move. (High/Mid. B part looks like it TCs. 2nd hit appears to be good frames on block. possibly plus. But may be interruptible.)

6A,K - Old SC4 6AK (NC. 2nd hit is Mid. Good speed to catch people ducking 6AA and setup 6AB)
3A/"Blender"* - **New Move** ~ SC3 WC A+B (4-hit Mid. TC. Puts Talim in BT. Now done outside of stance. No idea of properties on hit)

2A or FC A - Classic 2A
1A - Classic 1A (No idea how fast or safe it is, but appears to no longer have stance transitions)
4A,K - Old 4A into SC2 3K (High then Mid. NC)
WS A - Classic Rising A (KND/RO on hit)
66A - Old SC4 66A (Double High No longer KND/RO on hit. Goes into all stances.)
33_99A - ^^Same as 66A above^^
22_88A - Replaces her old 33A (Early TC & Late TJ. KND/RO on hit. Goes into all stances.)
44A,A or 44A,(A) - Old SC4 44AA (High then Mid. KND on hit. Delay-able 2nd hit becomes a Guard Break Attack on max charge. Causes Lethal Hit when punishing a whiffed attack?)
11_77A,A or 11_77A,(A) - ^^Same as 44AA above^^
Jump A - SC2 While Landing A (Jumping delayed low. No KND but seems advantage on hit)
BT A,A,B/"Ice Wind Combo" - Replaces her BT A+B series - (9-hit Mid. Same as SC4 A+B~236A~236B. Delay-able. NC. KND. Only from BT now)
BT 2A - Same as 2A

B Attacks
B,B - Classic BB (NC)
B,B,B or B,B,(B)* - New String ~ BB into RE (Last B can be held down. RE itself can cancel into any of her stances before or after absorbing a hit)
B,K* - New String ~ B into her old 33K animation (High and slightly delayed. May be interruptible.)
6B,B or 6B,(B) - Replaces her old 4BB (NCC. Can go into all stances. Becomes a Guard Break Attack If last B is held)
3B* - **New Move** ~ Looks like the last hit of Ice Wind Combo (3-hit Launcher. On CH, it launches over Talim's head)

2B - Replaces her SC4 6B ~ (Mid poke that leaves Talim in BT. No idea on frames on hit or block)
1B* - **New Move** ~ 2-Hit Low attack (Fast. Leaves Talim in FC. Linear, but seems plus or neutral frames on hit)

4B,A - Replaces her SC4 3BA (NC. Delay-able 2nd hit for confirms. Leaves Talim in BT. No longer enters stances)
4B,AG** - Hidden Move ~ (Cancels 2nd hit of 4BA & Leaves Talim in BT. May be useful for pressure and baits if frames are good)
4B,B* - New String ~ 3B into 44B animation (NCC. Delay-able 2nd hit for confirms. Looks to be interruptible in between. Let's hope it's not)
236B or 236(B) - Classic uppercut Launcher (TC during startup. Delay-able. Launch on hit. Max charge causes Lethal Hit vs whiffed GI)
214B or 214BG - Old SC2 214B (Leaping Unblockable Mid. G-Cancelling puts you in WNS)
FC B - Classic 2B
FC 3B,B - Classic FC 3BB. (Launches on CH. If 1st hit is blocked, the 2nd hit causes a standing stun on CH. Can go into all stances)
WS B - Classic Rising B. (no idea if CH gives KND)
66B - Classic 66B (TJ High. KND on hit and gives followup grounded hit combo. Causes Lethal Hit vs Backstep catch.)
33_99B - ^^Same as 66B above^^
22_88B,B or 22_88B:B - Replaces her old 33B:6B (2-Hit Mid. NC. KND on hit. JF possible. No idea if JF version still gives followup hit.)
11_77B - Classic 11B (TJ Mid. Force crouch on block. Leaves Talim in BT. Goes into all stances. Causes Lethal Hit if Talim jumps a Low. Also has 44B input now)
44B - ^^Same as 11_77B above^^
Jump B - SC4 Jump B (Appears to still be a High... Launches behind on hit for a BT followup)
BT B - SC4 BT B (Stuns on hit for combos.)
BT 2B - Same as 2B (hits grounded)

