The Cepheus Store thread

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I think L4D is saying that both are an option.
So, you could buy all the items at the usual continuing prices, or opt to purchase single items, which to me is absolutely fine, as I'll just buy the full packs anyway, more than likely. (Though I quite easily would've bought the Rhino Helm and nothing else from that pack, given the choice.)

It's a system where everyone wins actually. And I'd assume 80MSP was a throwaway figure.

Do on-line gamers revere anything?

Pretty, frilly dresses.
That's a different issue. Making a whole new moveset creates a world of problems like balancing, compatibility (since you can't just make the style invisible for people without the right pack). Not to mention it takes a LOT of time and effort to animate an entire moveset, even if some of the moves already exist.​
They would have to force the compatibility patch that time like they do for the version updates. It could easily be done though, assuming we even get a version 1.04. And considering most of the moves we have already are just copy pastes from SC4 anyway, I don't think animating would take super long if they only gave Talim and Zas as few new moves as everyone else got.

We'll probably see the missing styles in a Super SC5 if it ever gets released. I think it's unlikely they'll put them in a patch now, since they've done 3 patches of balancing already that would all be thrown out the window.

sadly, i'm not nearly tech savy enough to post a pic of moses here (i'm 35!) he's basically the moses from the movie 10 commandments, he's got a racoon tail for a beard and his "robe" has the hebrew red white and black stripes which look really good. he uses Xiba's style of course for the staff.
I find it interesting that a lot of people in here gripe about male characters in female clothes and characters with proxy genitalia but fighting with religious figures is cool, apparently. I personally would not be offended by any religious character (I would like to see your god the father, racoon tail for beard? thought so) but I expected a portion of the community would be. Is anything totally off-limits? Do on-line gamers revere anything?

I'm 34 and I figured it out, so it's not too late old-timer. I think we hate the genitals because it's just juvenile and stupid. And we hate thundergod drums because of gameplay difficulty, obviously.

No, no raccoon tail, I just used the unshaven look with white hair. I'm maxed out on special equipment to give him a halo and glowing eyes.
They would have to force the compatibility patch that time like they do for the version updates. It could easily be done though, assuming we even get a version 1.04. And considering most of the moves we have already are just copy pastes from SC4 anyway, I don't think animating would take super long if they only gave Talim and Zas as few new moves as everyone else got.

We'll probably see the missing styles in a Super SC5 if it ever gets released. I think it's unlikely they'll put them in a patch now, since they've done 3 patches of balancing already that would all be thrown out the window.

I'm 34 and I figured it out, so it's not too late old-timer. I think we hate the genitals because it's just juvenile and stupid. And we hate thundergod drums because of gameplay difficulty, obviously.

No, no raccoon tail, I just used the unshaven look with white hair. I'm maxed out on special equipment to give him a halo and glowing eyes.
God without a beard?!?!? BLASPHEMY!!
can we talk about those drums? nevermind the folks that hide their characters with three of them. I want to know why those drums are in the game AT ALL. It makes less sense than anything else. I challenge you to find a more ridiculous piece of equipment. Were they developed for some other game and then inserted into SCV? If they wanted musical instruments why a ring of Caribbean-style hand drums? why not a violin or guitar? I mean, its not like they go with anything else in the game. Where's the dreadlocks hair? Where's the rasta cap? I don't get it.
LOL, they're also in Tekken 6 as an item for Heihachi. I think it's some kind of Japanese mythology thing rather than a Caribbean thing.
I think it's perfectly acceptable. I'm Christian and I wouldn't be offended one bit. I have a CAS of God the Father himself. I don't use him much only because he needed a manly style, so I gave him Mitsu's, and I'm not nearly as good with Mitsu as with Natsu.

I'd like to see your Moses if you can post a screenshot.

I have a troll CaS I break out on recurring scrubs named "Osama/Jesus" and nobody has said anything to me about it yet. It is extremely hard to take offense to anything with the amount of nutsacks and wangs online.

I'm offended by basically nothing though. I think the online component to the game shouldn't be censored at all. I want to see the time investment sunk into these ultimately censored characters.

PS/Namco killing a good deal of lulz for me.
I read the description in the cerph pack, it says for 3 add ons, but there is only 2 add ons to buy, I accessed US psn and the sexy one is there, I tried accessing the US PSN from in-game but it told me there is no DLC.

So am I the only one who has this issue? And why is it filtered is it too extreme?
LOL, they're also in Tekken 6 as an item for Heihachi. I think it's some kind of Japanese mythology thing rather than a Caribbean thing.

It's a Japanese Mythology thingy.....and a Tekken item move thingy
They're thundergod drums for Raijin the god of lightning and thunder who beats on drums to create thunder.
People are literally bitching because they didn't get the frilly dress they want. (knowing full well it's on it's way.)

oh hush.
The moment i saw that dress... i knew we were destined to be together.
it was like...magic!
also, my inpatients is something i have yet to control.
and if i dont bitch, i will literally shrivel up and die
There have been some problems with the european PSN store before. For example Damp got released a hell of a lot later than the rest of PSN/EU XBL.
I think L4D is saying that both are an option.
So, you could buy all the items at the usual continuing prices, or opt to purchase single items, which to me is absolutely fine, as I'll just buy the full packs anyway, more than likely. (Though I quite easily would've bought the Rhino Helm and nothing else from that pack, given the choice.)

It's a system where everyone wins actually. And I'd assume 80MSP was a throwaway figure.

Exactly, it's an option. If you dont like, you doesnt need to be concerned by it, just ignore it. It's always better to HAVE an option, even if you are not using one of them, than simply NOT HAVE it.
who's with me when i say i demand facial hair dlc? sure you can make a beard with the raccoon tail but where are my handlebars? chops? goatees? chinstraps? hitler staches? wizard staches? porn staches? or fu manchus? i say we end this injustice and grant our CASs facial hair...FOR ALL!!! men AND women!!!

but seriously, i think a pack of facial hair that works in the special equipment slot is a pretty good idea. all CAS have roughly the same shape head, and we can use the sliders to modify the size of the beards or moustaches anyway.
I read the description in the cerph pack, it says for 3 add ons, but there is only 2 add ons to buy, I accessed US psn and the sexy one is there, I tried accessing the US PSN from in-game but it told me there is no DLC.

So am I the only one who has this issue? And why is it filtered is it too extreme?

Yeah, I tried to inform you guys in my last post. I tend to buy every single DLC that comes out to SCV, but now I probably have to wait for the next PSN update next week. I'm so disappointed in Sony right now. =/

There have been some problems with the european PSN store before. For example Damp got released a hell of a lot later than the rest of PSN/EU XBL.

Hopefully, we'll get the missing DLC next PSN update and not next month. O_O;
And also the kicker again, the Keychain set (Misc. Equip. 1 ) is still not available or even back on XBL, what BS is that, I know I got it before it got pulled, but its still weird.

And yes, hope to see some more good stuff probably in the next 2 weeks or so (as of post).
Did anyone notice that the last two packs are called "Sexy Costumes 1" and "Valkyrie Armor 1"? Should we expect even more DLCs to be release in the future, i.e. in addition to what has been leaked? O.o;
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