Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

After playing for a few hours, my first thoughts on the balance changes seem very positive so far. Personally, it feels like almost every combo is much more tighter than what it used to be. I found myself dropping combos frequently until i adjusted my timing and even then, it still felt...off? Don't really know how to explain it. But it definitely feels like combos are tighter. Also, all the old cast's mission have been changed and are a bit different than before. Some character's missions are harder, some are actually easier (Dante's missions are still piss easy). I tried Vergil, Frank, and Nova's missions as well, and I have to tell you guys, Vergil mission 9 will make you tear your brains out. God was that an ordeal, and I gotta do it again on the PS3 ---___---

The new characters are very fun to play. I was trying out a couple of the new cast (mainly the ones I've mentioned) and they're all looking pretty solid. For now, I'll just focus mainly on Vergil though

The first Son of Sparda is much better than i had anticipated, however, personally, I do not see him being top tier. First, I would like to say that he is very straight-forward with his game plan. His mixup game is insane with teleports along with the right assists (e.g. Dante Weasel Shot) and meter. Also, his range is absolutely orgasmic. Much like his brother, he can bully you from pretty much half-screen and laugh at you while you're going WTF O_o. His reset options are also very insane. He also has the old Wolverine Berserker Slash-->Berserker Charge BS with Rapid Slash-->Devil Trigger/Spiral Swords, but Rapid Slash is considerably slower than Berserker Slash and doesn't have any invincibility so I think it won't be as effective as most people would like to think. Also, Vergil's damage output is not very high. I had issues trying to break the 750K mark with two hypers and assists. He's also considerably unsafe beyond all hell. It doesn't help that because his game plan is so straight-forward, his moves can be easily telegraphed. Vergil is an extremely solid character, and he's definitely at least high tier, but I can't see him being top as of now.

Ammy is pretty much the same in most aspects. HHH combos are still intact, albeit much more tighter as I've mentioned already along with her hitstun nerf to her normals. Everything else feels generally the same. Glaive retains it's massive range in everything, but charges feel somewhat longer (might just be my TV lagging on me though). Whip still has its insane range. Cold Star feels a little slower as well (again, might just be my TV). The only real nerf i see with her is that she can't block during air dashes, which isn't really all too bad anyway. The speed is still there. The insane air grab range is virtually the same. You just can't derp your way in for free anymore.
good...I was so worried Ammy might have been shitted on. Thank god she is saved.
The first Son of Sparda is much better than i had anticipated, however, personally, I do not see him being top tier. First, I would like to say that he is very straight-forward with his game plan. His mixup game is insane with teleports along with the right assists (e.g. Dante Weasel Shot) and meter. Also, his range is absolutely orgasmic. Much like his brother, he can bully you from pretty much half-screen and laugh at you while you're going WTF O_o. His reset options are also very insane. He also has the old Wolverine Berserker Slash-->Berserker Charge BS with Rapid Slash-->Devil Trigger/Spiral Swords, but Rapid Slash is considerably slower than Berserker Slash and doesn't have any invincibility so I think it won't be as effective as most people would like to think. Also, Vergil's damage output is not very high. I had issues trying to break the 750K mark with two hypers and assists. He's also considerably unsafe beyond all hell. It doesn't help that because his game plan is so straight-forward, his moves can be easily telegraphed. Vergil is an extremely solid character, and he's definitely at least high tier, but I can't see him being top as of now.
750k for 2 hypers is fine by me. No death combos in my UMvC3, thanks. Also, Vergil's not unsafe. All you have to do is cancel stuff into Judgment Cut L after using a blockstring. I also don't see how a character can be "telegraphed" just because they have a "straight-forward" game-plan (Not that I think Vergil has one of those). And if his mixup game is insane, it shouldn't be that straight-forward at all. Trust me on this, Vergil is gonna be top.

I cannot wait until Tuesday.
I was hearing that vergil is more about resets than high damage output so its understandable that he can't do really high damage off one combo. The more I think about the possibilities to more hype I get, I want this game so I can get ready for dat EVO.

SC5 and UMVC3 will be taking away my free time.
Btw is it true Weskers new 6P outfit is the color scheme of Mitsunari Ishida? if so, that guys influence is everywhere, first Zwei, then that new guy from PSO2 and if true wesker as well...
So got more hands on time today and some of my own practice time.

Ghostrider and Virgil will be the Day 1 OMFG WTF problem characters till people learn how to fight them. Virgil has insane range on his normals and his resets are very strong. He is unsafe however, so learning to block him is a must because he can straight up zone you with physical normals from 3/4s the screen.

Ghostrider is particularly good when paired with Doom missles...like STUPID good. Just mashing s.HH and j. S will keep people pinned down. If s.HH lands you get an easy 600k combo right there for 1 meter. To keep out jump ins his j.H has a stupidly huge hitbox above him. But beyond poking for huge damage, the one move that really shines is when he gets you in the corner you can spam b.H. This move is an OTG pillar of flame that reach high enough to stop normal jump ins, frame traps into itself, absorbs all projectiles, super fast start up, combos into itself, and the chip damage is sickening. My friend played the hole match spamming doom assist and j.S'ing me to the corner where he would keep getting in the missles lockdown and begin to chip me with that move.

Rocket raccoon will take some time as he combos very awkward with his short range, but he has interesting tricks. He can actually set up his own cross up with the QCF M and then burrow.

