The Armory II (Weekly Media Roundup) 5/4/12

We’re back again with more media and the Armory is fully loaded. Before we get into the thick of it—a contest announcement. “Calibur Heroes” is starting up soon; you’ll submit online/offline matches and the community will vote for the best fights.

The winning matches are analyzed and commentated on.

FahrosTTTT has started doing SCV commentary.

In case you missed it, here was the Soul Cast #4.
Discussion of the fighting game and Soul Calibur community. (Give these guys some likes!)

1. Versus Xiba (0:31 )

Maxi’s 6A+B beats both Xiba’s 3BK and 3[B] on block because of its speed and instant tech crouch. Maxi then attempts to mix up with 1B, but Xiba interrupts Maxi’s RO A with 2A and tries to low poke him, which Maxi avoids landing the 4A+B, 11B combo.

4A+B steps back a bit and it has tech crouch properties. Works well on such small pokes even at disadvantage. 11B has to be done to Maxi’s right side (11B on 1P side; 77B on 2P side) in order to combo with 4A+B.

You can do 11B as 66321B to make Maxi move forward, instead moving away.

2. Versus Ivy ( 0:38 )

Maxi’s 44K on block gives you +2. Ivy tries to step back and Maxi reaches her with CH 6A, RO A and gets a side throw attempt. Maxi does a reverse BT B+K and then connects a combo with BT B+K, 66B+K. Ivy stands up and tries to attack Maxi, she then eats CH 22A, LI B, LI A BE.

Due to CH 6A spin properties, against some characters, you get a side throw mix up after RO A hits. If you, instead the throw, follow up with BL KK, the kicks will land as back hit.

After the side throw, Maxi enters in a weird state of BL, and it’s weird because if you immediately press B+K, you get a reverse BT B+K, instead Neutral Guard (the auto-GI move). Usually, BL PSL1 enters LI, and BL PSL2 enters RO, but after the side throw, it works the opposite: BL PSL1 enters RO, and BL PSL2 enters LI.

If the opponent tech rolls after side throw, you get a free CE. If they tech roll backwards, you get a free 6A+B BE, LI A BE combo.

3. Versus Mitsu ( 0:50 )

Maxi’s WS B trades with Mitsu’s B in 2KB on block. Because of the trade, Maxi recovers in time to catch Mitsu with 22A, LI A BE.

This sequence just shows that landing 22A between far from mid range (or late) gives you a free LI A on non CH.

4. Versus Astaroth ( 0:57)

Maxi blocks Asta’s 4[B], which gives him +8; this makes Maxi freeze in fear of being interrupted. Asta then does 44[A] to keep the pressure, but Maxi avoids it with 236K. Maxi attempts to combo with 66B, which Asta avoids by tech rolling to the right side (left side also works) and punishes Maxi, forcing him to block 44B. Asta then does the non charged version of 44A and Maxi avoids it again, but this time using WS B+K, punishing Asta.

Asta’s 44[A] and 44A are VERY easy to avoid with 236K. WS B+K also can avoid both versions of Asta’s attack, but it’s harder. This sequence shows this and its benefits. But 236K is WAY easier. Also gives the enemies a reason to tech roll after 236K lands.

5. Versus Siegfried ( 1:07 )

Maxi does his G+B throw on Siegfried, and pokes him with 1K. Siegfried uses A+B+K to stand up in BT and gets hit with Maxi’s 1K, then Maxi does FC 3AAA, thinking he has the advantage. Siegfried uses his BT B+K to auto-GI the low attack and punishes Maxi with a juggle. Then Siegfried forces Maxi to block 3[B], which grants him uninterruptable options, specially with Maxi against the wall, but a single side step to Maxi’s left and doing 88[B] avoids almost all immediate options Siegfried has, thus Maxi lands CH 88[B], RC B.

WS B+K also avoids most of Siegfried options, but at close range is hard to avoid his knee attack. 88[B] works easier and almost equal effectively.

6. Versus Mitsu. Wall combo ( 1:19 )

99B, 4A+B, WS B+K, BL K BE, BT B+K, 2KB.
The thing with this combo is to show how WS B+K re-floats airborne enemies. The best way to land 4A+B into WS B+K is near a wall.