K Attacks
K - Classic Standing K
6K - Classic 6K (On CH puts opponent in a seated position. Shakeable Stun removed. Unsure of frames after)
3K - SC4 3K
2K or FC K - SC4 2K
1K - SC4 1K
4K - SC4 4K
WS K - Classic Rising K
66K - SC4 66K (Backflip. Launches on hit. Leaves Talim in BT. Hits grounded & may give a free BT 2B.)
33_99K - ^^Same as 66K above^^
22_88K - Classic 22K (Side Flip Kick. TJ & Sidestep properties. High. Brief TC early frames)
44K - SC4 44K (Forward jumping double kicks. KND/RO on hit. Leaves Talim in BT.)
11_77K - ^^Same as 44K above^^
Jump K - Classic jump K (Only standard jumping attack she has that hits Mid. Good for beating low pokes that end in FC)
BT K - Classic BT K (KND on hit. Still High?)
Run K - Old SC2 Slide
Run K *at low health* - Old SC4 Headfirst slide (Lethal Hit conditions.... probably just for landing it to begin with)

Simultaneous Press Attacks
A+B or A+BG- Same as her SC2 A+B & SC4 66A+B (Mid. TC. Guard Break Attack. G-Cancel leaves her in BT. Causes Lethal Hit vs GI/RE)
6A+B or 6(A+B) - Classic 6A+B (Pincer Move. Good range. Delay-able. Cancellable with G. Max Charge version causes Lethal Hit)
3A+B - Same as her SC2 3A+B & SC4 22A (High. Mid-range Horizontal swipe. Causes Lethal Hit if 2nd hit lands when the 1st hit whiffs)
2A+B or 2(A+B) - Classic 2A+B (Downswing Mid. Hits grounded?? Safe?? Held version goes into WNF which can then go into all stances)
1A+B - Classic 1A+B (Likely doesn't launch on NH or CH. Causes Lethal Hit when opponent's Guard Gauge is red)
4A+B - Classic 4A+B (Backswing double overhead mids. Puts Talim in BT)
FC A+B - Replaces SC2 8WR A+B & SC4 WS A+B (High/Mid 2hit launcher)
66A+B - Replaces her old 22B (2-Hit Mid. Launcher. Goes into all stances.)
33_99A+B - ^^Same as 66A+B above^^
44A+B - Replaces her SC2 44B+K (4-Hit Mid. Cartwheel move. KND on hit)
11_77A+B - ^^Same as 44A+B above^^
BT A+B or BT (A+B) - Replaces her SC2 BT A+K & SC4 BT A (High horizontal. Guard Break Attack. Delay-able. Causes Lethal Hit on any Counter Hit)
BT B+K/(B+K) - SC4 BT B+K mini-leaps. (TJ. Keeps her in BT. The Hold version does two hops)
BT B+K,A+B/BT (B+K),A+B - SC4 BT B+K~A+B. (Mini-Leap into Blender attack from BT. Double hop version is Unblockable)

A+G - Old SC4 A Throw (RO on a slight angle Frontwards and to the Left)

4A+G - Old SC4 B Throw (Mount Throw. Looks like the start of the chain throw)

Left Side Throw - Same as always (Handstand throw. Flips positions)

Right Side Throw - Same as SC4 (Piggyback Throw. Unknown if it still has RO properties)
Back Throw - Same as always (Leapfrog Throw. Unknown if it still ROs to the right)
BT A+G - SC2 B Throw ~ (Throw from BT. Possible RO Frontwards)

BT 4A+G~6A or 4A - Classic Chain Throw (Command Throw. "Monsoon Season". Choose 6A or 4A to extend. Only from BT now)

Stance Moves:
Wind Sault
(WNS) = 6B+K or 66B+K
Wind Leap (WNL) = 4B+K or 44B+K
Wind Charmer (WNC) = 2B+K or 8B+K
Wind Fury (WNF)* = B+K

Wind Sault
Empty WNS* - Unknown how much recovery she has upon landing.
WNS A - (Windsault Low. Hits grounded. Goes into all stances on hit.)
WNS B or WNS (B) - (Windsault Mid. KND for extra ground hit? Held version Goes into Wind Fury when B is held, which can go into any stance)
WNS K - (Windsault Kick. High. KND on hit. Hits grounded again? Unsure of tracking potential.)
WNS (K) - Replaces her SC4 WNS A+K (Windsault Reverse Kick. Mid. Jumps over opponents head in close)
WNS K:G** - Hidden Move ~ (Double Windsault. High. KND if hits. Can access any WNS attack during 2nd flip. Maybe Talim bounces forward instead of back on block again?)
WNS A+B/"Buzzsaw" - (Windsault Mid. Buzzsaw move. Used mainly for juggles. Haven't seen it hit to figure out properties.)

