Transitioning from other FG's and how it affects your choices?


[10] Knight
So I didn't know where to put this thread at so I'm putting it here but this topic has been on my mind for the past few days as well as listening to Slips,16bit and Jwong talking about the same topic in a recent Kombat Tomb podcast on Test Your Might and been very curious on others opinion on the topic from other players. When you been playing a FG for a period of time and you move on and learn another FG competitively whenever if it's smash lol, 2d or 3d, what do you look for when you approach a new fighter and in characters like high/low mixup, poking, turtling, rushdown etc. etc. and how can it translate in your playstyle in general as well as looking for a character that works for your playstyle?