7. Versus Viola ( 1:27 )

Viola does her CE and Maxi punishes her with 9A+B.

For some reason, Viola’s CE messes with gravity and you can use this if your character has a high jump attack, like Mitsu’s 8A+B or Cervantes or Maxi’s own 9A+B.

8. Versus Xiba ( 1:32 )

Xiba does 66KB against a cornered Maxi. But Maxi side steps and lands 4B+K into a tech roll catch with 11A.

To do 8WR from BT just press 6 in BT (towards enemy, not towards your face) and then press the direction of the 8WR attack as if you were already running; in this example 1A. BT 6 (towards the enemy) triggers a turning around animation which pre-buffers 8WR attacks, where you just press 1A to get 11A. If you hold 6 during BT, you will nullify the pre-buffer. You also can use BT 11A, as long you allow this turning around animation to occur between the two inputs.

9. Versus Mitsu ( 1:39 )

Mitsu blocks Maxi’s 22A, which is +6 on block in LI. Mitsu’s 4B+K avoids ALL immediate LI options. Maxi tries to LI A BE, but Mitsu punishes with MS A+B, 3B, 236B BE, 6b2. Mitsu does 3B BE, Maxi steps to the left and punishes him with B+KBBBA, BT B+K.

Mitsu can escape Maxi’s mix up options in LI easily with 4B+K. The B+KBBBA into BT B+K combo is unreliable since it needs to be landed after a left step and at certain distance. Mitsu’s 3B BE is a practical way to reproduce it, so it will work most of the times.

10. Versus Natsu ( 1:51 )

Natsu connects a combo on Maxi and forces him to block her 4A+B. She does PO BE into BT PO K. Maxi does WS b+kG to move away from her BT PO K, making it whiff, and landing a side throw on her, into BL K BE.

Although it’s not in the video, after the side throw, some small characters can avoid BL K BE via back roll (and you can punish them with 6A+B BE, LI A BE). 1K is guaranteed on everybody always.

After WS b+kG, you could also land BT B+K. Instead of doing WS b+KG to escape BT PO K, you could have also used 66K and then land a BT B+K.

After BL K BE on air or ground hit, 44K is a force block.

11. Versus Astaroth ( 2:01 )

Astaroth does 3KA, and Maxi’s 4B. Asta does 66K to prevent Maxi from moving away. Asta blocks 4BB and attempts to avoid the K part with 66K. And he does, but Maxi also dodges Asta as well, so Maxi gets a free BT B+K.

When Asta blocks LO B, he can try 66K or 6B+K to duck the K and punish, but the cross over always occur. They need to do FC 3K to punish the K.

12. Versus Pyrrha. Wall combo ( 2:10 )

WS B+K, BL KK, 4B, LO BK, a+bG, RC AB BE, LI A BE.

You can use 4BBK on wall combos. Certain angle is required.

13. Versus Yoshimitsu ( 2:19 )

Yoshi can punish LO B on block with his 3B, so he lands 3B, a:B+K, 9B+K into Dragon Fly (DF) set ups. Maxi avoids DF B with WS B+K into a tech roll trap with 2A+B.

2A+B is guaranteed on everybody if they tech roll any direction. If they don’t want to tech roll, use 22[B].

WS B+K avoids all options from Yoshi’s DF, except DF K, which is a low tracking kick. Be careful because if you land WS B+K on an airborne enemy, they won’t be able to tech roll. They can stand up and block.

14. Versus Leixia ( 2:27 )

Leixia lands FC 3bB on Maxi and combos with 6KK. She then does 33BB on wake up. Maxi catches her with CH 6A, RO A and does his CE to produce a Guard Burst. Then Leixia gives Maxi a clap.

15. Versus Maxi ( 2:43 )

Black Maxi does 44B into RO A, but white Maxi avoids RO A with 4B, LO B, and then does RC AB BE. Black Maxi JGs the last B and tries to punish with 6A+B BE, but white Maxi punishes with LI B, LI A.

Even when they JG your RC AB BE (which is very easy and common), you can try LI B to escape further retaliation.

