Valid reasons to warrant a Ban.

shouldn't be banned if you guys learned how to played against him which is quite simple and he is quite easily beat then you guys would do fine but about 85-92% of people that say he should be are only making themselves sound like stupid scrubs that should be bashed with a cane. I'm honestly sick of the uneducated comments about banning yoda, I play yoda and i say he honestly is beat easily if you know how to play him it's just some stupid fucktards(excuse my language) won't just take the time to learn how to fight a different character so they go "Hey let's ban this character" or they lose to the character and is like "This is so much bullshit This should not be allowed" and then there goes the ban. If some people would learn how to play the character plus alot of people that are asking to ban as well as a bit of people i've seen say something about this topic since the game came out don't even go to a tournament, and quite frankly it's pissing me off seeing as how i try to attend as many tourny's and events as i can and i just get to play the warm-up matches and watch because some stupid guy or gal wants to say that i can't play my own native character, and that still hasn't stopped me because i can only play Yoda in sc4 i'll admit he's the only character i play, and when i win i get told it's gay and bullshit because Yoda is garbage and he is a bad character, he's the worst character in the game, His defense is horrible, He is slow as shit, Has hardly no actual stuns,no step, come on man, this is just sad,

Honestly people i play quite often know how to beat me, and will beat me, because they took the time to play and practice against yoda (Me & sometimes Ribu 'sorry i had to put your name in') there are even glitched moves you can still use quite a bit against him and they hit so if anything Yoda players should be complaining but the Few of us (lol) don't complain

Same Goes, for Vador, SK, and Algol, These 3 don't even change anything if you can think of how to beat them then feel free to go ahead, again it's their of thinking that gets you to lose to them, so just don't say "BECAUSE I CAN LOSE TO THEM" that they should be banned anyone that does, and say's they are "CHANGING STUFF" is only making a excuse as to why they lose to them plain and simple, it's like saying have Another superhero in MvC2 will change the game at all =/ or Having another background actor that no one notices in a movie will make a difference
When a 3d fighter where people regularly use about 25-40 moves on the movelist devolves into a situation where it goes into move spam. I know when I fight Yoda I pretty much only use 2-3 moves, to do anything else is stupid.

It's not a function of character balance.

It's a function of Actually thinking of a way out of it not very complex
Well it simple for me.

They break the game with overpowerd combos/dmg output

Do something that is almost impossbile to get out of,i.e(infs)

And that all from me I guess.

edit: Where the hell do these tags for the threads be coming from?
Please Specify
You're missing the point ... AGAIN...

The question is not them being marketing characters (even though we think they don't belong to the game), the question is SW characters (apart from Starkiller) being CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE.
Not only they are console exclusive but most of people in France don't think they belong to the game. So they are banned.

Tiamat : even you can't deny Algol doesn't change the gameplay.
Besides the point is not being his strengh, if he's broken or not, but him changing the gameplay. And he is.

God ... I knew I shouldn't have come to this thread, I'll stop now.
It's impressive the way you're getting agressive when I am just pointing out OUR reasons to ban them.
You're doing great to give a positive impression of the SoulCalibur community !

Yes, please stop And for Algol, Algol changes how the speed of the game is played not the game, Steping to avoid and JI'ing your gonna do anyway, he doesn't change crap, Because a character is Console exlusive? No, They aren't anymore so pay 5 bucks and get them? even then you would only have to pay it once and just put it on a memory stick and put it on the other PS3's/360's and boom there not console exclusive anymore, even tourny's can ask a person that is coming to bring a memory stick or card for a Ps3 or 360 if they have the characters so the tourny can use them, which would save them 5 bucks plain and simple -.-
Cuz Star Wars will gain more recognition than Soul Calibur that way. In other words I'm afraid this will suck more audience into Star Wars instead of Soul Calibur. Star Wars belongs to another company not Namco.

So if Star Wars become so popular and Namco were to release SC5 with a different guest character or w/o any then wouldn't they lose that audience (which is the wrong audience to attract in the first place).

Half the people i know that liked starwars played SC4 and didn't even play a damn Starwars character, BECAUSE THEY LOST WITH THEM TOO MUCH, And your talking about a audience we are talking about character bans and even with the point your trying to make which i have noticed, Maybe the star wars community would make good fighting game players, would you still say that's the wrong community because you get challenged more?, and even if they were a marketing tool, They are in the game so that makes them characters that WE play with, so deal with it?
This whole argument is complete bullshit. The star wars characters are legitimate characters in Soul Calibur 4 with nothing that makes them broken. The only argument most serious players seem to have is their stubborn "this isn't star wars" bullshit which should have absolutely no bearing on character bans.
This whole argument is complete bullshit. The star wars characters are legitimate characters in Soul Calibur 4 with nothing that makes them broken. The only argument most serious players seem to have is their stubborn "this isn't star wars" bullshit which should have absolutely no bearing on character bans.

