Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Take all my advice with a grain of salt though. I'm still low level at this game and really just giving advice through tips I've been handed and my process of coming up with solutions. I highly suggest checking the trends of others on SRK to get a start and then expand your own way. I read a nice Dorm team building tutorial on there and built my team. They explained his weakness and strong assist for different benefits. You don't have to steal existing teams and tier whore, you can just use them to get ideas and see if you can gain similar benefits or substitute

I opted for Taskmaster in place of a beam assist which is the normal assist for Dorm. it work similarly and it's more my flavor of play with Task on point than the beam assist characters
My team has good synergy with combos or so. It's fun doing Felcia's Dancing flash to Zero's Rekkoha to Chun-li's Kikosho for instance. Now, I need to learn how to play better lol.
Yeah, I think I'm done with this game. No matter how much I learn and practice I still lose to scrubby bullshit. Wolverine dive kicks lololo great difficult rushdown.
Wait for the first real nerf patch. That will help shape the future of the game. Right now ya...there's some bullshit, cut give it time.
So, I'm tired of playing randoms. If anyone feels like making me rage at the shitty online, feel free to add me. I'm currently 4th lord so make it what you want to make of it.

PSN ID is eagerbottomboi
Yeah, I think I'm done with this game. No matter how much I learn and practice I still lose to scrubby bullshit. Wolverine dive kicks lololo great difficult rushdown.

You definitely need to play Wesker, then. There's nothing more satisfying than beating someone almost solely on using his Hyper Counter. It's like it was made specifically for fighting scrubby rushdowns.

"Such a waste of life."
I am going to be playing this game offline since the scene is much better for it in California. Play me online please I needs practice

Psn: juece
I'm thinking of using Hulk, Magneto, and Wesker for my tournament team. What are your guys opinion on this? Wesker as anchor seems like the best option as he is a beast on his own and with LV3 X factor its just insane. The other thing I see is that mag can zone well and has a good rush down game so he can also hold his own, and I could possibly use his magnetic hold assist to extend hulks combos or I could just use his beam assist. Any thoughts on this team would be greatly appreciated.
I'm thinking of using Hulk, Magneto, and Wesker for my tournament team. What are your guys opinion on this? Wesker as anchor seems like the best option as he is a beast on his own and with LV3 X factor its just insane. The other thing I see is that mag can zone well and has a good rush down game so he can also hold his own, and I could possibly use his magnetic hold assist to extend hulks combos or I could just use his beam assist. Any thoughts on this team would be greatly appreciated.

Wesker is great, but I'd say he wants better assists (I might suggest Doom), from what I've seen of tourny play. Hulk and Mags speak for themselves though, bringing me to my question; anyone ever try Mags' shield as an assist, it's hard to use, on point, and doesnt work well as a setup from what I've tried, but it can't be completely worthless...?
I would opt for mag beam assist and use wesker to extend combos with OTG. Hulk needs long rang assists to get in so the beam is necessary. Not sure how well the team DHC's though. I can see great corner combos, but issues with mid screen hypers. Hulk and mag both need the character close to do any worth while damage and their mid screen hypers push away. Wesker is usually just bad for a follow up DHC unless it will kill, I say this because the damage always seems poor and your better saving the meter. Though Wesker is good to set up DHC for the others. One benefit though is with all the realunch and push you can likely always carry them to the corner.

I'm not even sure Wesker needs assists to operate, and while most of his aren't good, the OTG is VERY good for combos. The fact his gunshot leads into a HUGE combo makes it so he can always get in and once he's in he can be devastating. A Magneto beam to complicate the stage would be best IMO. Gives you cross up teleporting and can just add more pressure. It can also be used to reverse advantage on zoning wars so you can go back to poking with gun shots on point.

I would opt for Hulk AA simply because, while i love wave, Magneto beam already serves a similar purpose and neither Mag nor Wesker needs a high priority projectile for zoning fights outside of what they have and counter tactics. I'm also pretty sure AA is a combo good set up for both Mag and Wesker.

Your main goal with this team should be focused on heavy meter-less combos and using meter to push them all the way to the corner or DHC for heavy damage once they're there. Besides the fact mid screen DHC's are weak with Mag and Hulk on point, this teams seems pretty solid, the damage output and meter gain looks very promising. Any enemy hit in the corner with meter to spare should be fucked.
anyone that has the MvC3 guide or knows about the frame data, can you explain what the hell is the startup, active, and recovery frames? shit is confusing, why couldn't they have made it simple like SC4
I have the guide I just don't get that shit, they all pretty much sound alike. It says startup frames are the number of frames an attack takes to become capable of hitting the oponent. Active frames is the number of frames in which a move is actually capable of striking. Recovery frames I kind of get it
if a move has 3 start-up frames, 3 active frames, and 2 recovery frames, putting it in SC terms would basically be..
i3 -2. the "active frames" mean that if the opponent blocks your move for the first frame and then throws something out while your move is still active, they'll get hit (if their move doesn't have armor). it's just the same as soul calibur for the most part, cept with active frames and invincibility/armor frames. don't let em throw you off. ^_^
if a move has 3 start-up frames, 3 active frames, and 2 recovery frames, putting it in SC terms would basically be..
i3 -2. the "active frames" mean that if the opponent blocks your move for the first frame and then throws something out while your move is still active, they'll get hit (if their move doesn't have armor). it's just the same as soul calibur for the most part, cept with active frames and invincibility/armor frames. don't let em throw you off. ^_^

oh... holy shit I'm kind of getting it now, so active frames is basically for how long the move lasts we could say, and start-up is basically the SC4 IMP... right
yes. It also means you can gauge a meaty hit with it too.

If it says active: 5, recovery: -3: that means if you connect with the final frames of the active instead of the beginning, you can achieve +2 on block instead of -3!
yes. It also means you can gauge a meaty hit with it too.

If it says active: 5, recovery: -3: that means if you connect with the final frames of the active instead of the beginning, you can achieve +2 on block instead of -3!

oh ok, so is the recovery frames refering to when an attack does not land? otherwise if it's guarded it'd be on guard disadvantage rather than recovery... right?
I'm right now maining. Albert, Taskmaster and Tron but i'm also trying out Dante. Anyone know any good combos with him? I've only learned to make use of his "Jaming season" asist and then do Alberts lvl 3 ultra.

EDIT: Yes! I say Albert instead of Wesker lol
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