16. Versus Cervantes ( 2:50 )

Cervantes blocks Maxi’s 1B. Maxi does a single JG, which deflects both hits from aB, and gets a free 66B wall combo.

Against very fast strings, such as Cervantes aB or Maxi’s 236K or 11B, JG automatically deflects all attacks.

Cervantes’ aB impacts in 11 frames and interrupts ALL RO options after Maxi’s 1B on block.

BL K BE is always guaranteed after 66B if you are close enough. It also does MORE damage than LI A BE, so keep it in mind ALWAYS. If they tech roll after 66B, it’s worse, as they eat BL K BE for full damage. BL KK is also guaranteed if they tech roll.

17. Versus Yoshimitsu. Wall combo ( 2:59 )

CH 6A, RO AK, 1B, RO AK, 44B, RO B, RC AB BE, LI A

18. Versus Astaroth ( 3:08 )

Maxi blocks Asta’s Bb6 and avoids by side stepping to the right, and punishes with 6A+B BE, PSL2 BL K BE. Maxi does 33B and Asta attempts to do 66K BE, but Maxi blocks and side steps to the left to punish Asta with 4A+B, 88[B], RC B.

Both Asta’s Bb6 and 66K BE can be easily side stepped and punished. 4A+B into 88[B] is a tech roll trap. It works on anybody on any tech roll direction. Make sure you do 88[B] (to the left) and not 22[B] (to the right).

19. Versus Viola ( 3:19 )

Due the ball hitting Maxi, the 6A+B BE animation is interrupted and you don’t enter LI, instead you can land some combos or get free damage, like the CE or A+B for wall splat.

Viola can block 6A+B BE after this, but Viola players rarely turtle after doing BBB.

You can’t do 6A+B BE, LI A BE again because you can’t use the same stun twice in a combo.

20. Versus Mitsurugi ( 3:26 )

Maxi blocks Mitsu’s 66B and punishes with AA PSL1 RO A, BL KK. Mitsu blocks BL K and punishes Maxi with FC 1B. He then tries to do the whole 66BB and Maxi does 33B into BT B+K.

Mitsu’s 66BB on itself is very punishable. If you block it, you get a free 66B. But the damage you get for doing the right guess with 33B, BT B+K is almost the same as if you do 66B, PSL2 BL K BE, but without losing bar. Using 33B or 99B against strings can lead to good results, as the 33 automatically side steps for you.

21. Versus Xiba ( 3:35 )

Xiba lands 3A+B and tech catches Maxi with his B[B], Xiba does REM AK, but Maxi tech crouches with 236K, and then jumps forward. Since Xiba did a side tech roll, Maxi creates a BT mix up. BT B+K is blocked by Xiba, Maxi does 44B and Xiba does 6A. 44B’s tech crouching frames dodge Xiba’s 6A and Maxi combos with PSL1 BL K BE.

Note the fast crouching properties from 236K and the late crouching properties from 44B. BT B+K on block is 0. You can force them to do a side tech roll using 236K into 66B or 3B or 2KB, being 3B the safest choice in case they dodge it.

22. Versus Pyrrha ( 3:44 )

Pyrrah lands 66A on Maxi (which makes him go into BT) and does it again to keep the pressure. Maxi’s WS B+K avoids the second 66A and combos with BL KK, then he tries to land RO B via 44B, but Pyrrha avoids with 88A and does 66B BE. Maxi blocks the first hit and uses WS B+K to avoid the second one, and Maxi goes for a back throw mix up.

We see again how WS B+K avoids horizontal mid attacks.. Although is not easy to do, it isn’t that hard to avoid the second 66A. The BT mix up after WS B+K only occurs if they do a side tech roll. Once they did, they can avoid the throw by crouching. Remember you can also use 2A+B for tech roll catching..

23. Versus Natsu ( 3:57 )

Maxi blocks Natsu’s 6A+B4, and she attempts PO BE; Maxi does 33B and hits her on midair. Maxi does PSL1, PSL2 × 2 to enter RO and land BT RO A, BT B+K, 66B.

This is another way to counter Natsu’s PO BE set ups. Since SC4, you can’t do any kind of air control if you put yourself in the air and the opponent hits you. So Natsu can’t AC after Maxi’s 33B. This sequence is just a way to show that RO A reaches even behind Maxi, and when it does, BT B+K is guaranteed.

