The Weasel's CaS Collection (Now with 100% MORE SOUL CALIBUR VI!)

Good work! Freya's well put together. She follows all the basic rules of fashion, but she doesn't stand out that much. What she (and most creations) needs is a strong sense of direction. Since you used the falcon helmet and the swan tail belt, you've already got a sort of bird motif going on. Throw some more feather accessories and apply some feather stickers. Or just do the obvious and thrown in the wings. For an example of a bird-themed original creation, check out the harpie on page 1 of my gallery.

As said before, Freya's getting a complete makeover with what is posted being her 2P outfit.

Mr. X is also a good start, but if you wanna do timeless, try going steam punk! Steam punk usually means goggles, belts, gears, and a brown/gold color scheme. Search "steam punk" in the forums and you'll probably end up in finding the steam punk challenge from way back in the day.

Honestly, while understand the appeal of Steampunk as a whole, I don't feel that it fits Mr. X's character... Though, I do have an Idea for Steampunk Warrior; I just need to download more DLC Equipment when I can.

Nalytsium. The string effect on her chest is pretty nifty. Try turning the whole thing white. It'll look a lot more like Elysium that way.

Working on it! :sc5nat1::sc1tak1:

Fabrizio's quite dashing. Very Saints Row III. The cigarette and hat contribute much to the mobster design. It's also neat how you decked out his lower body with holsters, pocket stickers, and zippers. Excellent job!

Thanks! I basically took the best design choices from two different characters and consolidated them into one... You know, "Quality over Quantity" and all that (Though I'm starting to doubt how much quality is in my designs...).

And now for a BIG update.

Mr. X:


No really big changes; Just a few over-sized Pocket Stickers to give his coat and pants some depth as well as some Snakeskin Boots for added Anachronistic flair.


"Why do you choose to fight?"


"What do you hope to accomplish?"


The biggest addition was the tatoo on his back along with a few scars and again, it's nothing to write home about; His whole purpose is to be a slightly generic parody of the more "Edgy" design aesthetics seen in a certain "Other" Namco-Bandai created Fighting Game...


Jean Gabriel:


Nothing major as far as changes go; Just swapping out the Boots for Greaves, the Jeweled Belt for a Thieve's Belt and slight adjustments to the overall color scheme.


Believe me, it stinks that you can't sticker DLC Equipment... Plus, that you can't change the color of the main blue chest plate on CaS, yet it's A-OK to do so on Pattycakes's 2P...


"So, you choose to fight..."


"My swordplay is Peerless!"




Once again, nothing too fancy going on here; A couple of Pocket Stickers on his gloves, an Eyepatch, a good-old-fashioned Cigar ( at the suggestion of brucedge)...


... And a Halo resized and colored to fit in his skull, as well as a set of Bat Wings recolored and fitted to extend the size of his collar.


"Ya' wanna' piece o' this ya' little Sh**?!"


"I'm the baddest cattle-rustlin' sonoffa lich around!"


Again, rate, review, whatever. *Hides behind "Flame Shield"*
Weel, here is my last update for a while; My main source of Electricity is going in for repairs tomorrow, so today's my last day to take care of any Internet-Related buisness... Thus, this new update.



I wanted to take this character in a different direction color & design-wise, using classic Toukosatsu & Sentai Cliches, Techno/Steam Punk tropes as well as Soul Calibur-Era Yoshimitsu & Taki for inspirations, with Brown being the Primary Color I wanted her to have.


To achieve this, I used the "Red-Hued Tights" Trick outlined in my Takylsium CaS, as well as careful adjustments to the colors of the various oversized Pocket & Star Sticker(/s) on her Bodysuit (As well as a Basic Pattern that simulates "Fishnet" mesh). I also added patterns on practically every piece of equipment used in order to give the suit and ExEQ gun a "Well-Used" kind of look.

Also (Just to clear anything up), the Red Ring around the center of her gun is supposed to be a Prism that is used to store & refract light, creating a Steampunk-ish Lasergun (Much like a handheld version of the "Supremacy" Weapon from Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams). The gun itself is made from a Bolt, A Handgun & an Angel's Halo (STILL not quite familiar with all of the official names of the various ExEq pieces).


After much debate, I decided to slim her down only slightly, as I feel her bodytype further reafirms the "Larger-Than-Life" designs most Sentai heroes seem to have...
Well, that's my excuse, anyway.Kappa


The unique make-up Tsumeiji wears are actually two Chinese Characters that were placed by Axis on her face, then recolored and made small enough to mimic eye-liner.