Akuma's tatsu is definitely nerfed but not totally a loss. I could still use him, but my timing to follow up was much tighter and after long combos it would let them out very early. It still works great for pressure and anti projectile, but certain teams will not be able to use him like they did for vanilla. His air demon flip is awesome though! Lots of shenanigans can be done such as air jumping to meet an opponent and demon flipping over a projectile into demon palm for full combo! You can also score some very nice corner cross ups by air demon flipping into foot dive after. You can still OTG demon flip>kick into relaunch combo. I noticed no difference in my basic BnBs.

Taskmaster...i love that new move. It is 100% safe, you can OTG hyper arrows, assist OTG and combo, or dash then jump into OTG down arrows + assist and keep combing. I was able to do it, call akuma tatsu, then otg arrows, land and continue at the tail end of akuma tatsu...so yeah great way to safe cancel shield! And shield goes further! You will have to modify combos tho. j.H lifts them higher and OTG arrows will not allow self relaunch from what I've seen. I expect we will see new combos arise out of special canceling spider swing, for possible relaunches. Special canceling spider swing will be a great pressure tool. His hyper arrows also seem to be grouped tighter and miss less often.

I love everything so far with my only issue actually being the x-factor visual...which i thought was ok...but now I'm seeing a definite 'who the fuck is who' issue with mirror matches and etc... The GUI is fine in terms of it works...but it is absolutely retarded. The order it displays your characters is: Assist 2, Point, Assist1... ?!? The X being so obv is actually nice, but everything else about it is just terrible. I REALLY hope we get the ability to revert it to vanilla.
Yeah it's hard to weigh in on the characters cuz my mind is so blown by how how much there is to consider with the changes and new characters. Capcom did a really good job with them in terms of making them interesting, but expect tons of people screaming broke in the first few weeks. That guide is something i desperately want and it saddened me to not have it while I had the game.

I'm still debating if I'll run my vanilla team for tonights opening tourny or see if I can lame out a win with Ghostrider...cuz if you don't know how to deal with him you're fucked...but I suck with doom >_<

Also doom bouncing j.S...gah! Why the fuck does he need that! Move is scary!
Yeah it's hard to weigh in on the characters cuz my mind is so blown by how how much there is to consider with the changes and new characters. Capcom did a really good job with them in terms of making them interesting, but expect tons of people screaming broke in the first few weeks. That guide is something i desperately want and it saddened me to not have it while I had the game.

I'm still debating if I'll run my vanilla team for tonights opening tourny or see if I can lame out a win with Ghostrider...cuz if you don't know how to deal with him you're fucked...but I suck with doom >_<

Also doom bouncing j.S...gah! Why the fuck does he need that! Move is scary!

I tollldddd you soooo....
Nova looks so sick after watching some marvel matches! It looks like he hits like a truck and that's just awesome, so awesome I may just throw him in with my doom and Dorm team so I have him with some awesome assists.

Shin how is that Hulk? seeing as people can't air dash towards him now he has the scare factor on his side.

Nova is definitely a character to watch out for. His mobility is awesome with Flight and 8-way air dashes and along with his great damage make him a great character. The two things that stand out to me most about Nova is his Energy Javelin and c.M. Energy Javelin is a great zoning tool that homes in and even causes a ground bounce if it hits airborne. His c.M has RIDICULOUS range to it. He slides about 3/4 of the screen and makes She-Hulk's Vanilla slide look like shit.

Hulk is, for better or worse, around the same i guess. Not much was really changed to him, but there is some new things he can do. His new command normal, Incredible Punch (f+M) can be kara canceled into his command throw, so there's a plus. Other than that, didn't see too much of a difference. Sorry. =/

750k for 2 hypers is fine by me. No death combos in my UMvC3, thanks. Also, Vergil's not unsafe. All you have to do is cancel stuff into Judgment Cut L after using a blockstring. I also don't see how a character can be "telegraphed" just because they have a "straight-forward" game-plan (Not that I think Vergil has one of those). And if his mixup game is insane, it shouldn't be that straight-forward at all. Trust me on this, Vergil is gonna be top.

I cannot wait until Tuesday.

Hmm...I guess I'll just wait and see how the game evolves. I'll stand by him being high tier though as I think other characters outclass him, such as Wesker, Dante and Magneto.

Now, delving a bit more into new characters, I tried out Frank a bit more and I have to say, he's extremely fun to play. Even without the THC trick, leveling him up isnt all that difficult. I was able to jump to level 3 with just a general BnB, Camera OTG, assist, Camera. The level your aiming for is 4, so 1 more decent combo is all you need and Frank has the stamina to survive long enough to get it. The issue here, is that Frank loses horribly to zoning at early levels. He doesn't have any projectiles to combat zoners, as his only projectiles are Zombies (startup for both the Swing and Throw are pretty high) and Pie Throw (has no durability). Camera is moot. I feel a projectile assist is a must for him in order to get in and level up. Once he does, zoning becomes easier to deal with since he gets his Barrel Roll and allows him to abuse the opponent with crossup assists and if you get to level four, his chainsaws make life that much more easy with extreme range and chipping normals. Frank is just a blast to play, but you have to put in some work to really get the groove going.
I take back everything I said about Vergil doing low damage


And here I though Vergil wouldn't be as combo heavy as his brother. I was wrong. Oh I was. Must learn this stuff ASAP.
Gah Taskmaster OTG arrows is so fuckin hard...anyone figure this out tell me! I can't find the magical sweet spot to fire the arrows to connect shield bash on landing.