Why do people spam


[08] Mercenary
im not on this site that much but there is one question i have why do people spam and when you play ranked games people use lag and if there's a way to beat thren let me know lol how to beat those type of people because im sick and tired of losing im not a sore. loser i just want to shut down the people that spam thank you and i would like to know where you get thoes mini pics of the soul calibur 4 characters if you know where you can get them give me a link or pm me on this site.
1. Next time please write with some consideration of grammer.

2. People spam and use lag tactics because it gives them win. The only thing you can counter them with is skill. If you can't beat a spammer then i am afraid that you just aren't good at this game.

3. The little pictures are in the smilies.
all you gotta do to beat a spammer is frame trap them repeatedly. They never know what to do, then they will hopefully get pissed and just leave so you don't have to beat them 3 rounds.
1. Next time please write with some consideration of grammer.

2. People spam and use lag tactics because it gives them win. The only thing you can counter them with is skill. If you can't beat a spammer then i am afraid that you just aren't good at this game.

3. The little pictures are in the smilies.

Should have been a comma after next time. them a win, not them win.

Beating a spammer takes more than skill, you must be proficient at applying said skill, some luck, technical consideration, and being able to use reaction. Losing to a spammer because of lag also negates skill since they are most likely using a lag win character. It takes patience and just getting used to what they use in order to win. As for the guy I quoted, don't be rough on someone cuz you don't like their grammer, you weren't perfect, he wasnt, Im not, this is not ENGLISH class. Also, just cuz you can beat all the spammers in the world doesnt mean he can. No fight is exactly the same, even with spammers.
The only reason why I spammed online in Ranked,was for the fact that I wanted to reach level 20 so I could get my achivement in both Xbox 360 and PS3.

Although I do love it when I am in ranked/normal matches,I get beaten but I have to leave,I get messages like "lmao I owned you,you sore loser."
But I just shrug it off and brush it off my shoulders cause their bullshit wont work offline with the top players.
Should have been a comma after next time. them a win, not them win.

Beating a spammer takes more than skill, you must be proficient at applying said skill, some luck, technical consideration, and being able to use reaction. Losing to a spammer because of lag also negates skill since they are most likely using a lag win character. It takes patience and just getting used to what they use in order to win. As for the guy I quoted, don't be rough on someone cuz you don't like their grammer, you weren't perfect, he wasnt, Im not, this is not ENGLISH class. Also, just cuz you can beat all the spammers in the world doesnt mean he can. No fight is exactly the same, even with spammers.

Hey, i wrote some for a reason. I don't write perfectly while using forums either which is why i wrote some consideration for grammer i'm not not nitpicking the shit out of his post am I? No which is why you shouldn't take my post seriously. And im sorry did you really just say No fight is exactly the same, even with spammers. Seriously, please think that through. The definition of Spammer by Urban Dictionary is "One who attacks aimlessly; without skill or technique; especially while using weapons that do damage over a large area " If you cannot beat someone who is blatently attacking without skill or technique then u may aswell have no skill either. A spammer usually only uses a few moves, thus allowing you to know exactly what to counter and how to counter it which means it is easily beaten. And if there is lag, just leave. No sense in trying to win with lag. Also, if you are playing ranked, there is no sense in playing it after you've reached level 20. Switch to player matches and you may never face these problems again.
Basically, if there's no lag, try to find a way to GI their attacks, or punish somehow. (Crouch if they spam something high, sidestep if they spam a vertical, just block and answer them with a quick attack if other options are too risky or impossible, etc...)

If there's lag, ...there's not much you can do, other than spam too, and that only works if the attack that you spam is better than the attack that the other one is spamming...

And it usually happens in Ranked. For the best online game experience, it's commonly agreed upon that player matches are better than ranked in every way.
If you go by DivineChaos' definition of a spammer, here are some things you should know about online spam / spammers....

1) only play against people with a 5 next to their connection. This could be your problem....
(... And this is seriously what I've experienced with online spammers in ranked matches....)
2) Some spammers don't realize that if you block their attack, they are most likely at a disadvantage.
3) They might even believe they can just attack right through you on wakeup or repeatedly refuse to block after getting hit....Even if it results in a perfect.
4) There is a good possiblity of them using a vertical attack while their opponent has been sidestepping in in 8wr for quite some time.

-After knowing this, you should no longer have any problems with spammers, because realistically, it shouldn't work. It really doesn't take that much to stop.....Once you get a block or sidestep, everything should be turned in your favor.