Lastly, here's a teaser from her upcoming Biography...


And with that, rate review, whatever; I'm blacking out for a while after this.
Wellp, after a VERY long time away from this board and Soul Calibur in general, I'm back and having a blast playing Soul Calibur VI. Naturally, I took a look at the character creation suite and while it's definitely lacking parts and pieces to work with at the moment, I have some confidence that older as well as new stuff will be added over the course of the game's lifespan.

With that out of the way though, it's time to say hello once again to everybody's favorite Lich, SKULLHAUSEN!

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As there is a distinct lack of Cowboy-like CaS items at present, I took the opportunity to make a slightly different take on ole' Skully while keeping the same general color scheme from the previous game.

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I was beyond glad to find out that all of the texture tricks and special equipment tricks I used in the SCV version of this guy still apply as well.

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At a glance, he seems to look a little like the mascot for Death Cigarettes now because of the fur along with the trademark cigar, but I honestly don't mind.

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As always, rate/review/critique/praise/flame away. I'll get back to y'all when I get the time to take more photos of my CaS.
I may be bias but I do love a good skelly, and that's a damned good skelly. I love that "playful badass" look he has, more please. :D
I love how he looks 50% funny 50% badass. Nice photos/poses too.

I may be bias but I do love a good skelly, and that's a damned good skelly. I love that "playful badass" look he has, more please. :D

Thanks y'all. Those are some prudent observation there, as I wasn't going for trying to intentionally make Skullhausen look like a truly evil edgelord this time around.

And now, it's time for some cheesecake. Delicious, ridiculous cheesecake.

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In SCV I had a Red-Headed Amazonian CaS with Astaroth's moves, but I was never really happy with the design even after I posted it here.

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With the Ivy BDSM outfit now able to be used, I went with a battle-damaged-by-default look and played around with with finding arm and wrist pieces that actually work with the undergarments, which lead to a complete redesign along the lines of "Bored, Rich Noblewoman with incredible physical strength leaves her life behind and becomes a bandit/frontiers(wo)man that lives off of the land". (Think Rock from Soul Blade/Soul Calibur/ Soul Calibur III/Soul Calibur IV).

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I'll admit that I was definitely inspired by old Heavy Metal Magazine covers and a little bit of Barbianna from the movie "Kung Fury", but otherwise I'm happy with the resulting design.

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As always, rate/review/critique/praise/flame away. I'll try to keep posting around a character a day, maybe more if I can get the time.

EDIT: I now realize that the hair clips through the cowl, but honestly I don't want to change the hair style up.
Death by snu snu

Yep...Kappa I had this character around since SCIV, but back then I didn't have the ability to take photos of my creations. It's just as well; This version is the best yet IMO.

I also have Bios for these characters that I could type out if anybody's interested.
I think because skeletons are always grinning there's no way for them NOT to look slightly playful. The cigar kinda cinched it for me though :D

Freiyja is VERY cool, nice to see some varieties in female design.
I think because skeletons are always grinning there's no way for them NOT to look slightly playful. The cigar kinda cinched it for me though :D

Freiyja is VERY cool, nice to see some varieties in female design.

The cigar came from looking up at the old SCV tutorial on how use Special Equipment to make smoking devices. Also, I was reading through the manga "Space Adventure Cobra" for the first time and really liked the cigar-chomping protagonist's aesthetic and thought "I should make a character that has that." As for Freiyja, well, I generally make two over-sized female characters that could be considered TnA and then stick to more varied looks after that.

Speaking of which, usually I wouldn't post two designs in one day, but I felt like getting the last little bits of cheesecake out of my system... So here's my go-to Ninja Gal Tsumeiji.

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With the loss of the Tiger Lilly equipment, both Pocket Stickers now having a ton of this weird grey "Flashing" around the edges that takes another sticker to go over to get rid of at the expense of the button part, the red/brown leotard trick from SCV not working anymore (As far as I can tell) and the textured Star sticker now slightly transparent at larger sizes even when doubled-up, I had to ditch the old "Leotard over Fishnets" Steampunk-esque look and went with something that's IMO a touch more basic than I would've liked.

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However, with Taki's actual leotard now up for use with the ability to be textured as well as placed with stickers, I built around that by having scar marks that make it look older and mended up close along with the Hanya mask looking battered and worn as well. I also did some texture-reworking on the armlets as while they were in SCV, in VI you can edit the texture of separate parts of the design rather than just the whole thing and the red inlay.

