Viola General Matchup Discussion

This Mitsu crap is getting out of hand. Does anyone know how i should go about fighting this guy? His moveset is like personally tailored to mess up Viola. That 4B, even Astaroth's bullrush doesnt bother me as much as that 4B. My range is so bad that he can throw it out whenever he predicts a counter attack. If he uses it intelligently it becomes a move that i have to CONSTANTLY watch out for and i fear ever going for my usual counters. It limits me to 66B. Fighting this characters is such a head ache. It doesnt help that almost everyone in tournaments uses him, he's everywhere.

I hear you. I personally feel Mitsu is one of Viola's worst MUs, seems like he can control all kinds of space better than she can, and of course, 4B. People will say step him, but you have to keep in mind Mitsu's notorious tracking ability. Stepping against him must be done more cleanly than versus other characters, because otherwise his verticals will still catch you. I've 'stepped' 4B too many times and got hit anyway.
Give up on stepping his 4B and use auto-evade. They rely on that attack so much that as soon as you consistently evade it they're lost. It works for Ass-rots rush too.
If you expect 4B and have problems with stepping, you can also block and punish with SET AAB / ORB AA. Free damage is good.
Stepping seems like such a risky option against him, his verticals have such good hit boxes it makes me worry which side i should be stepping, sometimes he'll catch me stepping right, other times left. Plus his horizontals are really good too. Stepping against mitsu just seems like a bad idea.

66B feels like a limited option too because if he sees it coming it's easily side stepped. It has like no tracking, unlike 4B which has amazing tracking for a vertical. The orb callback sounds like it will help, i'll try that. Anything to stop him from doing 4B as soon as i block any of his attacks.
If you expect 4B and have problems with stepping, you can also block and punish with SET AAB / ORB AA. Free damage is good.

Thing about it is that i quick step it in anticipation but one quick step alone doesnt cover it. It will still track, i might just need to get used to going in a full side run when i see it.
I had a lot of fun playing a Natsu last night. Too much fun really. He quit on the last round after some awesome sauce gummed up his works. He kept jumping around so much he'd end up behind me in a flash. Then I'd B+K backward somersault. Once I did a SET 6B+K, he ended up behind me, the ORB tracked and right when I did the backward somersault the orb hit him. That's when he quit. It was really cool though. Constant acrobatics from both of us.
Natsu is a fun matchup. I feel when Viola is playing against close range characters this game is at its best. The game was made to be faster paced and more hectic. The mainstays from the old games that are heavy hitters, do godlike stun, and hit from far away really bore the hell out of me and feel like they belong back in the psone gen, back when characters like that were allowed to be clunky.
What do you guys do about the cheesy voldo players who spend the whole match on the floor. I know viola has the tools to deal with it but I just can't figure it out.
I just got tossed in a weekly. I need help. Mitsurugi, xiba, and nightmare gave me the most trouble. Any suggestions?
I just got tossed in a weekly. I need help. Mitsurugi, xiba, and nightmare gave me the most trouble. Any suggestions?
Without more info I can tell you that my experience it's all about the read. Be ready to side-step or 4B+K against verts ( Mistu and NM use a lot of verts). Also, be ready to use 1B to 3B against the high horizontals that all three throw out a lot. Do this and keep up pressure. Good luck!
Could someone help me with ivy matchups? I try to getting close range, no good. Then long range are her (Ivy's) specialty, which is bad for me. I dont have problems with average Ivy players but the advanced ones are tricky. Any tips?
Could someone help me with ivy matchups? I try to getting close range, no good. Then long range are her (Ivy's) specialty, which is bad for me. I dont have problems with average Ivy players but the advanced ones are tricky. Any tips?

I think getting in close is your best bet at dealing with Ivy. Close range as Viola should be your specialty, and Ivy's close range game is rather sub par. So combined with Viola's amazing pressure, and Ivy's inability to deal with said pressure you should want to establish close dominance quickly.

What is it in particular you find is difficult about fighting Ivy close up? I dont have too many problems fighting Ivys in general, and i notice Ivy's only way of getting around Viola's pressure is that auto side step attack of hers, 2A+B i think it is. And this move can be countered by Viola's 44A, brave edged or not.
I think getting in close is your best bet at dealing with Ivy. Close range as Viola should be your specialty, and Ivy's close range game is rather sub par. So combined with Viola's amazing pressure, and Ivy's inability to deal with said pressure you should want to establish close dominance quickly.

What is it in particular you find is difficult about fighting Ivy close up? I dont have too many problems fighting Ivys in general, and i notice Ivy's only way of getting around Viola's pressure is that auto side step attack of hers, 2A+B i think it is. And this move can be countered by Viola's 44A, brave edged or not.
it's mostly the ai (sometimes casuals). But the overwhelming ivy mix ups is what gets me. I'll just train harder. Thanks so much for the tips I'll try it out.
No one having problems with ivy matchups? Because I am.
I am, I been hating her alot lately, Im not even sure how to really deal with her because she of course tries to keep you away.. or she always grabs you with her whip and blehbleh. I ran into a really good Ivy who knew his Viola match up and was blocking everything. I really didnt know what to do. But yes, at the moment I am NOT liking Ivy because I dont know how to deal with the ones who know how to use her, great defense against Viola.
I am, I been hating her alot lately, Im not even sure how to really deal with her because she of course tries to keep you away.. or she always grabs you with her whip and blehbleh. I ran into a really good Ivy who knew his Viola match up and was blocking everything. I really didnt know what to do. But yes, at the moment I am NOT liking Ivy because I dont know how to deal with the ones who know how to use her, great defense against Viola.
The thing that irritates me the most is that I actually am trying to learn how to play her but still I get trapped in her mix ups. Lol
vs. NM, 44K will beat all/mostly all options from NSS, depending on the move he uses to enter the stance. For example, 44K will beat everything after NM does 3(B), even at range, though I think at extreme range, NS A+B may beat 44K. It's been a while since I labbed NM punishment, so not everything is fresh in my memory. Oh, 44K will also beat GS options. It is possible to punish 4KK with 8A+B, since the move has TC frames, though be careful here as 4K by itself is safe. If you can, try to learn to JG NM's 3AA/22_88AA, though it is very difficult. Pushback is Viola's enemy, and NM has tons of pushback built into his moveset.

Vs. Ivy, she can be a problem for Viola at all ranges. I think long/mid range speaks for itself, but at close range, Ivy can be tricky due to the step built into 3B/214B. Viola's offence is mostly linear and a well placed 3B/214B even while in Viola's face will beat a lot of her options. Viola's anti-step is crap, to be polite, so be cautious about the moves you're going for while at close range. I'd personally suggest 2B/AA/BB/3A/1K/44K as Viola's better moves while at close range and trying to remain safe. Also, you can use 4B+K to avoid the second hit of 1B BE on block, and 8A+B will TC under the final hit of WR A+B iirc. Just some tidbits that came to my immediate memory.
Okay, I need help fighting Z.W.E.I, you can go on and say how much he's a low tier character, but his Ein shenanigans fuck me over. Any tips?
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