The Cepheus Store thread

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Oops, wrote the same line twice in my post.​
whenever I get my hands on a character creator I make a tall, thin, usually blonde girl muscular tan guy with maximized chest size hot body hair and cheekbone height general ruggedness where available.
I make those sometimes too!​
The wedding dress is cute but I'mma still need more slots. Kinda losing interest in SCV. They'll probably rekindle it if they ever appear.​

Yeah I felt kinda bored with SCV yesterday because of the disappointing placebo of Tuesday's DLC. Lol the underlying feeling of feeling cheated robbed me of continuing to perceive this game as fun.
Yeah I felt kinda bored with SCV yesterday because of the disappointing placebo of Tuesday's DLC. Lol the underlying feeling of feeling cheated robbed me of continuing to perceive this game as fun.
Right? I know what you mean. I don't necessarily feel cheated but I just think it's silly of PS not to realize that creation slots are in huge demand. Just because they haven't planned DLC ahead for them like they have for all this equipment (judging by thumbnails) doesn't mean they shouldn't implement it.​
So many people would buy, more than are currently buying the equipment. In fact, a DLC containing slots would probably IMPROVE sales of DLC clothing because people would want new clothes to use in their new slots.
If there's any logical programming reason why they can't make more than 50 slots, then what the dealio?! I really can't help but feel cheated because this whole month I was excited for new DLC. First one came out, FINE whet our appetites a little with Valk and more fetish stuff and headgears...but to release another update consistently 2 weeks over and have it only be TWO mediocre packs without even the traditional 3rd that SHOULD've been the SCV character equipment, man what a jip.

What's worse is that I've made regretful purchases after finding that there isn't much flexibility with some of the mediocre packs I just bashed on lol. Save for Valkyrie, there isn't much you can do with the latest sexy costumes and wedding wear. Now I only have enough MSP for two more SCV character equipment packs. If the next update finally has the 3rd one, I'll get it in a heartbeat and wait patiently for the next, whenever that may be. Otherwise, if they come out with another update with more and more fetish packs and not so versatile equipment, I relinquish my support of this monopoly they have on our inner artists.
Cheap blowjob robots are also in huge demand, why hasn't Chrysler gotten on that shit?

Just because people want them doesn't mean the technology is there. You absolutely have to plan DLC like that ahead of time or else it absolutely can't be implemented. If the game wasn't designed to have that aspect of it's coding literally changed via patch, it can't be done now.

None of this is rocket science, but you'd sure as hell think it was. Just delete some characters. On the off chance you're actually regularly using all 50 characters in all 50 slots, take the thirty seconds to copypaste your savefile to the cloud and there's 50 more slots right there.

By the way people, no one is screwing or cheating you and this is not a gyp. Last I checked none of you were special or entitled to anything.
Hahahahaha. Dude, you are absolutely not entitled to satisfaction. In no way is that how the world works. You have a choice to buy it or not buy it, and that's it. Consider it a miracle you're even allowed to make the choice.

Namco/PS's job with the DLC is to satisfy enough of it's customer base that the DLC is a profitable business endeavor. I'd bet money that most people playing this game are actually fairly happy with the DLC. It's success will be measured by whether or not the sum total at the bottom of the quarterly fiscal report is written in red or black ink, not the amount of internet whining that goes on in the depths of a forum they more than likely do not even visit.

But again, in no way are they somehow magically obligated to make you happy.
Hahahahaha. Dude, you are absolutely not entitled to satisfaction. In no way is that how the world works. You have a choice to buy it or not buy it, and that's it. Consider it a miracle you're even allowed to make the choice.

Namco/PS's job with the DLC is to satisfy enough of it's customer base that the DLC is a profitable business endeavor. I'd bet money that most people playing this game are actually fairly happy with the DLC. It's success will be measured by whether or not the sum total at the bottom of the quarterly fiscal report is written in red or black ink, not the amount of internet whining that goes on in the depths of a forum they more than likely do not even visit.

But again, in no way are they somehow magically obligated to make you happy.

People go into business to satisfy a demographic. As long as people want something, someone else will exist to provide what they want. It's not an obligation, but a base principle that the point of any business is to appease a certain type of customer. Profits are a byproduct of the company's choice to dedicate themselves into creating something of value. Yes there are some corporations who put profits first, but those clearly don't thrive as people tend to lose interest to cop out products.

There's also a matter of personal preference. I bet there's someone out there completely different from me who only enjoys using the higher priced SCV DLC, as opposed to the character equipment items that come with plenty of parts for a cheaper price than just two little sexy outfits for twice the price. It could be a price thing, or a subjective artistic perspective on how one would like to shape their characters.