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She's still a looker underneath the mask though. Especially since there's now a make-up option that replicates the look she had in SCV without having to spend hours on end lining up stickers. And yes, she's supposed to be a bigger gal because of head-cannon stuff I'll bore y'all with on request.

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Overall... Eh, I don't mind it as-is, but I'll probably revisit this design when newer equipment pieces get revealed. The hair is perfect now though.Kappa As always, rate/review/critique/praise/flame away.
OK, I took a couple of days off to get some work done, tinker around with some photography in SCVI and patterns and came up with something old, as well something new.

First, the old, in the form of a fencer I had in SCV: Jean Emmanuel Christophe Alain Georges Percival Baptiste Claude-Gabriel, or simply "GABRIEL" in-game.

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I admit that with Raphael no longer a Malfested Vampire or a wandering Shade/Phantom in SCVI, ole' Gabe seems a touch redundant to recreate. Especially when Raphael's default is close, but a touch androgynous to an outfit I originally had made in SCV but never took photos of.

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However, I kind of want to do alternate designs of certain characters to play off of how SCVI isn't exactly a stable timeline, so here we have Gabriel as a dandy who fences rather than the more "Holy" knight that he was in SCV. This would also go along as an excuse to have an overly "Busy" kind of design and wear clothes that look a touch more starchy and new than most of the characters I create. On the flip side, the undertone of him actually being evil underneath the good looks is still somewhat there though... At least I hope.

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And one more pic for good measure.

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OK, so to make up a day of no creations being posted and in the words of "Monty Python's Flying Circus", "And now for something completely different."

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With the inclusion of character races with unique, pre-set special skin/face textures, I knew I wanted to have at least one of each at some point. so when attempts at an Automaton and a Tengu-like swordsman with wings felt unsatisfactory, I decided that I wanted to make a big Orc armed to the teeth with guns in the vein of Warhammer 40K. However, after that proved to be too difficult for me at this time, I went with a more Dungeons & Dragons-flavored design.

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Unusually, it didn't take too long for me to piece the armor and general design together, but the hardest part was re-learning out how to use a certain animal print to make all of the metallic parts of the design look old and worn from hard use.

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Lastly, while I originally thought of using Nightmare's fighting style due to a certain weapon that could've fit the aesthetic of this character, ultimately I went with Siegfried's moveset as I couldn't imagine this Orc Chief having any kind of magical powers. Plus, the big Kanabo-minus-the-spikes weapon sealed the deal for me.

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As always, rate/review/critique/praise/flame away.
Freyia (love the make up and color scheme and overall concept of an Ivy turned Rock), and Xugor is a well done piece of Orc meat.
Your careful use of colors and equ on both shows your skills at making a coherent CAS, both probably look great in-game but without in-game shots... :)
Wellp, after over-sleeping and missing the deadline for the current "Esteemed One-Shot Contest", I suppose I'll post my Libra of Souls character here to bump this thread up back up to the front page.

In SCV I had "Mr. X", a character with vaguely Roman Gladiator-ish armor and an odd, idiosyncratic bare-handed fighting style to go along with the "Ripped out of Tekken" look he ended up having. With no barehanded fighting style in Soul Calibur VI as of yet and a germ of an idea from the original constructive criticism I got after posting him here, I went to work and came up with something similar but different...

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I now present "Xavier". He's more-or-less the same basic character as before minus the edgy anime martial arts powers (Flying through the air with ephemeral wings, forehead lasers etc. etc.) but now has a much more Steampunk-ish vibe to match a big sword of his own design, crafted out of junk metal sourced from various odd factory jobs.

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Seriously, this thing is completely ridiculous in size and shape. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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I have to say, the full-body grease sticker really adds to the whole "Dirty, weathered and tough" look. Though to be honest, with the skull belt and chains he does have an 1980's Heavy Metal album cover look... I suppose I could add some Special Equipment gears, maybe swap out the rusted arm & leg guards for chains...

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As always, rate/review/critique/praise/flame away. I might make more alternate looks for my characters due to the increased number of CaS slots available, maybe even "Alternate Timeline" stuff with different movesets even... As of right now, I need to take care of a few things around the house before I head back into Libra of Souls.

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Awesome job on the Libra character! It's still 11:00 PM here in New York, so I'd love to see you post it in the contest thread.

Thanks. If that's the case, I'll post Xavier over in that thread in no time.

New set looks pretty badass.

Thank you. I think it's just a case of my personal sense of design changing to go along with the increases in what exactly one can do with the pieces in CaS. I'm looking forward to having more sooner rather than later.