The Movie Thread

Anyone see the Dragonball movie ? I just got out from it (Yea, I just saw it for shits and giggles). To be honest, it was alright, but definitlly not a Dragonball movie. I also was kinda shocked that Akira Toriyama helped produce it (Being that fact he didn't want GT back in the mid 90s. :p) They did try some mild Dragon Ball Z action in the movie (No teleport or crazy chases, just fast punches, kicks, and dodging.). O and the Kamehameha was more like aura energy than an energy blast. Few other changes as well just to name a few:

They definitally bucthered some of the names like, "Go han", "Nimekian". (I know they are spelled incorrect, just wanted to show how they pronounce it.)

They changed how the Dragon Balls were created (Not by Piccolo pre seperation).

Shen Long (could have sworn it Shenron thou :p) is just a regular sized dragon instead of the huge manga/anime size. Plus he doesn't talk nor is he green. :(

Piccolo; on the other hand, was made green (Last min. touch up. Looks like they just tweaked the contrast or sharpness at certain scenes).

Goku doesn't have a tail (Annoyed for Spoiler reasons.).

Roshi is still a pervert.

Chi Chi and Bulma are cute (Chi Chi was better thou :D) !

Just to name a few I can think of. :D
I saw parts of it on my break at work(Movie theater job)

It's pretty much exactly like Legend of Chun-Li. By the book cliche action movie with terrible acting that attaches itself to the name of a popular franchise to make it to movie theaters. I think this one had a more light-hearted feel though. It's has a cheesiness about it as opposed to being overly serious like street fighter.

I found it pretty hilarious at parts though. But I enjoy bad movies

What I'm wondering is who this was made for. It comes out years after dragonball stops being relevant and doesn't even try to appeal to the actual people who still care about the series in any way. And unlike chun-li which was timed to be released with SF4, Dragonball has nothing of the sort to stimulate interest.

Either way yeah it's bad big surprise.

Chi Chi is pretty hot though
2 Movies that you must see before you die.

1. Inglorious Bastards: Probably on of the best Tarantino movie after Pulp fiction

2. The good The bad and The ugly: old school western that is just great
I'm watching Silent hill.

Pyramid head, so cool =D

If memory serves, i think he got that one girls ENTIRE set of clothing off all in one pull prior to ripping off her skin. I mean, how the hell you take off the socks and shoes like that!? Dude's got some SERIOUS game.

Also, Clash of the Titans?! Seriously? LOVED that shit when i was little.
Black Dynamite has started to arrive in select theaters in US mainland and there are mostly positive feedback about it.

Can't wait for this movie to get here.

My most hyped movies to see for now are:

1)Ninja Assasins-Sho Kosugi goes the 300 route. Nuff said.

2)Black Dynamite


Just came out from the theater and this movie truly delivers.

Best action movie of the year easily!!!

Raizo = Ichigo and that last fight was a homage to Ichigo vs. Byakuya, LOL!