Who all is considering/going to pick up Viola as a main in SC5?

The BE where Viola's orb spins around her three times, can be combo'd into, knocks down outside of combos, extends combos, and allows Viola to act independently while it's spinning is enough of a hilarious brokesauce looking move for me to at least give her a shot during week one.
yeah that CE seems a little broken to me. CE, opponent blocks it but can't do anything but block, and Viola does her unblock able. Free damage. what?
yeah that CE seems a little broken to me. CE, opponent blocks it but can't do anything but block, and Viola does her unblock able. Free damage. what?

Well, that's what everyone's CE is, lol. Free damage. Seeing as she revolves around pressure and mix-up combos, you're pretty screwed if you're caught in her CE or left blocking in the middle of it. That itself is the beauty of her CE, while others have launch options, high damage, grappling to work with.
I'm not actually talking about her CE, I'm talking about one of her BE's. The CE looks pretty troll too, to be fair, but the BE is what has me intrested.
Well, that's what everyone's CE is, lol. Free damage. Seeing as she revolves around pressure and mix-up combos, you're pretty screwed if you're caught in her CE or left blocking in the middle of it. That itself is the beauty of her CE, while others have launch options, high damage, grappling to work with.
i know that but viola's CE is constantly active for a period of time. whether you are blocking it or not. your not caught with it or anything and she just does it out of the blue. your blocking it and she can still hit you with a free unblockable hit because you preoccupied with blocking the long lasting CE.
i know that but viola's CE is constantly active for a period of time. whether you are blocking it or not. your not caught with it or anything and she just does it out of the blue. your blocking it and she can still hit you with a free unblockable hit because you preoccupied with blocking the long lasting CE.

It's rather fair since the CE itself does even littler damage compared to a single A from her, it just exposes itself to be a trap and an unblockable would justify its position as a CE among the other higher-damaging CE's (Ivy and Nightmare being major culprits).

Unless you're talking about the possibility of another one of those 20 hit half life combos that take up an entire meter, then you're screwed. And it exposes Viola to be what she really is: a troll named Amy lol.
Seeing all this talk about free unblockables from Viola and Zwei make me wonder what exactly was so wrong with Algol. Yes, i know he can set up a shield and lock opponents down but at least all of his bubbles hit SP MID, meaning there were no unblockables. Granted it was annoying but it seemed to me if a player was patient, they could always find a hole between the spam.
In character creation, I made an Amy style look a like of Viola. My god do they have simlar moves. Examples: Amy's Forward B+K where she slides is simlar to viola's low kick where she falls to her knees. Amy's B+K facing backward is simlar to violas. I am defintaly going to main Viola. I love the claw idea I wish it was it's own seperate idea.
I was thinking of maining her but after seeing shes just a copy of BB litchi im going for someone else (undecided yet till all the chars are out).
Viola looks interesting, I'll consider picking her up. Orb mixups don't really look that reliable, but the CE reminds me of Kohaku's plant setups.
I was thinking of maining her but after seeing shes just a copy of BB litchi im going for someone else (undecided yet till all the chars are out).

Yea actually I'm going to main Viola because Amy was my main in SCIV (besides Mi-Na), AND because her fighting style kinda' resembles BB's Litchi (which I mained in BB).. Weapons you can throw, tell to stay, and call back are awesome IMO..
I'll at least consider it. I'm sure for the first few months people will have a hard time with her online from never facing anything like her in SC before.
Viola doesn't get a free unblockable during a blocked CE. Utoh said on the NEC stream that there is time to step out of it, and Ramon had time to hit Viola out of the unblockable animation right before the end of the CE.
Viola doesn't get a free unblockable during a blocked CE. Utoh said on the NEC stream that there is time to step out of it, and Ramon had time to hit Viola out of the unblockable animation right before the end of the CE.
well i wanna see that because so far i've only seen people eat her follow up attacks during her CE.
Yea actually I'm going to main Viola because Amy was my main in SCIV (besides Mi-Na), AND because her fighting style kinda' resembles BB's Litchi (which I mained in BB).. Weapons you can throw, tell to stay, and call back are awesome IMO..
to bad u cant stand on the orb or something :P. I imagina viola flying around the stage like thix:
Viola doesn't get a free unblockable during a blocked CE. Utoh said on the NEC stream that there is time to step out of it, and Ramon had time to hit Viola out of the unblockable animation right before the end of the CE.
Unlike most attacks of its type the CE doesn't keep your opponent constantly in hitstun/blockstun. It's better to do standing mixups and use the orb hits to keep them from getting away.
Not saying i'll main her as soon as i get the game but she's the one i'm mostly interested in out of all new characters.
7:08 woahhzz shows how to get out of it
okay so you can hit viola if she charges at close range with a fast character. what if she charged at her maximum range and what if she caught a slow character like asta in the CE. that's definitely something to experiment with.
well asta has options. He can 66K(BE) which has armor, 6K which is fast and ranged, 66B which is fast and ranged also.