Well looks like my computer is finally dead...


My computer was 3 years old (right before the Core i# line came out)... and I guess the constantly streaming weekly Break tournaments for SSF4 and MVC3 finally put it down... I never really built the thing for transport, so I guess it just couldn't handle it. Right now I'm using a 7 year old POS Dell laptop that my friend dumped on me a few years back. Either way, I won't be responding to anyone's messages anytime soon as I need to build a new computer. So of course, if anyone is willing to donate to help me pay for this new computer, that would be awesome! http://www.8wayrun.com/donate/

Also, I want to know people's recommendations for a new computer. Basically, the computer will be in transit a lot, so I'm probably going to have to go with a Micro ATX form factor. I also want to future proof this system as much as possible, so the more usb3.0 ports the better... I also prefer Intel over AMD. Basically, all I need to know is what Motherboard to get; if I could find a Micro ATX mobo with onboard USB3.0, that would be awesome, but so far, no luck.

I also heard about a recent recall for Intel's Sandybridge processor line. How will this affect me at this point?

Don't forget to donate! http://www.8wayrun.com/donate/ :eek:
I'm a big fan of Lian Li's SFF Micro-ATX cases like this one. They're incredibly simple to move about due to being just the perfect size between portability and actually having space in them for higher end hardware. Motherboards are more universal, since they all pretty much do the same stuff up to a certain variation in CPU power and/or built in chipsets, but I'd just recommend to not ever go with Biostar. EVGA has a really nice high-yield motherboard for Core i7 CPUs.

As for the hardware, well you're a pretty techy guy so you can figure that out on your own! (Get the goddamn GTX 580!)
Thanks for the help guys... after some analyzing, I've figured out what happened. The raid controller on my mobo blew last night, and took out my hard drives with it... even the ones that werent part of a raid array. So with 4 dead hard drives and a mobo that is obviously failing, it looks like I'm out of luck with this computer. I ran to best buy and bought a third party raid controller and a new drive to tide me over until I get a new computer... but for now, it looks like I'll be spending the next 4 days recovering from the crash.
I'm up and running my system again, after buying a third party raid controller and replacement hard drives... and right now I'm running SpinRite DynaStat to recover my data. I've already got a new install of Win7 running and right now I'll be re-installing programs and stuff for the next few days. Hopefully DynaStat can fix my HD, because it will suck to have to redo all my Wirecast Overlays and Titlecards... not to mention the unreleased programs I've made, all my emails, and my Zune library.

I'm just happy I didn't lose my Umpire Work Schedule, since it was sync'd to my phone. I'm going to wait a few weeks before I build a new computer, as it's a lot of work with all the programs I use to set up a new system and I don't feel like doing it all again anytime soon. It's clear to me, that with a fried raid controller that manages to take out my HDs, that this mobo doesn't have much longer to live. Hopefully it will live just a bit longer.

This new HD definately feels slow. My old HD may have been 3 years old, but it was a 10k RPM Raptor, and this new one is just a random 7K Caviar. Everything just feels so "sluggish" right now.
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