What SC Character You Had The Hots For


[13] Hero
Sure, we all have our fantasies about here and there when it comes to the Soul Calibur characters themselves but let's face it, they're too hot to pass up having a crush or "thing" for your favorites. Let's hear once and for all, What Soul Calibur character you had the hots for?
For me it has to be the following and why:

Xianghua: Just love her and appreciate her (not to mention her cute butt). Perhaps my first SC crush.
Seong Mi-Na: Cute girl, totally would be a catch.
Cassandra: See X
Setsuka: Dangerous and Beautiful
Ivy:... Boobs
Taki: See Ivy
I had the hots for Rock once, but it never really was a strong feeling because he was hard for me to play and therefore only served as eye candy.
I find ZWEI pretty hot because of the combined factors of physique and implied German ethnicity.
Oh, and his unzipped fly. What?
Another one these threads eh? No matter, Pocky Yoshi will express again. My list of ladies.

New ladies.

:sc5vio1: : Very exotic and gorgeous. So much better than that Lamey(Amy).

:sc5pyr1: : Someone as adorable and beautiful as you should smile more and stop crying. I blame the cute Tira.

:sc5nat1: : I didn't love her when I first saw her. But I grew to like her and soon love her. I find her cute and sexy...imho.


:sc1tak1: : Queen of giving me hard-ons instantly.

:sc4hil1: : Beautiful princess knight into Beautiful milf princess knight. That's so hot. And those lips.....

:sc4min1: : Pocky Yoshi loves you. 'Nuff said. Lol.
Ivy (In clothing lol)
Sophitia did for a while
Setsuka in 3 (She was meh looking in 4...)
Viola's made me moist.
Z.W.E.I. is the first male SC character I've wanted to "bone" per se.
Viola's also hot... In her art.
She looks TOO much like Amy in game and instantly turns me off and makes me think I'm a pedo.
Vets :

Mitsu. My man.
Taki. Those boobs.
Kilik. While you were still Mr. Kali Yuga, of course.
Seong Mi Na. Didnt use her, but found her attractive.

New :

Natsu. Immediately, I found her to be hawt!
Pyrrha. She's just so moe-ish cute and adorable.
Alpha Pat. Yes, not original, justice spouting cocky Pat.
Leixia. Marginally annoying, but still...oh well.
Talim, because she's adorable. And kicks ass. Literally. Also, DFC.
Aeon, because lizardman.

That's about it, really. I have highly specific tastes.
Hawng, Kilik, Maxi, Misturugi, Patroklos, Raphael (SCII), Rock (SCIII), Siegfried (SCV),Yun-Seong (SCIII), Z.W.E.I.​
Though Maxi and Z.W.E.I.'s eyebrows weird me out.​
Cassandra, Hilde, Xianghua, Leixia, Talim, Taki, Seong Mi Na, Amy, Natsu, Viola, Pyrrha, Sophitia, Setsuka, Shura, Angol Fear, Ivy, Elysium Pyrrha Omega, Tira, Lynette, Valeria, Hualin, Abelia, Luna, Aurelia, Scheherazade, Ashlotte, Kamikirimusi, Miser, Xianglian, and Eurydice.
For me it's

Sophitia - Nice personality plus an epic bod. >:D
Viola - She is a given. All she needs is her boobs from her art. Lol
Natsu - Her ass distracts me while I'm fighting, they should have given her pants instead of that ass hugging thing she wears.
Xianghua - See Natsu. minus the type of pants.
Tira - Underboob. XD
Hilde - Women wearing plate armor are hot by default.