The Ranked Junkies Thread

Just cant believe that I only ran into oof once this whole time
You're WC right? If so it may be a location thing. Since I have it set to search for 4+ bars, generally I mostly get connected to EC and central, and very rarely with WC and Europe.

Also I'm usually in ranked every night from 10pm to around 1am EST.
Oh yeah Im in bed by then. I only get on a few hours a week. But ranked matches is the easiest way to get matches going quickly. You and I have a pretty good connection considering the distance (yea Im WC). Ill keep on the look out for you from now on hahahaha
Speaking of connections based on locations, it must be a sweet spot to be in central US and being able to connect equally to both EC and WC. Here on the EC I get some pretty good 3 bar connections and sometimes 4 with Europeans. I wonder if it's the same with WC'ers and Japan/S.Korea? I'm guessing Hawaiians must have it pretty good also with the best of both worlds.
Youre exactly right actually. EU i cant play at all. Ive never had a decent match with anyone from EU. japan however i can play with most the time.
Europeans - Fine connections.

Japanese - Decent to fine connections.

Brazil and Mexico - Trash connections.

USA residents on Walmart connections. - Trash connections.

Hong Kong SAR - Game has been disconnected!
After a year hiatus I'm back on XBL ranked. I see plenty of new names with some serious skill, and some of the same old ragequitters/trash talkers. Glad to see that ranked is still so active. Good times.
It's hard to find good players anymore. Maybe it's me and my military internet but I'm always against people who are putting the game in for the first time.

That or I'm against retards who try the same gimmicky shit they've been pulling since late 2012 (cough cough *TH3 JEFFERSONS* cough). It makes me sad a little.
Hello all. I am a Ranked Junkie. I've been on SCV for a good couple of years or so, and have spent most of it on the Ranked Section. When I first started, I got bent over the barrel in about 5 different directions. Now, I can hold my own fairly well against most people. That's what I love most about it. You either get better, or you become that one guy with a w/l ratio of 3%. The drive is real, and it is addicting.