Wind Charmer
Empty WNC* - Can guard, move, or attack normally immediately after stance ends if no button is pressed. Automatic Windsault is gone.
WNC A - Replaces her SC4 WNC AA. (2-Hits automatically. NC. Can go into all stances.)
WNC A,B - Old SC4 WNC AAB string. (2 Highs then Mid. NCC. Puts Talim in BT)
WNC A,K* - New String ~ Old SC4 WNC AA into SC4 11K (2 Highs then Low. Still plus on hit??)
WNC A,K,A* - New String ~ Old WNC AA into SC4 11KA (2 Highs, then Low, then High. No idea how plus on hit)
WNC B,B or WNC B:B - Old SC4 WNC BB string. (2 Mids. NC. Not sure if it KNDs on hit.)
WNC B~B - Delayed version. (No combo, but 2nd hit becomes a Guard Break Attack)
WNC K - Old SC4 WNC K (Wind Charmer Mid Kick. Causes Lethal Hit after WNC dodges a vertical attack. Can be juggled after with A,A,A+B)
WNC A+B - Old SC4 WNC A+K (WNC Sweeping Low. No longer knocks down on hit. Safe??)
WNC A+G - Classic WNC Throw ("Tagga" Throw. Puts Talim in BT with massive advantage. May be out of range of some moves. Unbreakable)

Wind Leap
Empty WNL* - Enters Wind Fury upon landing. No attacks on it's own. Automatic Windsault is gone.

**Wind Fury**
Wind Fury/(WNF)* - **New Stance**. Talim stands still with her arms crossed over her head, while gathering wind power.

- Stance can be held down for a long time.
- Has special attacks from it including her SC4 B+K Unblockable, and a 2-hit Wind Cannon attack.
- Has an auto-GI or Parry that beats Horizontal Highs and Mids if you don't press anything during her pose.
- Acts as a stance roulette of sorts, since it can also cancel into the other stances.
- Happens automatically after Wind Leap.
- Gives access to her Wind Leap attacks from SC4
- Can hit Guard to cancel out of it safely

WNF A/WNF aG - Same as her SC4 WNL A (Sweeping Low. NH combos into 2A, 4B, WS B, or WS K. Causes STN on CH for bigger combos. G Cancelling goes back into Wind Fury)
WNF B,B/"Wind Cannon"* - **New Move** (2-hit attack that KNDs. 2nd hit comes out on hit OR Block. RO/Wallsplat as well. Unsafe though. Causes Lethal Hit if the first hit breaks guard. 2nd hit causes headspin animation that likely gives combos)

WNF K - Same as her SC4 WNL K (Mid. Double lifting kicks. Linear. Launch on hit)
WNF A+B - Her old SC4 B+K (Slow Unblockable punch. Hopefully cancellable early)

Reversal Edge buffs
**Reversal Edge itself can be cancelled into any stance during the parry animation before the RE attack happens.**
(Absorbing attacks STILL allows you to stance cancel. Needs testing)

RE A* - High attack that causes spin stun. (Beats K option, Sidestep, & Backstep. Can go into any stance with directional inputs. Lethal Hit if it hits during 2nd Clash)
RE A2_8 = Wind Charmer.
RE A6 = Wind Sault.
RE A4 = Wind Fury

RE B,B* - Launching Attack that puts Talim in BT. (Beats A option, Guard, Forward Step, & Backstep. Can be followed up with BT A,A,B or BT K combo. Possible RO?)