24. Versus Yoshimitsu ( 4:04 )

Yoshi does 33BB+KA+B and Maxi trades it with BE 6A+B and combos with 66B+K. Then Maxi does 4B PSL2 LI B, BT B+K against Yoshi’s 4KB.

Yoshi’s Shark Attack is annoying (at least, for me), but the A+B part is high. You can try single 6A+B (no BE), but still trades with Maxi. You can also use 2B, which doesn’t trade, or 2A and get a free BT throw attempt on Yoshi.

The combo 6A+B BE into 66B+K is not 100% guaranteed. Yoshi can tech roll backwards, but if you have to, you can do 66B instead, which can be avoided with a side tech roll. When you use LI B to avoid an advancing attack (like Yoshi’s 4KB), the opponent places himself behind Maxi, which leads to the LI B, BT B+K juggle.

25. Versus Ivy ( 4:12 )

Maxi lands 44B, and whiffs RO A. By jumping forward, he creates a BT mix up. She eats both BT B+K, and 44A as tech roll trap into the classic wall combo: A+B, 4B, LO, RC AB BE, Li BE.

I have seen TONS of times all Maxi players (including me) dropping the 44B combo because they buffer RO A, especially when they are not expecting 44B to hit. Anytime this happens to you, just jump forward to create a BT mix up. After BT B+K, 44A can be escaped tech rolling to the right.

In Soul Calibur V you can override buffered commands. If you did 44B and quickly pressed A to do RO A, you still can press B to override the previous command (RO A) and get the latest one (RO B). As long as you don’t forget about this, you now will never drop 44B combos because of automatic buffers or unexpected hits. The same happens when 44B produces a Guard Burst: you can press AAAAAAAAAB, and RO B will come out.

26. Versus Patroklos (4:23 )

Maxi blocks Patroklos 236AB and Maxi punishes with 22A, then he goes for a blocked LI [B] giving Maxi a free LI A BE.

This is only for showing that a fully charged LI [B] on block gives you a free LI A. Be careful using LI [B] since it can be easily JGed or avoided with side step. Mix up with half charged LI Bs.

27. Versus Maxi ( 4:29 )

Black Maxi lands FC 3AAA and does RO A. White Maxi avoids RO A with 4B and goes into RC AB, but black Maxi JG the FIRST hit of RC AB and side steps to the right, punishing with 33B, BL KK. White Maxi tries to stand up using WS B+K to avoid vertical attacks, but black Maxi does 6B4.

I like to use 4B as a tech crouch tool because of its range. In Maxi vs. Maxi matches, 6A+B tends to miss a lot against RO A, because of its built in side step, but not with 4B.

Using JG with the first hit of RC AB is a more effective way to punish, since you can easily avoid the second hit with side step. Remember that sometimes not because you did a JG you have to attack, you are just buying yourself space to do something, and moving around is a doing something.

6B4 can work against left step attacks, like Xiba’s 4A, Leixia’s 1B+K or WS B, Maxi’s own WS B+K, etc. 33B and 66B+K also track to Maxi’s right side nicely, so keep those in mind.

28. Versus Viola ( 4:38 )

Maxi blocks Viola’s CE, and she tries to use her UB because of the forced block. Maxi JGs the UB and gets a free 6A+B BE, LI A BE.

Viola’s UB is not that big deal without her orb, but if you ever face this situation, keep in mind you can JG her. Needs some practice.

29. Versus Xiba ( 4:45 )

Xiba does 33KB, Maxi blocks and does a BT JG on the last B, and gets a free BT B+K, Maxi tries 44B, but Xiba avoids it and does 6BK BE. Maxi blocks the first hit, JG the second in BT, and side steps the third attack to punish him with a throw.

This is another example of how sometimes JG is not equal to attack. Doing JG on 6BK alone gives Maxi a free BT B+K, but the BE version doesn’t allow this, and if you JG the third hit of the BE version, the punishment is really poor. So you don’t necessarily have to attack after a JG and you don’t necessarily have to JG the whole string of something, just until you get some room to punish.

