Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Yeah Wolverine isn't all that great. Unseeable mixups into death combos that lead to another 50/50 guess-or-die situation for the character coming in isn't anything special.
Maybe tomorrow, barring any random bullshit. I'm back to using Magneto after sitting down in practice and cranking out combos. I can even do them in lag!

Also, lets play Left 4 Dead 2, I still need to play No Mercy and The Sacrifice.
Sure, I will leave Wednesday clear then.
Top 5 is really hard for me to gauge. All I know is Phoenix, Dante, and Magneto are the top 3 in the game and then there's a huge list of characters battling for position in top 10 and Wesker and Wolverine are in it.

Wolverine still has a lot going. His normals are amazing, j.H is amazing anti air, drill claw is great when used with assists for shenanigans, berserk slash is still good, dive kick, all throws combo, he can TOD, he can DHC glitch, lot of mind games with X-factor canceling, instant over head with j.L, can combo off a LOT of pokes, good movement, etc... There is a lot people abuse with the character that can be thwarted if you know how to deal with it, but he's still left with a lot of legit things. His one glaring weakness though is his dependency on a good assist in some matchups.
Really wish I could learn Dante and Magneto, I just get lost in Dante's complexity and high execution combos and with Magneto I can't find the timing on the loops (cuz god knows i wanna whore triangle jumps and dat beam!)
I think Taskmaster is up there when it comes to the top characters, he can zone well has decent rushdown and comeback ability. He has a move that no one uses, the one where he hits you with the sword and if you block he can attack you anyways. I seriously wish people would get off the bandwagon and learn different characters. I look at a lot of characters and I see potential for them.
I seriously wish people would get off the bandwagon and learn different characters. I look at a lot of characters and I see potential for them.

This right here.

I got tired of going to ranbats and sucking seeing the same six characters played on every single team.
He has a move that no one uses, the one where he hits you with the sword and if you block he can attack you anyways.
Pushblock makes it unsafe unless you really set it up properly with assists, and even then the damage is barely worth it when he can just play safer and go for chip or throw around beefy normals.

Also in regards to using most other characters in this game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY7Hh5PzELo
It has some use. if the assists is long enough you do just the head butt, they get caught by the assist, then you do a full combo. You can also hyper cancel and X-factor for much more damage.
Yeah Wolverine isn't all that great. Unseeable mixups into death combos that lead to another 50/50 guess-or-die situation for the character coming in isn't anything special.

The only true fifty Wolverine has is his Berserker Slash, and that's only from mid-range and unsafe without an assist covering it. At close range he'll always go behind you and at far range he'll always be in front of you. Either way, you shouldn't be playing his game, as he has to play the game of any character that can space him out (which all of the top five I listed have going for them).

Also, the only way he can mix you up when your next character is if you character coming in doesn't have an up dash (against with the only things he can do are either a meaty attack or leveled out dive-kick, which will give you the advantage again unless he uses an assist). With characters with no up dash, just learn to block and don't press buttons on the way in; most of the characters in the game have to telegraph their mixups on characters coming in.

As for the 'death combos', if he doesn't have X-Factor or an assist, he does about the same damage as any characters, except he's more simplistic.

I really wish I would've went to UFGT or whatever the hell it was called just to show how I used to play. I may pick the game up again and play at SJ/Dev, but it's honestly gotten boring for me now. Either way, if JWong's inability to play Akuma (or Tron before him...or any player who's been uses Tron in tournaments for that matter; her J. H is just asking to be anti-aired; they should be using J. L if their opponent stays in place) to a respectable level isn't evidence of American players' overall laziness, I don't know what is.

With that said, as said before, first it was Sentinel (who's just damn near all around a terrible character, sans his assist), then Wesker (who's a decent all-around character who can play/shut down keepaway), and now Wolverine (who people are too lazy to learn how to defend against). But whatever, so is life.
I think it's a bit much to call Sentinel terrible. I think he is decently good, actually, but in Marvel being only decently good gets your ass in Mid Tier, where you sit and fester. That assist of his definitely helps, but he can fly, has a command grab, has projectiles, super armor, and three great supers. I think he is at least average to above average.
Wolv has an instant over head...j.L. If you go j.LLS, you land with plenty of hitstun to combo...so there be your 50/50. As for non-X-factor combos...he does over 1000k if you have an assist that can catch the OTG:

LM2MHS, sj.MMLH>drill>dive kick, land, MHS, s.j MMHS, dash, Assist, [fc.M, DP.L>X hyper(air)] repeat as long as you have meter. Wolv TOD's easily if you have the meter.

Also found out yesterday Wolv can OTG and continue combing AFTER lvl 3 hyper without charge or xfactor. Might already be known but I about shat a brick when I did it last night. Wolverine can also hyper cancel unsafe moves and take advantage of the invincibility if he reads the punish.

