The Return Of My Cast Of Freaks

Glad to have you back. I hope this means you're gonna get back to making CaS. We really need someone to show us how it's done. [2]
Well hello chaps and chapetts it has been a long time hasn't it? how's everyone doing? I've missed our banter and my fellow creators works, alas my pc went to heaven and until now I was unable to buy a new one!
Hugs and kiss to you all XxX

Fuck these guys I'm just glad you ain't dead! Good god, first Vilarcane, now Matty... Who's next then? C'mon?
A slight redesign of Tokimune

Damit! I was tottally working on a design almost identical to this one. (with a lowered head)Good job, it looks great
I think I've got some catching up to do ;)
yeah mate this board and all the threads is like a huge chest full of gems and talented newcomer have joined us for me page 101 and around is your friend...that should save you another headache :p i even put novelettes in the mix when i got bored...
Oh and your new avatar is great why dont ya make a Cas out of it :)
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@Matty82 , good to see you around. We never crossed paths before as I showed up later, but I know your threads well. It's stuff like yours that inspired me to show up here in the first place.

Really looking forward to your new stuff, man.

Thanks for saying so that means a lot, look forward to seeing your stuff :)
yeah mate this board and all the threads is like a huge chest full of gems and talented newcomer have joined us for me page 101 and around is your friend...that should save you another headache :p i even put novelettes in the mix when i got bored...
Oh and your new avatar is great why dont ya make a Cas out of it :)

I guess I better get busy then ;) You like my Halloween costume eh? I will see if I do it, what do you think of other costume lol scarey no?
I guess I better get busy then ;) You like my Halloween costume eh? I will see if I do it, what do you think of other costume lol scarey no?

Don't tell me that is you ? Oh gosh, hilarious !

Notice you started going through my stuff, yes i did, i'll be lurking for your final rating / comment in a year or so when you are finished catching up :)
Don't tell me that is you ? Oh gosh, hilarious !

Notice you started going through my stuff, yes i did, i'll be lurking for your final rating / comment in a year or so when you are finished catching up :)

Lol this is what happens when you dare me to do something not expecting me to follow through! needless to say there were some very confused chaps at that party!

Don't worry I'll get there I've got lots of peoples stuff to look at so it's gonna take some time