RE K* - Mid Thrust Kick. (Beats B option, Forward step & Sidestep. Lethal hit if it hits during 2nd Clash.)
RE G* - Guard. (Beats: A option, K option, Forward step, Sidestep, & Backstep. Only loses to B option.)
RE 6* - Forward Step. (Beats A option. Goes into Wind Fury. Can then punish with WNF B,B for big damage + RO)
RE 2 or 8* - Sidestep. (Beats B option. Goes into Wind Fury. Can then punish with WNF B,B for big damage + RO)
RE 4* - Backstep. (Beats K option. Goes into Wind Fury. Can then punish with WNF B,B for big damage + RO)

Soul Charge buffs_(4A+B+K)
A,A,B,B or A,A,B,(B) - (Last B becomes a Guard Break Attack. Launches on last hit for combos. Goes into Wind Fury if last B is held)
B,K,A* - New String ~ B into her old 33K,A animation (Mid,High then 3 Lows. Low ender is a KND)
66A,A,A,B - Old SC2 44AAA~236B. (NCC. Last hit is a Guard Break Attack version of 236B)
33_99A,A,A,B - ^^Same as 66AAAB above^^
66B,B* - New String. (NC. 2nd hit is a Guard Break Attack version of 236B)
33_99B,B* - ^^Same as 66BB above^^
WNS B or WNS (B) - Windsault B (Becomes a Guard Break Attack. Launches on hit. Causes grounded stun in juggles for follow up hits. Goes into Wind Fury if B is held)

WNC A,B,B* - New String ~ WNC AB can cancel into a new 3 hit launcher for followup hits and RO. (2 Highs, 4 Mids. All 6 hits are NCC)
WNC A,K,A,A* - New String ~ WNC AKA can cancel into 33A animation for wallsplat and RO. (2 Highs, Low, High, & 2 Mids. All 6 hits are NCC)

Critical Edge (A+B+K) or (BT A+B+K)
- Slower startup than most.
- Tech Jumps. Medium range
- 3 hits come out. Any one of those hits triggers the full animation.
- 2nd hit can pick up off the ground
- Can also be done from Back Turned
- Talim regains a small bit of health after it hits
- If used in a juggle near the ring edge the animation just cuts off and gives you the RO
- Possibly plus on block??

Big Thanks to @Eclair for the recent build's movelist screenshots. I'll continue to edit this as we get more info, or after the game comes out. Thanks to Soul070 for the video of the command list
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Are you sure BBB is BB + RE? From the reveal trailer I'd rather say it's just a norrmal BB into manual RE there.
Also, I think Talim's CE is activated during AS.
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  • #3
Are you sure BBB is BB + RE? From the reveal trailer I'd rather say it's just a norrmal BB into manual RE there.
Also, I think Talim's CE is activated during AS.
It looks like it comes out right after the second B with no delay. It could be manual though
If you can't see it go to around 2:47 in the match vs Mitsu

Her CE doesn't come from Windsault. She can just do it standing.
Or go to around 8:12 on the Voldo match
Her CE doesn't come from Windsault. She can just do it standing.
There is some kind of a jump in the beginning, before the stop frame of the CE activation. It might be a part of CE itself, but it could also be some other forward jumping move that's 'canceled' into CE.
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  • #5
There is some kind of a jump in the beginning, before the stop frame of the CE activation. It might be a part of CE itself, but it could also be some other forward jumping move that's 'canceled' into CE.
That's just the startup of the CE itself
Got my hand on the latest demo and full move list. I'll try to compile this later and some combos.


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Big thanks!
So this game (or at least Talim) has no more 236 moves?
Looks like the inputs are relatively easy. Good for me, haha; guess that’s how they are makin gamez nowadays...
Oh, Whirlwind is 214.
Combo 4 starts out w/236 B.
Blue Sky is 236 B.
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Damn dude, nice score!

So how do her evasive options after doing a RE attack work? Does she just break the RE engagement?

And how is Air Turn different from Wind Charmer?

Looks like she's got quite a few Lethal hit moves. Is that more than most other characters?
How is Air Turn different from Wind Charmer?

Wind Charmer is the original name, but they also call it Air Turn in the Move List




Text Version of Talim's SCVI Move List thanks to Eclair.

