Vader/Yoda announced for PS3/360!

As far as Yoda balance, customizing his soul gauge as a rule in a tourney would make as much sense as allowing Algol in play except restricting the use of his bubbles. His weak soul gauge was most likely Namco's way of offsetting his height. In addition, it almost makes sense (almost), like you wouldn't expect Yoda to be able to block Astaroth's :4::4::B: as well as the rest of the cast (not the best point considering all of the other physical discrepancies in SC but w/e, I thought I'd point that out). I still think Yoda hasn't developed as a character yet. There still might be potential in him, it's just that no one (except maybe two other people) take him seriously.
Yoda's 'secret stage' is the elevator thing too

The problem with going that route again is characters that are even half decent at SG damage can have him flashing or broken in a round easily.

As far as t offset his height he already has the worst step in the game aka no step.
Really tempted for this but don't like the idea of paying that much for just downloading probably just kbs worth of data just to unlock a character already programmed into the game. I might think about it if it comes bundled with ALL the costume DLC that hasn't been released in the PS Store here.
I still don't know what Bamco was thinking when they made Yoda.

Does ANYONE have videos of him actually being used skillfully?
most likely nothing. As most of us assume, Vader/Yoda have always been on the disk (has this been confirmed yet?). So while a person that hasn't purchased the character may not be able to use Yoda/Vader, that shouldn't stop them from being able to see the character.

my guess anyway
Well thats going to suck, imagine someone picking a character without knowing the other person had Yoda. Insta-win for the yoda player.
I think all characters should be LEGAL now...I hate Yoda with a passion, and I hate the fact NB placed him in the game to begin with...I would have rather seen Jar Jar Binks as a system exclusive character over Yoda.
Anywho, once Yoda/Vader come out, I think they all should be legal. I can't see them being banned just because people are too cheap to pay, or just don't want them add them to their roster...
Making them legal would be encouraging NBGI to continue stuff like this in SCV...
Just a thought.

Besides, I think not everybody can afford/will think it is worth it to buy the DLC. It is also possible that people don't have online and can't have the DLC anyway.

meh...its a nice addition i guess for fanboys, but i dont see a use for a broken green elf.
Anybody read/see anything hinting at the actual release of the DLC?

Edit: That link from giantbomb is hilarious... one of the comments:

"From what I understand, he's "broken" in a "way overpowered" kind of way. So yeah, some people might want him." referring to Yoda...
Well I for one am not paying for Yoda, and decided since that 2nd DLC package that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that I won't contribute a penny more towards SC4. But hey, I'm one of those moral high ground guys. Yoda's fucking fun to play but it's even more fucking fun to say screw the man and his dreams of profit streams from released games.
I don't get it, the first article was in Japenese, which makes me assume that it's a Japan specific DLC, but that guy just posted an American article, but no confirmed release date. So can someone confirm if it will be out in the US on the 23rd?
Yoda is trash. PS3 players of course would have no trouble mowing down this guy. I've played against decent Vader players on my friend's PS3 online so NO it is not fair to make them legal as I don't want to buy Vader just to learn to fight against him consistently.

As for the Yoda 2/3 soulgauge thing, maybe some genius thought "Oh, high mid and low equals 3 sections. Yoda can't hit high so he is only vulnerable to 2/3 sections. Let's nerf his soul gauge accordingly." Kinda stupid.
@Warble: The little green bastard's not even fun to play as, let alone against. It's not that he's hard (As pretty much anybody else who knows what they're doing will tell you), but the fact remains that a large portion of the cool crap you can do against other characters is nigh useless against him.