=) There, problem solved
1) Pick Cervy
2) Activate uTorrent and spam 4B+K
3) Recieve a complaint message, reply with "Q.Q"
4) ????
5) Profit

In good enough connections against people that spam just a few moves, you SHOULD be able to handle that easily enough, since you have less moves to worry about finding an answer for. As was stated earlier, against people that are very aggressive, if you have a quick low that gives enough advantage for a frame trap, ESPECIALLY something that leads back into itself (Cervy 1k, 6k, although this is now character specific) you can do this from one end of the stage to the other, or until they block.

So the basic idea is to guard an attack that gives you an opening, use a quick attack to break their flow, and continue to hit them on CH with said quick attacks until they finally stop spazzing on their controller and guard.
- on a good connection, just block and respond.

- on a bad connection, hope that luck is on your side.. you need to buffer a block and response then spam yourself

- avoid ranked games and try to join people with good connections.
Although I only play with 4 and 5 bar connections, this can be misleading. I've actually had a so-called 5-bar connection give me a 2 second lag between my command and the execution of the command. Now, online with spammers, these people are probably accustomed to just playing whatever random opponent comes along, which will often give a lot of lag and plenty of opportunity to spam. I actually found someone whose level was in the 130s and all he tried to do was poke me with Kilik. Our connection was excellent, so I just sidestepped and crushed him.
If you goal is to win, and spamming gets you there, I don't see much incentive not to spam. In general, if you don't have to think and you're making the other guy think a lot, you have a big advantage.

This is the essence of claw and o. sagat play in ST, though to be fair, a person that knows what he's doing will beat a spammer that doesn't know what he's doing in most cases because there are very few spamming strategies that are perfect, and clueless people have no idea where they are vulnerable while spamming, leading to even more openings.

If you're not having fun, you have the option of just not playing, or not being pissed off when you lose to spam. Or you could learn how to beat spammers and actually win. I prefer winning myself.
Hey, i wrote some for a reason. I don't write perfectly while using forums either which is why i wrote some consideration for grammer i'm not not nitpicking the shit out of his post am I? No which is why you shouldn't take my post seriously. And im sorry did you really just say No fight is exactly the same, even with spammers. Seriously, please think that through. The definition of Spammer by Urban Dictionary is "One who attacks aimlessly; without skill or technique; especially while using weapons that do damage over a large area " If you cannot beat someone who is blatently attacking without skill or technique then u may aswell have no skill either. A spammer usually only uses a few moves, thus allowing you to know exactly what to counter and how to counter it which means it is easily beaten. And if there is lag, just leave. No sense in trying to win with lag. Also, if you are playing ranked, there is no sense in playing it after you've reached level 20. Switch to player matches and you may never face these problems again.

Except that I cant beat EVERY SINGLE spammer I come across. Some spam low, high, teleports, Bs, As, throws, UBs, GBs, and yes every spam fight is different. Maybe not with the same spammer, but that definition only encompasses all spammers, not every spammer fights the exact same. Lag at any level immediately plays into it, especially when the connection suddenly drops and they know what lag tactic to switch too, where Im still getting used to my block being delayed a second and a half. I wont do disconnects.

You still mentioned grammer, on the internet, and forums, grammer is personal preference, so dont bring it up. Also, just cuz you cant beat a spammer doesnt mean you cant or shouldnt play this game. In most cases spammers are exploiting very specific attacks for a very specific reason, and that is why they are able to beat so many people.

I dont play ranked often, but when i do, I can usually handle the spammers I come across, but even the spammers that show up on player match can get the better of me sometimes.

If you cannot beat someone who is blatently attacking without skill or technique then u may aswell have no skill either.

So I have no skill just because I can lose to a spammer. Im glad Ill never have to meet you in life. Seeing how easy you will belittle strangers on the internetz.

BTW, I play online because I dont have anyone to play offline with.
Should have been a comma after next time. them a win, not them win.

Beating a spammer takes more than skill, you must be proficient at applying said skill, some luck, technical consideration, and being able to use reaction. Losing to a spammer because of lag also negates skill since they are most likely using a lag win character. It takes patience and just getting used to what they use in order to win. As for the guy I quoted, don't be rough on someone cuz you don't like their grammer, you weren't perfect, he wasnt, Im not, this is not ENGLISH class. Also, just cuz you can beat all the spammers in the world doesnt mean he can. No fight is exactly the same, even with spammers.