*High Five*, Guest Characters should never be banned because they are from another game, The creators got the liscense therefore it's fine and legal so they should be usable
Event #1: All bans are lifted.
Event #2: Star Wars fans show up to tournaments.
Event #3: Star Wars fans get crushed by experienced players, experienced players use weak Star Wars characters to humiliate scrubs that they were going to humiliate anyway.

Consequences: Pros stop using Yoda in serious matches almost right away when they start getting CF'ed every round. Crushed Star Wars fans are forced to pick up characters that they saw setting a good example, or die. Now we have a bigger community, and all the good that comes with that.


I'm done now,
(This was not spam)

And Apparently, i didn't post this before which i meant to, No offense to anyone i replied to i have no problem with anyone this was just bothering me, If i came off as an ass towards any of your oppinions I'm terribly sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone ....
Uh no, Learn how to play the damn game and maybe you'll make something of yourself

This would be the sound of his joke going over your head.


On a side note, please learn how to multi-quote and think out your arguments before you spout some biased, idiotic babble.

DiBibbly - I'm not saying it's a huge deal either, but allowing some of the bonus characters is either pointless (Ashlotte's clear inferiority to Astaroth) or would destroy another main character in the game, which would be the case with allowing Scherazeraderaheradereze. Amy would be rendered obsolete, and often, bonus characters aren't created with balance in mind.

I find the Hilde comment fairly silly, as she's not beginner-friendly in the first place, nor is she broken.
This would be the sound of his joke going over your head.


On a side note, please learn how to multi-quote and think out your arguments before you spout some biased, idiotic babble.

DiBibbly - I'm not saying it's a huge deal either, but allowing some of the bonus characters is either pointless (Ashlotte's clear inferiority to Astaroth) or would destroy another main character in the game, which would be the case with allowing Scherazeraderaheradereze. Amy would be rendered obsolete, and often, bonus characters aren't created with balance in mind.

I find the Hilde comment fairly silly, as she's not beginner-friendly in the first place, nor is she broken.

Please point out how this was biased at all, and also his joke did go over my head,
And Still, I didn't know this forum had a multi quote and i was too lazy just to quote all of the one at a time into one post till after i did it and Drizzle told me
Please look at your signature for the answer.

My signature is directed towards you? i didn't know

Even then how is it biased because I think Yoda is amazing?, Remember that's still my oppinion
and you getting on me on how i was replying to their comments, it's kinda hypocritical, because even if my comment was biased it might be I honestly don't know, it's still my oppinion
how about this:

i don't play any of the star wars characters and i'm pretty sure it's borderline retarded to ban them for a reason like "they don't belong in the game." technically, they're in the fucking game; they were actually programmed into the game. you can put your little cursor over them, select them, and play them using a multitude of moves that were programmed into the game that they can do. they're in the game, so they belong there at some level enough to merit all that work to put them in there. i mean, if the only reason you have is because "well, they're star wars characters," then you have a pretty weak assed argument to begin with.
On the serious- even though he's a bit on the wordy, aggressive side, I'm actually really happy to hear that there's somebody willing to call Yoda their main.

Half of his moves are half-speed aerial kicks. That's legal, right?
On the serious- even though he's a bit on the wordy, aggressive side, I'm actually really happy to hear that there's somebody willing to call Yoda their main.

Half of his moves are half-speed aerial kicks. That's legal, right?

Thank you and also only 2 are 236k and A+K besides his actual K attacks which least used because they provide no range at all, probably like a inch and a half in reality?
yo man, when we played we went toe to toe its not like I dominated you with Cass or Sophie against your Seig. They can punish but I don't think its broken. Punishing is the idea, if there is an opening a person would be a fool to not take it.

point being, they were not easy matches or using the coined termed that I've read here "Win Buttons"

Perhaps so, and there is more balance than before. However, some Sophs and Cass's rape me unconditionally due to what feels like Namco's incessant need to keep them powerful. Maybe Im wrong, but if feels like they can do the damage that Mitsu is capable of, with more speed.

Sry my internet fucked up last night, i think all of the kids in my area were on youtube and myspace.
DiBibbly - I'm not saying it's a huge deal either, but allowing some of the bonus characters is either pointless (Ashlotte's clear inferiority to Astaroth) or would destroy another main character in the game, which would be the case with allowing Scherazeraderaheradereze. Amy would be rendered obsolete, and often, bonus characters aren't created with balance in mind.

I find the Hilde comment fairly silly, as she's not beginner-friendly in the first place, nor is she broken.

And again, I personally don't think that is enough reason to warrant a ban. I think the only reason to warrant the ban is if a character is so overpowered or broken that they are the only choice at high level play. Technically speaking, Scheherazade has a larger hit box than Amy, so she makes the trade having longer reach for being easier to hit. Shura is the only custom that is 100% better than her counterpart.

And my Hilde comment may seem silly at the moment, but I could see a point down the road where high level play necessitates picking Hilde to win tournaments solely based on her ringout game.