30. Versus Patroklos ( 4:56 )

Patroklos lands a combo into his CE, and then he attempts to punish anything Maxi could immediately try after by doing 66A BE. Maxi stands up in BT pressing A+B+K and lands BT B+K into a 44B combo.

Anytime Maxi’s BT B+K connects in front of the enemy, 44B is a tech roll trap, any direction.

31. Versus Mitsurugi ( 5:11 )

Mitsurugi blocks Maxi’s 4B and does 4B to avoid the follow ups. Maxi enters RC and lands CH RC AB BE, LO B to force Mitsu to block RC B, producing a Guard Burst. Maxi enters LI and does LI K into CE.

It’s important to keep in mind 6A+B BE, LO B or RC AB BE, LO B combos for producing Guard Bursts. Catch them with something that allows you these attacks and instead finishing off with LI A BE, wait for the LO transition and combo with LO B, then use RC B or RC KK to produce the Guard Burst.

32. Versus Nasu ( 5:23 )

Maxi lands 33B and does PSL1 and enters LI, Natsu does 8KA and Maxi lands LI [B], LI B, LI A BE.

This is just a sequence to show that when you land LI B or LI [B] at the proper height, another LI B is guaranteed.

33. Versus Yoshimitsu ( 5:28 )

Yoshimitsu does his G+A throw, then does 2K and then attempts to chase Maxi doing 44B+K, but he enters Indian Stance and punishes Maxi with his A+B auto-GI. Maxi interrupts Yoshi’s UB with WS B+K, into 6A+B BE into a wall combo with CE.

6A+B BE into BL K BE combo is very character dependent.

Against Yoshimitsu, I strongly recommend to use back tech roll after receiving a ground hit (such as 2K or 3B) because he has really good okizeme. Just press 4G at the moment you are being hit on the ground and Maxi will quickly tech roll away.

34. Versus Viola ( 5:41 )

Maxi blocks Viola’s 66AAB, but Maxi ducks second hit and punishes the third with WS B+K, BL K BE, 66B.

I don’t know why I constantly see Viola players doing the whole string, even if it doesn’t connect. Anyway, because of the way Viola jumps in the third hit, WS B+K launches her off axis, so when BL K BE connects, she is not sent so far away, allowing 66B to combo.

35. Versus Raphael ( 5:48 )

Raphael does 6BB BE, Maxi repels all attacks with a single JG input, but the last one, which he side steps, and punishes Raphael with 4A+B, and goes into 6A+B BE, PSL2 BL K BE, A+B, 4B, LO B, RC AB BE, LI A BE.

This is another example of how you can JG multiple hits with a single input.

In order to do 4A+B into 6A+B you have to do 666A+B. This is new to Soul Calibur 5, the ability to perform single input attacks from 8WR by tapping again its direction (taken from Tekken). 666B gives you dash into 6B; 888B gives you side step into 8B; 222A gives you side step into 2A, etc.

36. Versus Yoshimitsu ( 6:01 )

Maxi avoids Yoshi’s 4KB using 77B, then approaches with 1K. Yoshi stands up and blocks Maxi’s 33A, which produces a Guard Burst. The huge frame advantage allows 22A to connect, leading to the whole combo: CH 22A, LI K, a+bG, RC AB BE, LI A BE.

You have to side step to the left to avoid Yoshi’s 4KB second hit. If you buffer 77B, it’s very easy to do; Maxi does the side step and the attack for you (one of the few good things about having no 8WR buffer).

Maxi’s 66A will never produce a Guard Bust, while 33A or 99A will do. Also the 66A version does 2 less points of damage than the 8WR version.

37. Versus Nightmare ( 6:11 )

Maxi blocks Nightmare’s BB and Maxi avoids with left side step, landing 4BB on Nightmare’s back. The last one tries to use his BT A+B auto-GI against RC AB, but Maxi JGs the explosion and lands a free 236K, Nightmare tech rolls and Maxi gets a free CE.

Nightmare’s A+B is a good tool to stop strings; as such, you have to know that you can use GI or JG against it, or block it and punish with 6A+B BE. It also won’t auto-GI lows.