A6(Was Talim's SCIV A+K)
AAA ~ BT(Last 2 Hits Are Talim's SC IV 3A)
AABA(Was Talim's SCIV AA6BA)
AABA6 ~ Wind Sault
AABA2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
AABA4 ~ Air Rage
AABB(Last Hit Was the Ender of Talim's SCII 6BB)
AAB(B) ~ Air Rage
Soul Charge AABB(Becomes a Guard Break)
Soul Charge AAB(B) ~ Air Rage
AAA+B(Was Originally Talim's AAB)
6AA6 ~ Wind Sault
6AA2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
6AA4 ~ Air Rage
6AB(New Ender)
3A(SCII Version with all 4 hits being done automatically)
BT AAB(Was BT A+B236A236B)

BBB_BB(B)(Last Hit is RE)
BBB6 ~ Wind Sault
BBB2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
BBB4 ~ Air Rage
Soul Charge BKA
6BB_6B(B)(Was Talim's old 4BB/2nd Hit Can Be Charged to be a Guard Break)
6BB_6B(B)6 ~ Wind Sault
6BB_6B(B)2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
6BB_6B(B)4 ~ Air Rage
3B(New Move)
2B(Was Talim's old 2A+B)
1B(New Move)
4BA(Was Talim's SCIV 3B)
4BB(New Ender)
214bG ~ Wind Sault
FC 3BB6 ~ Wind Sault
FC 3BB2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
FC 3BB4 ~ Air Rage
BT B2_8 ~ Wind Charmer


A+B(SCII Version)
a+bG ~ BT
3A+B(SCII Version)
1A+B_2A+B(Only 1A+B Cause A Lethal Hit)
2(A+B) ~ Air Rage
BT A+B_BT (A+B)(Was Talim's SCII BT A+K)

33_66_99A(SCIV Version/Also Has 33_99A Inputs)
33_66_99A6 ~ Wind Sault
33_66_99A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
33_66_99A4 ~ Air Rage
Soul Charge 33_66_99AAAB(Was Talim's SCII 44AAA236B)
22_88A(Was Talim's 33_99A in SCII - IV)
22_88A6 ~ Wind Sault
22_88A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
22_88A4 ~ Air Rage
11_44_77AA(SCIV Version/Also Has 11_77A Inputs)
11_44_77A(A)(2nd Hit When Charged Is a Guard Break)
33_66_99B(Talim's 66B is the same/Also Has 33_99B Inputs)
Soul Charge 33_66_99BB(2nd Hit in SC is 236B as a Guard Break)
22_88BB_22_88B:B(Was Talim's SCIV 33_99B6B_33_99B:6B)
11_44_77B(Was Talim's 11_77B in SCII - IV/Also Has 44B Input)
11_44_77B6 ~ Wind Sault
11_44_77B2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
11_44_77B4 ~ Air Rage
33_66_99K(SCV Version/Also Has 33_99K Inputs)
11_44_77K(SCIV Version/Also Has 11_77K inputs)
33_66_99A+B(Was Talim's old 22_88B)
33_66_99A+B6 ~ Wind Sault
33_66_99A+B2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
33_66_99A+B4 ~ Air Rage
11_44_77A+B(Was Talim's old SCII 44B+K)

Wind Charmer = 2_8B+K_2 From Certain Attacks

Wind Charmer AB(Was Wind Charmer AAB/Single A Press get both AA out)
Wind Charmer A6 ~ Wind Sault
Wind Charmer A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
Wind Charmerr A4 ~ Air Rage
Wind Charmer AKA
Soul Charge Wind Charmer AKAA
Wind Charmer BB
Wind Charmer B Delayed B
Wind Charmer K
Wind Charmer A+B(Was Talim's SCIV Wind Charmer A+K)
Wind Charmer A+G

Wind Sault = 6B+K_6 From Certain Attacks

Wind Sault A
Wind Sault A6 ~ Wind Sault
Wind Sault A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
Wind Sault A4 ~ Air Rage
Wind Sault B
Wind Sault (B) ~ Air Rage
Wind Sault K
Wind Sault (K)(Was Talim's SCIV Wind Sault A+K)
Wind Sault A+B

Air Rage = B+K_4B+K_44B+K_4 From Certain Attacks

Air Rage 6 ~ Wind Sault
Air Rage 2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
Air Rage 4 ~ Air Rage
Air Rage A
Air Rage aG ~ Air Rage
Air Rage BB(New Move/2nd Hit Only Works on Hit or on Block)
Air Rage K(New Move)
Air Rage A+B

RE6 ~ Wind Sault
RE2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
RE4 ~ Air Rage
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I'll try to add a description to all her moves, from what i can remember. Thanks for the movelist writeup @Frayhua

