The Spawn Points 4th event (start of monthlies)


[10] Knight
Hello Everyone,

I apologize for the lateness of this announcement... We are going to give monthlies a shot and see how it goes. Myself and some other gamer's who run The Spawn Point are looking to have a Large Street Fighter 3rd Strike and SF4 Event at our store.

The Spawn Point
1608 N Main Ave Scranton PA
In the back of the building

The Agenda will be as follows and offical rules will be posted soon.
(There will a $5 Venue fee, no other money will be taken from the prize pools)

Registration will begin at 1:00 PM The day of the event, but people can register for an individual tournament up to 15 mins before it begins.

1:00 - 2:30- Practice Freeplay

3:00- SF third strike 1 vs 1($10/person)
%60 1st
%30 2nd
%10 3rd

4:30- SF third strike 3 vs 3($5/person)
%60 1st
%30 2nd
%10 3rd

5:30 SF 4 Singles($10/person)
%60 1st
%30 2nd
%10 3rd

7:00 SC4 Singles($10/person)
%60 1st
%30 2nd
%10 3rd

It seems there is some slight hype on SRK too

I hope we can get AT LEAST 20+ people to attend this so we can grow the event and the community!
The Spawn Points 4th event (start of monthlies

I'll try to make it up. Sounds like good practice for Evo. Got to level up so I can achieve my dream of going 1-2 in SF4. I know, it sounds impossible, but you have to dream big!
The Spawn Points 4th event (start of monthlies

Sorry, doesn't look like I'm going to be able to make it to this.

I'll try really hard to make the next one, so long as it doesn't clash with Evo. And it's looking like I might even be able to arrange a special appearance next time by the man himself, the one with Nothing Left to Prove In Pennsylvania, the myth, the legend, Elect. Get hype! Haha.