Things in SCIV that made me appreciate SCV...


Shining Sea Dragon

While SCV lacked extra modes and fan-favorite characters, I still found myself playing it more often than SC4. When I went back to play SC4, I learned to appreciate SCV for these reasons:
  • Accessibility
    • The first thing I experienced when I popped SC4 back in was some DYMM.
      • :sc1tak1: Taki's ninja flip is :A+K:, while :sc5nat1: Natsu's flip is :B+K:.
        • Unless mapped to a shoulder button, :A+K: is a pain... (by default, :A: is WEST and :K: is EAST on a standard controller).
      • :sc4sop1: Sophitia's downward stabs start with :B::2:, while :sc5pyr1: Pyrrha's start with :B+K:.
    • I found character much harder to learn, especially after playing SCV.
  • Character Customization
    • Character Body Types
      • While giving character unique body types was a then new idea, SCV lets you adjust each body part. In SCIV, if you want your female to have a big rack, they must be thick everywhere else.
      • Unique heights were introduced in SCV. All CaS before then were the same height.
    • Custom Weapon Effects
      • Their removal in SCV was a double-edged sword for me.
        • On one hand, they removed a valuable staple in the Soul Series, disallowing more variety in the gameplay.
          • Some people could care less about them, anyway. YMMV.
        • On the other hand, it allowed more freedom with the Creation Mode so you don't have to cloth your CaS in Rainbow Pimp Gear for the stats.
          • I feel that stats and effects should be all left to the weapon and each creation slot should have at least several weapons slots.
  • Critical Finish
    • I originally liked the idea of the Critical Finish. From a presentation standpoint, they looked flashy, brutal, and awesome (well, most of them). Looking back at them, I realized they were OP! To use a Critical Finish, you drain your opponent's Soul Gauge. The Soul Gauge starts to deplete as your opponent blocks more attacks. Once the gauge is empty, the opponent will be put in a defenseless state called Soul Crush. During Soul Crush, Press :A::+::B::+::K::+::G: (which is mapped to a shoulder button) to instantly finish your opponent off. I feel that the Critical Finish punished excessive block too harshly by letting you be killed off INSTANTLY!!! At least with Guard Burst, you still had a fighting chance.
So, what do you guys think?
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In SoulCaliburIV, Tira lost alot more health from her moves. LIKE, alot more. Whenever I see people complain about Tira's self damaging moves, I just say to them "Could be alot worse... alot worse"
Also, the 66666K 66666A 66666B inputs that Tira had in SCIV were really something; sometimes I screw up 666B in SCV but very rarely, however, it is NOTHING compared to the amount of times I don't input the dumb "justframe" command for her piss poor combo's. (and generally you had to do like, 3 or 4 of these in a row. holy shit)
Seriously, some people think iMFC > RCC > 3B is hard?
Try CH 22B 66666A 66666A 66666A 66666A 66666A 66666A 66666A ect.
Another thing in SCIV is alot of characters ride on their just inputs. It would be pretty dumb to play a character if you couldn't correctly do their just inputs, similiar to playing aPat in SCV without being able to do Twister.
I appreciate that we FINALLY can have a customizable cat tail... =P I know, it's dumb... but it sucked having cat ears equipment without the tail equipment... YOU KNOW??!
No more star wars shit
No more critical finish
I hate Viola, but still better than Amy
Some chara designs were truly horrible
On the whole A+K thing, you just need to map your buttons well. B+G is the other awkward combination to press, and the two combined create A+B+K+G, so having those set allowed you to easily do CFs while dealing with the awkward and more common combinations.

I've been back once SCIV once...
CaS really was terrible compared to now and, of course, the online was unplayably bad... Strange considering how much I played it and how much more invested I was in the series because of it.
Yet, I spent a fair amount of that revisit messing around with the single-player stuff... messing around with Charge Cancel, seeing if I can still beat that Algol without him ringing himself out... stuff. I wish SCV had at least something I could do offline, but I guess I don't miss what SCIV had too much.
The characters in SCV don't look like they're made of plastic or seem like they carried disease like in SCIV (the bags under their eyes were creepy as fuck).

Mitsu's 1A is FAR more bearable in SCV than in SCIV when fighting him

No more Hilde doom combos
A+K was a good thing. Mapping is a simple fix.

Sophie's B2 and Pyrrha's 2BK is not a good comparison since Sophie's stab was a bit of a feint for her Standard B attack. She had that input for a reason.

SCIV wasn't hard to learn. SCV seems more accessible to you because the movelists were shortened. Which is a bad thing. Period.

Custom weapon effects were not a valuable staple. Imagine Viola having HP drain A and you'll recant that statement.
SC4 I miss the joke weapons like Nightmare's GIANT SQUID OF DOOOOM! And Siegfried's awesome surfboard with the imprisoned seagulls who would scream each time you smacked someone with it. >:3
SC4 I miss the joke weapons like Nightmare's GIANT SQUID OF DOOOOM! And Siegfried's awesome surfboard with the imprisoned seagulls who would scream each time you smacked someone with it. >:3

The giant squid made it in SCV, but the surfboard did not...
The music in SCIV is also incredibly snore-inducing. I don't know what it is about it, but almost every track on the OST(save for Thanatos of course) just feels like a lullaby D:
The music in SCIV is also incredibly snore-inducing. I don't know what it is about it, but almost every track on the OST(save for Thanatos of course) just feels like a lullaby D:
I hope you're not including "Duel of the Fates". Because I'd like the game to play that for every match in every arena ever.
i don't see how that's a bad thing. there were tons of moves in 4 that were just shit or outclassed by other moves. i'd prefer the movelists for 5 over 4 anyday.
The closest thing to a stance in 5 is K+G or running. That's sad. Anyway variety is the spice of life. I used a good 70% of my list in 4. Sure, in high level play a good number of moves are left unused but going off the beaten path has it's merits.