236K into CE is a tech roll trap in any direction. Because Nightmare was in BT, the last hit of 236K missed, so the CE had to be done immediately. When you land all hits from 236K, you need to delay a bit the CE.

38. Versus Ezio (6:21 )

Maxi lands all hits of 6B4 on Ezio.

It’s important to use 6B4 when the enemy has the wall on his right side (and on Maxi’s left side). You constantly catch people who block the first two or three hits, but they eat the rest because the wall locks them in.

39. Versus Nightmare ( 6:26 )

Maxi does 6B4G into LI A, but Nightmare avoids with side step and punishes with a combo, then he tries to do a low grab and Maxi punishes with 6A+B BE, LO B into RC K. Nightmare blocks RC K and does his CE. Maxi sides step and punishes with 4B+K, BT B+K, CE.

This sequence shows that is easy to avoid LI A, even at the +7 frame advantage that 6B4G grants on block. Also shows how punishable Nightmare’s CE is.

The CE after BT B+K is a tech roll trap, and it only works if BT B+K pushes them towards you, face down. It might work against a wall when it pushes them away.

40. Versus Astaroth. Wall combo( 6:43 )

88KK, 6A+B BE, PSL2 BL K BE, A+B, 4B, LO B, RC AB BE, PSL2 BL K BE, 66B+K

This combo only works on Asta, as the rest of the cast can easily avoid the last BL K BE.

Fhwoarang delivers again with more Maxi goodness. A collection of set ups, combos, anti strategies, and more stuff from Maxi in Soul Calibur V. Plus, the music's cool. (Download Transcript)

Now let's crush Maxi! (Thanks Saitoh!) & thanks HRD for submitting it.


Sectus has pulled all of the story mode illustration artwork from the game.
This stuff is media gold. Thanks, Sectus!

LOL. Too good.

~If you'd like to contribute a high quality media or forum post please send Sp1d3r a PM.~

-MLG Signup Tutorial from Enkindu

5th Saturday May 5th, 2012
United States:
Atlantic (East Coast)
10:00 AM:Season's Beatings: Summer Slam:(Columbus, Ohio)
07:00 PM:CEO De Mayo Monthly May 4th-5th 2012 Orlando, FL(Altamonte Springs, FL 32714)
Pacific (West Coast)
09:00 AM:Battle At The Capitol (For Child's Play)(Sacramento, CA)
04:00 PM:Madison SCV Tourney #12 and 13 5/5/12(Madison, WI)

6th Saturday May 6th, 2012
United States:
Atlantic (East Coast)
10:00 AM:Season's Beatings: Summer Slam:(Columbus, Ohio)
03:00 PM:ATL-FINALROUNDBATS(Atlanta, Georgia)
The Rest of Americas:
07:00 PM:Montreal Edge Masters - Second Edition(Montréal, QC)
11th Friday May 11th, 2012
The Rest of Americas:
07:00 PM:BaseLAN 23: More Power(Winnipeg, MB)
The Rest of the World:
06:00 PM:EDGE MASTER SERIES - Episode III(London, UK)
08:00 PM:Battlefield Fridays (SC5,UMVC3)(Singapore)

12th Saturday May 12th, 2012
United States:
Atlantic (East Coast)
10:00 AM:Season's Beatings: Summer Slam:(Columbus, Ohio)
Pacific (West Coast)
12:00 PM: [EGP] Redemption (Orange, Ca)
The Rest of Americas:
07:00 PM:BaseLAN 23: More Power(Winnipeg, MB)[/spoiler]

13th Sunday May 13th, 2012
United States:
Atlantic (East Coast)
10:00 AM:Season's Beatings: Summer Slam:(Columbus, Ohio)
The Rest of the World:
05:00 PM:Astral Chaos, Round 1(Birmingham, England)
You can find more events here.
Wonderful job bro, this is so convenient. I didn't even know some of this stuff got put out.

Thanks for the hard work.
This is awesome. Would like to see some more details for 'Calibur Heroes'. And hot damn, there is so much content here...let me just put real life on hold for a moment...
Brilliant post. Keep this up please. Things like this help people stay interested in the game.
This is excellent. So many places to go for information, it's awesome to see someone combining all of the recent news into one post.

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