A6(Was Talim's SCIV A+K)
AAA ~ BT (Last 2 Hits Are Talim's SC IV 3A)
AABA - Was Talim's SCIV AA6BA
AABA6 ~ Wind Sault
AABA2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
AABA4 ~ Air Rage
AABB - Last Hit Was the Ender of Talim's SCII 6BB
AAB(B) ~ Air Rage
Soul Charge AABB - Becomes a Guard Break on the B's
Soul Charge AAB(B) ~ Air Rage
AAA+B - Was Originally Talim's AAB
6AA - Same as old move
6AA6 ~ Wind Sault
6AA2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
6AA4 ~ Air Rage
6AB - New Ender
3A - SCII Version with all 4 hits being done automatically
WS A - still rings out well
BT AAB - Was BT A+B236A236B

BBB_BB(B) (Last Hit is RE)
BBB6 ~ Wind Sault
BBB2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
BBB4 ~ Air Rage
BK - Mid B and then a high K
Soul Charge BKA - An extension of BK and then an added GB low A which is quite fast
6BB_6B(B)(Was Talim's old 4BB/2nd Hit Can Be Charged to be a Guard Break)
6BB_6B(B)6 ~ Wind Sault
6BB_6B(B)2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
6BB_6B(B)4 ~ Air Rage
3B - New Move that looks like the end of A+B236A236B - twirls her tonfas and launches on hit. If its on CH then it will launch them behind you.
1B (New Move) - IIRC this is similar to her old 11_33B jump in
4BA (Was Talim's SCIV 3B)
4BB (New Ender)
214bG ~ Wind Sault
FC 3BB6 ~ Wind Sault
FC 3BB2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
FC 3BB4 ~ Air Rage
BT B2_8 ~ Wind Charmer

6K - Old 44K which will ring you out if you're not careful!

A+B - (SCII Version)
a+bG ~ BT
3A+B (SCII Version)
1A+B_2A+B - This doesn't launch from what i've experienced,m maybe on CH?
2(A+B) ~ Air Rage
FC A+B - You can do the A+B from FC!
BT A+B_BT (A+B)(Was Talim's SCII BT A+K)

33_66_99A (SCIV Version/Also Has 33_99A Inputs)
33_66_99A6 ~ Wind Sault
33_66_99A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
33_66_99A4 ~ Air Rage
Soul Charge 33_66_99AAAB (Was Talim's SCII 44AAA236B)
22_88A - Was Talim's 33_99A in SCII - IV - This I found the hardest to get used to
22_88A6 ~ Wind Sault
22_88A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
22_88A4 ~ Air Rage
11_44_77AA (SCIV Version/Also Has 11_77A Inputs)
11_44_77A(A)(2nd Hit When Charged Is a Guard Break)
33_66_99B(Talim's 66B is the same/Also Has 33_99B Inputs)
Soul Charge 33_66_99BB(2nd Hit in SC is 236B as a Guard Break)
22_88BB_22_88B:B(Was Talim's SCIV 33_99B6B_33_99B:6B)
11_44_77B(Was Talim's 11_77B in SCII - IV/Also Has 44B Input)
11_44_77B6 ~ Wind Sault
11_44_77B2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
11_44_77B4 ~ Air Rage
33_66_99K(SCV Version/Also Has 33_99K Inputs)
11_44_77K(SCIV Version/Also Has 11_77K inputs)
33_66_99A+B(Was Talim's old 22_88B)
33_66_99A+B6 ~ Wind Sault
33_66_99A+B2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
33_66_99A+B4 ~ Air Rage
11_44_77A+B(Was Talim's old SCII 44B+K)

Wind Charmer = 2_8B+K_2 From Certain Attacks

Wind Charmer AB (Was Wind Charmer AAB/Single A Press get both AA out)
Wind Charmer A6 ~ Wind Sault
Wind Charmer A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
Wind Charmerr A4 ~ Air Rage
Wind Charmer AKA
Soul Charge Wind Charmer AKAA
Wind Charmer BB
Wind Charmer B Delayed B - Adds on 236B GB onto the B
Wind Charmer K
Wind Charmer A+B(Was Talim's SCIV Wind Charmer A+K)
Wind Charmer A+G - This can put you out of range of some of your attacks if it lands on certain characters, kinda frustrating

Wind Sault = 6B+K_6 From Certain Attacks

Wind Sault A
Wind Sault A6 ~ Wind Sault
Wind Sault A2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
Wind Sault A4 ~ Air Rage
Wind Sault B - Old WB B+K
Wind Sault (B) ~ Air Rage
Wind Sault K
Wind Sault (K) (Was Talim's SCIV Wind Sault A+K)
Wind Sault A+B