No, they are not obligated to make me happy, but I am entitled to a certain level of satisfaction because I chose to engage in this interaction of minsiculy extending my play time of their game I already bought--by chippin in a few more digital dollars to them as my way of saying "you did a good fuckin job programming and designing this game, I want to make more cool looking shit. THANKS for the data updates."

Objectively speaking, if Namco wants to continue thriving through this franchise, they would keep up this DLC release date consistency, but of course compensating for the other side of the demographic that would prefer character equipment DLC.
You absolutely have to plan DLC like that ahead of time or else it absolutely can't be implemented. If the game wasn't designed to have that aspect of it's coding literally changed via patch, it can't be done now.

A statement complete with the word 'absolutely' followed by a conditional sentence, interesting. Do you work for PS, or have they confirmed that that specific part of the game's coding cannot be altered and was designed not to be?​
If so, I'll happily stop requesting, as obviously it'd be pointless.​
Right? I know what you mean. I don't necessarily feel cheated but I just think it's silly of PS not to realize that creation slots are in huge demand. Just because they haven't planned DLC ahead for them like they have for all this equipment (judging by thumbnails) doesn't mean they shouldn't implement it.​
So many people would buy, more than are currently buying the equipment. In fact, a DLC containing slots would probably IMPROVE sales of DLC clothing because people would want new clothes to use in their new slots.

Yes. That's probably what I want the most besides Zasalamel, SCIII returning styles, and IV items. I'm tired of switching through save data with my flashdrives and memory cards. I wanna be able to select any character I want on the spot. I want to be able to experiment without the whole something-of-equal-value-must-be-given bullcrap if my slots are ever full.

Worst of all, I have an Xbox, so I don't have the benefit of taking screenshots of my creations. It's either I take crappy quality photos or spend $100+ for what PS3 users already have. I don't want to delete something I'm really proud of to make room for another. Why can't I have both and more??
This is not historically accurate. Where is my Plague DLC to make my characters sickly and dead
Well for sickly, there is a face makeup that looks zombie like.
And for dead.. the Skeleton equipment.

And yes I know that was sarcasm but I couldn't resist hehe.
People go into business to satisfy a demographic. As long as people want something, someone else will exist to provide what they want. It's not an obligation, but a base principle that the point of any business is to appease a certain type of customer. Profits are a byproduct of the company's choice to dedicate themselves into creating something of value. Yes there are some corporations who put profits first, but those clearly don't thrive as people tend to lose interest to cop out products.

A business that doesn't make profit it's number one priority is like a wolf saying "nah, I don't need to eat that rabbit because it might make me look mean." It has evolved to eat the rabbit. Profit is not a byproduct of a business deciding to create something of value, profit is the reason "something of value" was created in the first place. That's like Intro to Economics. Seriously, name one business that fails to thrive because of this.

And your notion that businesses which prioritize profit and provide inferior products fail to thrive is... Provably absurd to say the least:


Objectively speaking, if Namco wants to continue thriving through this franchise, they would keep up this DLC release date consistency, but of course compensating for the other side of the demographic that would prefer character equipment DLC.

Yeah if by "objectively" you mean "100% subjectively." The other side of the demographic is "compensated" for because it's not like you aren't getting character equipment, you know. Namco just isn't releasing it soon enough to satisfy you. I personally wanted the powdered wig and tuxedo crap before I got the character equipment. Why should your satisfaction as a customer take priority over mine?

I really don't understand what you're complaining about, you're going to get exactly what you want. Namco promised DLC, you're getting DLC. You're getting character equipment DLC no less. Nobody promised you that you'd get it in a manner you yourself deemed timely.

And again for future reference everyone, Namco has a larger customer base than just You.

A statement complete with the word 'absolutely' followed by a conditional sentence, interesting. Do you work for PS, or have they confirmed that that specific part of the game's coding cannot be altered and was designed not to be?​
If so, I'll happily stop requesting, as obviously it'd be pointless.​

Talk to anyone who writes code.
What's worse is that I've made regretful purchases after finding that there isn't much flexibility with some of the mediocre packs I just bashed on lol.

This statement is pretty much expressing why people are spooked when it comes to the dlc packs relased this far.
As far as "free stuff" goes I think the only reasonable thing that we could ask for is an update patch to fix compatibility issues.
It would really make alot of that buyer regret dissapear.
We have already recieved an update for the fighting side of the game.
I'm sure our purchases to this point merit that much.
A business that doesn't make profit it's number one priority is like a wolf saying "nah, I don't need to eat that rabbit because it might make me look mean." It has evolved to eat the rabbit. Profit is not a byproduct of a business deciding to create something of value, profit is the reason "something of value" was created in the first place. That's like Intro to Economics. Seriously, name one business that fails to thrive because of this.