Sentinel is not bad, he's just got defense issues. When he's x-factored or paired with a good assist he can wreck face...there's just a lot of bad ones out there that don't understand that they can't afford to let people get close and start abusing instant over heads.
Tron before him...or any player who's been uses Tron in tournaments for that matter; her J. H is just asking to be anti-aired; they should be using J. L if their opponent stays in place

THIS, I hate when people think that shit is the greatest move she has. Playing hulk made me realize a lot of the B.S. people pull isn't that hard to stop. Sure he has super armor but if hulk can stop things then other characters should be able to do the same in some way or another.

LP I would really like to see you play since you seem to have a decent grasp on this game.
I think it's a bit much to call Sentinel...above average.

Wolv has an instant over head...heads.

Wolverine can only combo off of his instant overhead against average and smaller characters with the help of an assist (which is why you see JWong call the Akuma assist the few times he does the instant overhead). Many of the characters in the game have that same ability.

This is also precisely one of the reasons Sentinel is so bad. He gets instant overhead combo'd by characters without the aid of an assist, most of his normals (ground and air, though he can fly cancel) are far too slow and/or unsafe to actually matter, and armor starts up too late on his attacks far too late to matter (so he has to anticipate attacks for the armor to matter, but his whiff animations are so long that he gets punished by most anyone or at least pressured, which is terrible for him).

His best bet against pressure is to pushblock and try to run away or throw out an armor attack in anticipation most of the time, which are both risky. The former also risky because one of his best ways to not get pressured is to jump backwards, but his airthrow sucks because of his shitty jump and OS airthrow for his is terrible because of his jump and the fact that J. H hits at a downward arc.

Really, his only saving grace is that, if you properly space and you bait an airthrow, his J. S.'s armor will catch most attacks your opponent tries to hit you with. His fly helps sometimes, but, really, the only threatening things that stop pressure from it are his J. S and HardDrive. His command grab is actually pretty decent if he's somehow pressuring another character, but that really only happens with the help of an assist or drones and his keepaway is subpar without the help of someone like Dante, Shuma, or Haggar. Even then, with the exception of Shuma, if you jump at the height of his head and sling projectiles/teleport a la Zero, his pretty much kills all of his projectiles. Hell, my whole strategy vs. him with Storm pretty much consists of doing that and running away and pretty much combo'ing him if he somehow gets close (he rarely does) and there's really nothing he can do about it except try to fly around it or HD on anticipation because his jump animation and slow and blocked Whirlwind puts him right back at square one.

Also, IFB, you do realize that most of the characters in the game get an OTG off of their level 3's, don't you? Also, he can't continue combo'ing without the aid of an assist or X-factor. If so, that's news to me and I'd like to know how. On top of that, HC'ing into Beserker Charge is the only thing he can do to make his unsafe stuff safe (without an assist...which is why you always see players HC into BC after Berserker Slash - because it's unsafe and if it does hit, he gets a free combo. He does not have frame advantage after this (nor invincibility, but the blockstun from Berserker Slash keeps you from interrupting it).
Needing an assist to do a lot of his stuff doesn't mean its not good it just means he's a point character, although I agree he's a bit overated. Generally yeah his mixups are not scary enough to be top IMO.
THIS, I hate when people think that shit is the greatest move she has. Playing hulk made me realize a lot of the B.S. people pull isn't that hard to stop. Sure he has super armor but if hulk can stop things then other characters should be able to do the same in some way or another.

LP I would really like to see you play since you seem to have a decent grasp on this game.

Yeah, a lot of people seem like they just want the answers handed to them. I just tend to go into fighting games with the mindset that there has to be a way around some stuff. I might end up picking the game back up, but I'm really not a fan of X-factor (mostly canceling blockstun and punishing damn near everything on block), Dark Phoenix, or the DHC glitch. Really wish I would've went to UFGT because I really think I could have won, but meh. Really want to show people how stupid Zero really is. =P

Needing an assist to do a lot of his stuff doesn't mean its not good it just means he's a point character, although I agree he's a bit overated. Generally yeah his mixups are not scary enough to be top IMO.
I wasn't saying it's not good, I was just saying that it's not Wolverine-exclusive and people should stop acting like it is. I really only think so many people think he's unstoppable because he's so simple and self-explanatory.
lol Zero's hella stupid. Sure he has to work his ass off to do damage, but he's one of the strongest combo starters in the game with his high priority, multi hits, easy to confirm hits, loose conditions on how you need to start a combo, movement, cross ups, etc... My friend uses him and then DHCs to Doom Upward hyper and it GREAT damage
DHC glitch is annoying, I like how people say the game needs it to make certain charactes viable but I only see like 4 characters in tournaments. "if you take away the DHC glitch then you can't use a lot of low tier characters...." My response " what low tier characters need it?" Their response ".... STFU noob"