To take some of the tension off corrondo, Vile has missed 1/3 of the TD's I have predicted, will he continue to miss out and prove my theory to be true? Or will he finally show up to a TD?
Soon, few things; All of our timings have to be matched/scheduled with PW.
-My RL time is starting to get its ass kicked
-I ran out of Gold on the 8th. (need a real jay oh bee)
-I have no idea who is scheduled for TD each week or day aka playing a guessing game. I wouldn't say that 1/3 is missed but still yet to come. Or hell idk maybe it was missed and could've been #26 - i dont know the schedule.
-I can't say that i'll be staying out of this until i see some real organization hint because, i've already challenged three people of interest.

I haven't played SCV for a week now AGAIN this is like one of those breaks that i seem to keep taking and just happen. You should use my absence as an advantage. So far there's been only two people seen to actually do just that. What i'm saying is... if i were to get XBL tomorrow and have a thunderdome this saturday, and not be able to play SCV till wednesday; theres no way i'd be at 90% to make sure i don't mess up another TD, i'd have to play against different types of players under different latent conditions for several hours "and win", and not just jump into a TD. It could take up another two weeks before match 1/3 actually starts.

P.S. OAN don't rush to your death. You got a good ZWEI thing going on... until you lost to CD that is. Then i just lost confidence...
This is why you PM him ahead of time to see when he is available instead of last minute....

And what, I barely used ZWEI in the CD fight.

If you're going to challenge someone, just show up... stop making it more complicated than it needs to be, it's just a game.
[SC|TSF] Xephukai VS Loloroco FT10 THUNDERDOME
Loloroco wins | 10-7

We will have our runback at Final Round. Don't worry about the THUNDERDOME RIB Next week. FR is right around the corner.
So I hear some fuss in the SCV competitive players on the FB page saying they would like to see some female Thunderdome sets, yes, Girl vs Girl. (oooooh)

I know there's a few female registered here on 8WR. I admit it would be kinda entertaining to see how females would duke it out. Haha. It would also be nice to be one of the first females to be in a Thunderdome. =]

So anyway, Im a PSN player, and I think alot of you may know me/heard of me.
But annywaaaay, I would like to put it out there that if any female player would wanna try to have a Thunderdome set, Im down because there are very few of us. If, any female is interested, let me know. Im just putting it out there!
I dont see how this would be very different from two males competing in the thunderdome lol

1) We need to use smexy-sexy CaS characters!

2) Boob stabs are illegal.

3) Look at WWE women fights, you need to play some EMMALUTION and Katy Perry while you fight!
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Love can bloom on the battlefield.