And your notion that businesses which prioritize profit and provide inferior products fail to thrive is... Provably absurd to say the least:


Yeah if by "objectively" you mean "100% subjectively." The other side of the demographic is "compensated" for because it's not like you aren't getting character equipment, you know. Namco just isn't releasing it soon enough to satisfy you. I personally wanted the powdered wig and tuxedo crap before I got the character equipment. Why should your satisfaction as a customer take priority over mine?

I really don't understand what you're complaining about, you're going to get exactly what you want. Namco promised DLC, you're getting DLC. You're getting character equipment DLC no less. Nobody promised you that you'd get it in a manner you yourself deemed timely.

And again for future reference everyone, Namco has a larger customer base than just You.

Talk to anyone who writes code.

You make a good point, my impatience to get what I want causes that distress on my role as a fellow customer like yourself, who answered my question of who actually prefered these original pieces over the character equipment. So I can agree with you on that much.

But I stand by my view on businesses being started for the purpose of satisfying customers that resonate with their product.

Let's LOOK at McDonald's. There could be some higher up corporate goons whose only concern IS the profits, but down in reality, where people actually CREATE for a living to keep their business going, there's a whole other team that actually concern over customer satisfaction. We all know their ingredients aren't the best, but what they end up producing is some delicious food (up for debate) presented and packaged in many different ways. New burgers, combos, limitted time offers--all that good stuff.

Profits are obviously required to sustain the business, but how could they possibly raise those profits if not with new and innovative ways to present their current products, as well as introduce new ones. Creation still > profits if a business is to prosper. McDonald's can keep selling the same stuff, but they choose to expand with McCafe and making smoothies. How does this link to SCV?

For Namco to thrive, they need to come to understand that they have a pretty good following with the SC franchise that just isn't tapped into that much, because they are worried about sales and release dates. Who knows how much better or the same SCV would be if they released on a date that was comfortable for their development team to actually take their time with? My point is, they just threw off their own rhythm with DLC release. It's cool that they did a consistent bi-weekly release, but man did they break a tradition of having 3 minimum DLC options per compatibility pack.

My distress is a fictional one, but still apparent.

Namco doesn't OWE me anything nor are they obligated to. I understand it's my choice to purchase which DLC I personally perceive as valuable. Yes they need to run a business and I guess it's a good marketting ploy to get suckers like me waiting for the character equipment. I'm just saying that if Namco got to know their customers like THQ does (damn look at how they constantly improve UFC games and other franchises), then DLC would probably be more enjoyable to attain because we all had a say in what we wanted. Certain stuff, certain stuff on time. Obviously they can't please everyone, but they CAN get a good data on whether or not people actually like sword fighting in wedding clothes.

Anyways I'm rambling, thank you for time.
People!!!!!! take your bitching to Private Messages... When i see that i have 3 notifications, i expect there to be some witty dlc request, or leaking info/ pixxx.. not the senseless ramblings of a self-entitled euro-centric whiner, and a cynical pseudo-dilettantish economist. Keep it on track.... Or talk about your filthy CaS smut characters with dicks or vajj's
1) I could just quote my previous post,
You might as well stop because you're one post away from crying insufficient realism in your bloodless sword fighting game.
You're talking as if the word fictcional was never in my mind. This isnt about exact realism, this is fantasy based on vague or bias ideas directed from history or at least pseudo-history from their imagination feeding into a fantasy like what Elder scrolls does... but that doesn't equal actual just a flood of actual modern day ware like what we're getting now. I said before this isnt "deadliest warrior" but there is still a theme they were once-some-time-ago trying to potray. Hilde's costume was designed specifically for her character, it being that there were no female knights in history so obviously her design wouldn't exist. Heck, there wouldn't be any females fighting like this if this was hystorical though I say again, its not.
Seriously, who's the most important person at Namco USA that I can complain about lack of creation slots. I will do it right now.
How about you just delete the characters that you dont use or delete the "Naruto, Sasuke, Ichigo,cloud" remakes and give yourself more space. Thats the least they should really care about.
People!!!!!! take your bitching to Private Messages... When i see that i have 3 notifications, i expect there to be some witty dlc request, or leaking info/ pixxx.. not the senseless ramblings of a self-entitled euro-centric whiner, and a cynical pseudo-dilettantish economist. Keep it on track.... Or talk about your filthy CaS smut characters with dicks or vajj's
Well I don't know what thread you think you're on but this discussion is indeed relevant. Its customer commentary in regards to the output of PS and the SC franchise.
Seriously, who's the most important person at Namco USA that I can complain about lack of creation slots. I will do it right now.
Filthierich on Twitter is about the only one at Namco USA that I know of you can contact, and I'm sure he gets that complaint at least ten times a day already.
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