Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Results!

Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

One Character Victory. Basically, Jaxel beat all of them in a row; his teammates didn't even need to play.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Ore O Dare Da To Moetu

Best fucking Team name ever.

Gurren Lagann for the fucking win.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul


GG's to everybody I played ... got to play a lot of great people for the first time yesterday ...

kpc and kdz ... ur sigfrieds make me jealous =(
realyst ... i shoulda crawled more
rich and papy ... MOAR WINS PLZ
maxx ... dude r u maxx?
ramon ... algol is low tier
nelson ... that's my brother's name
bibulus ... GGs and thanks for crouching my mids =/
jay thanks again for the great tourney =)
the house kitchen ... thanks for the steak help!

and to everybody else I missed thanks for a great time and for supporting the meat-wielding wizardman!!
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

I had a great time yesterday. Even better than the last. Sorry I had to cut out early and take my PS3 with me right before the team tournament. That shouldn't happen for the next 2 tourneys at least. Hopefully my match vids with Ramon and KowTow will be posted soon so I can try to gain some insight as to what I should be improving on.

I'll check with the regulars on this forum this week to see when Jay's house is open for gatherings. I want all the offline experience I can get since I'm swearing off online play for good.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

I hate to put your hopes down, mr oof but none of the team matches were recorded :(. so there is no proof to this shenangan ocv ever happening. NO VIDEOS NO PROOF. O_O, but it sure was funny to watch that shit and the expression of some of the best players on the east coast as jay stat-raped them in the anus. HACKERMIKE BEASTED them too lol...ring out after ring out with hilde very amusing. lots of fun and serge drunk is unexplainable some of the shit i saw that night i hope to really forget. Serge's penis is the tiniest thing ive ever seen flap around in a non homo way lol...

Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Hilde + PS3 controller = NEVER AGAIN
Never used a PS3 controller before..., didnt sound complicated, but those triggers drive me insane. I felt like I was going to drop the controller every second i was playing.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

South Jersey sux..........we will eventually be going to one of these.

Good shit dizazztaaaaaa!!!!!!

P.S - Is algol really that bad?? I havent done the research myself but if france and japan are banning him i think we need to reevaluate
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

first tournament in a long time for me, well at least the first i was sober while playing. felt real good to get back into the game
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

That was my first tournament ever for Soul calibur and it was really fun had a great time. ALl of you guys are really cool I can't wait for the next one. Good games to all who I played.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Maxx isn't good at Calibur anymore. lol.

Had maaaaaaad fun tho.

Nelson - Too much fun mofo! lol. Cant for the next one so we could chill like all night again. Haha.
Tim - Good shit. You got me. lol.
Jay - <3
Idlemind - Should session the next time. ^_^
Klizza - Awesome team name! XD
Ray - God shit, you got me too. I think i came off as a mini-Nas tho. lol.
Realyst - Good shit. You had that second match tho. lol. No doubt you'll rape my face next time you come through tho. I played out all my tricks. ^_^
Kowtow - Good seeing you again. Nice talks.
MT Fighter - I dont think we played. But like always, we never do play right? lol.
Nuez - Good shit on that team tourney. Never played you tho (and we're both in NY. Wtf? lol.)
Papy - Wow, wtf dude. lol. Body splash!
Sporko - Thanx for the ride. ^_^
MLP - We need to get you better.
Manslide - Ready? LMAO
HackerMike - Taunt with Jap Hilde more. 2 Good. lol.

Pretty sure thats it.

PS - Ready?
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Maxx Dreamkiller's infinite combos: you can block them except you don't.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Oh yeah Tinshi is in SC4 trying to ringout everyone with Siegfried. Watch the fuck out, that shit works.