Air Rage = B+K_4B+K_44B+K_4 From Certain Attacks - TBH I had no idea how to use this stance

Air Rage 6 ~ Wind Sault
Air Rage 2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
Air Rage 4 ~ Air Rage
Air Rage A
Air Rage aG ~ Air Rage
Air Rage BB(New Move/2nd Hit Only Works on Hit or on Block)
Air Rage K(New Move)
Air Rage A+B

RE6 ~ Wind Sault
RE2_8 ~ Wind Charmer
RE4 ~ Air Rage

A+B+K - Her CE is a three hit combo, all mids i think that will continue into the full CE if any of those 3 hits connects
Talim is back and I'm sure most of the Talim purest will be happy with what you get. She's fast but not the fastest compared to Xianghua and blood Seong Mina is ridiculous. Damage output is similar as well, you will need to work for your wins.
I was really rusty at it given I haven't played her in years so the main trouble I found was simply closing the gap. WS A+B is good but doesn't track as much as I could back in SCIV. I fell into a bad habit of doing 33_99A for her spin but ending up doing a string of A's.
I found her strength laid in her Soul Charge, it definitely opens up a large number of new strings and combos. The GB moves are great and continuing to apply the pressure on your opponents.
We had a lot of captured footage but have been asked by Namco to destroy it all so unfortunately I can show you guys any.
I'll try to answer any questions you guys have.
She seems to be able to attack in more pressure and variety than before.
I really like that!! :D
You've done a good job

I have some question

1. Is her 6A+B the same as before?
2. And is 6A+B holdable?
3. Can she still cancel 6A+B?
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She seems to be able to attack in more pressure and variety than before.
I really like that!! :D
You've done a good job

I have some question

1. Is her 6A+B the same as before?
2. And is 6A+B holdable?
3. Can she still cancel 6A+B?

Hey Kura, I don't remember exactly because i don't use the move as much as I should. It is the same move as before. From what i remember and the movelist it looks like it is holdable and i think you can cancel it as well. Can comment on how much it tracks in this version.
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Can u tell more about her new stance Air Rage. Is it good ? Base on the move list seem it's a replacement of her Wind Leap, right ?
Can u tell more about her new stance Air Rage. Is it good ? Base on the move list seem it's a replacement of her Wind Leap, right ?

It is essentially wind leap as per the move list. You don't necessarily have to go into the Air Rage stance to leap back iirc.
Talim is back and I'm sure most of the Talim purest will be happy with what you get. She's fast but not the fastest compared to Xianghua and blood Seong Mina is ridiculous. Damage output is similar as well, you will need to work for your wins.
I was really rusty at it given I haven't played her in years so the main trouble I found was simply closing the gap. WS A+B is good but doesn't track as much as I could back in SCIV. I fell into a bad habit of doing 33_99A for her spin but ending up doing a string of A's.
I found her strength laid in her Soul Charge, it definitely opens up a large number of new strings and combos. The GB moves are great and continuing to apply the pressure on your opponents.
We had a lot of captured footage but have been asked by Namco to destroy it all so unfortunately I can show you guys any.
I'll try to answer any questions you guys have.
I just created this account to ask you this question.
Regarding the "Panay huricane", how strict is the follow-up B timing? It looks cool so I've been wondering if its easy to pull off. Or maybe it's the same as Sophitia's TAS B?
Thanks in advance.
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I just created this account to ask you this question.
Regarding the "Panay huricane", how strict is the follow-up B timing? It looks cool so I've been wondering if its easy to pull off. Or maybes its the same as Sophitia's TAS B?
Thanks in advance.

Ah, sorry but i didn't get much of a chance to try that move out too much.
So yeah, how do those evasive options after re work? Does it just mean the normal RE movement options are using talim's evasive stances? Because I know the forwards dodge is supposed to go under RE A but WS doesn't seem like it would do that.

Also do all characters have that many lethal hit movies? There seem to be quite a few.
Hey Kura, I don't remember exactly because i don't use the move as much as I should. It is the same move as before. From what i remember and the movelist it looks like it is holdable and i think you can cancel it as well. Can comment on how much it tracks in this version.

Yeah. Okay!! Thank you for checking :D