What Language Do you Play in? [ENG] or [JP]


[13] Hero
I use to play in english ever since i got the game, but recently i switched over to Japanese.

Xiang's "just kidding" actually sounds cute (not annoying) in JP ... and also Cassy's 214 sounds cute too.

what language do you play in? =P
What Language Do you Play in? [Eng] or [Jap]

Japanese since release, my friends came over one day and were like "Wtf, switch it to english" and my ears bled =(
What Language Do you Play in? [Eng] or [Jap]

English. But I really recommend you change the title to JP...

Jap is considered a racial slur. >.>
Usually in Japanese, unless I play with Vader, he is the only character where I would have liked a feature that they put in SF IV, choosing the language for each character and not in general.
ill do a month of each usually, its my half assed way of learning a new language. so far ive learnt that it is quite badly dubbed. i quite like cass's english voice, but theres just something about a blonde greek girl speaking japanese.
edit:isnt there already a JP/ENG thread?
When I developed a crush on Tira I thought I'd play in Japanese, but I got sorta creeped out about how her personalities sound like 2 completely different people. Still, I don't like her English Jolly Side voice, so I might play in Japanese about half of the time when playing as Tira.
Japanese by far. If I have to hear Scheherazade's English voice one more fucking time, I swear I will rip all of my pubic hair from my crotch, stick it to my face with crazy glue for a beard, and walk in the middle of a freeway, butt naked yelling this: O_o.
I play in English, but only because Vader, Asta, and NM's voices all sound HORRIBLE in Japanese

If I played any other characters, I'd be in Japanese (especially Mitsu, Amy and X)
Yoshi sounds so evil in Japanese. deep voice.

yh english = (high pitched) namu,namu,namu,namu

Japanese = (ultra manly) namu.... namu... namu...

Doesn't feel like yoshi at all.

I started off english then when i realised you could changed to JP but I really preffered english since Algol sounds badass either way. And he says how exciting in english.

Can't stand some of the CAS english voices like when they say:

Now kneell before me

Or any of those high pitched voices.
English for many reason. First I CANT FREAKIN STAND JAPANESE, when I play a game where the characters talk, I like to be able to understand what they say. Also Nighty's English voice sounds like 1000x more evil in english then in japanese. Proof :


See! English Voice = Better xD
I've played in both voices, and I prefer Japanese except for normally English speaking Yoda and the Apprentice.
I dislike both voices but I play both. It just depends. I wish it were more like Tekken and the people speak their native language, not all speaking the same one.