Hey, i wrote some for a reason. I don't write perfectly while using forums either which is why i wrote some consideration for grammer i'm not not nitpicking the shit out of his post am I? No which is why you shouldn't take my post seriously. And im sorry did you really just say No fight is exactly the same, even with spammers. Seriously, please think that through. The definition of Spammer by Urban Dictionary is "One who attacks aimlessly; without skill or technique; especially while using weapons that do damage over a large area " If you cannot beat someone who is blatently attacking without skill or technique then u may aswell have no skill either. A spammer usually only uses a few moves, thus allowing you to know exactly what to counter and how to counter it which means it is easily beaten. And if there is lag, just leave. No sense in trying to win with lag. Also, if you are playing ranked, there is no sense in playing it after you've reached level 20. Switch to player matches and you may never face these problems again.

How about some consideration for spelling, while we're wasting time ripping each other to shreds over a language that (assuming it is your first language) you should be damned proficient at by now? It's "grammar." With an "a."

In regard to the spamming problem, just stop playing online. Most of the spam tactics will not fly in the offline community, presuming you know how to hit the guard button and you are aware what your fastest move is. If you can only get matches in online... well, I have the same advice. Hah.
How about some consideration for spelling, while we're wasting time ripping each other to shreds over a language that (assuming it is your first language) you should be damned proficient at by now? It's "grammar." With an "a."

In regard to the spamming problem, just stop playing online. Most of the spam tactics will not fly in the offline community, presuming you know how to hit the guard button and you aware what your fastest move is. If you can only get matches in online... well, I have the same advice. Hah.

I really dont care about GRAMMAR or spelling right now cuz Im on a forum.

Your lucky that you dont have to play online to play with people.
Spam back, use anticipation and play a strategic game instead of a reactive one. Let me give you an example of an interaction(that, by the way, is intensely difficult to beat and one of the best spam tactics please dear lord don't copy this if you play against me)

Mitsurugi: 1a, 1a, bb, a, 1a, 1a, bb, a, 66bb, 1a (you notice they don't block at all)

You: Dead and also very pissed

Round 2
Mitsurugi: same
You: Start with spammed fastest attack, still get hit :-(, Hold Guard(get hit), Hold Guard(get hit), Hold Guard(notice you blocked the hit, immediately begin a while-crouched low kick, bb, bb, bb, while-crouched low kick, bb, DO NOT STOP ATTACKING WITH YOUR BEST MIXUP), if you are knocked down or fall to the mixup, you have two options now
1) try to guard, sidestep, parry(difficult)
2) spam your fastest attacks and try to gain advantage (easy)

Round 3
Mitsurugi: slightly different strategy, more aa and 1a, less bb
You: Counteract strategically with guarding low to gain advantage, again keep attacking with your best mixup

Round 4
Mitsurugi: slightly different strategy, mostly bb
You: Finding it difficult to gain advantage by using frame advantage you decide to parry the predictable spam and lo and behold it is easier than you expected because you limited the spammer's options. This is the case where it is easier to fight spam...when you get inside their head. Unfortunately pro gamers are suited to the task and will outplay you strategically...but you're probably not at that level so use this as a learning experience and learn their mixup, their strategy and timing, and get better by learning from your opponent.

Sure, you're not going to win without spamming and you're only learning strategy but that is valid unless you're above a certain level. In fact, mixup and pressure is one of the fundamentals of soul calibur and one you need to learn. Once you know it and also know your best strategic attacks etc you probably will be even more upset that soul calibur 4 was designed to be such a shitty game online. But hey, soul calibur 5 may not take 3 years to come out you never know.

I will never spam online to victory, I was able to lose to a level 50 yesterday because I was more interested in his attack patterns and toying with him and defending(futilely online) than spamming and showing him the online bullshit you see in most online ranked games. In fact, if I get 10+ parries off I consider it a win for me because I've compensated and shown myself a high level of play under the most adverse circumstances. Sometimes, it's seeing yourself overcome obstacles and brace the torrent of online spam that makes you have fun. If you're playing online against spammers, you need to remember it's not "all about the W" it's about having fun and learning from your mistakes and the strength of others. If it is "all about the W" feel free to copy the bullshit about fighting spam and pervert it against non-spammers but I encourage you to use the first round as a "feeler" and see if your opponent really is a dickwad who likes to ruin online interaction with a strategic spam. If they are...fight with strategy and spam...but if they aren't relish your opponent and the interactive game that is soul calibur (pseudo-offline) and you might even want to send them a gg and start a friends list with those folk because they are few and even fewer playing in ranked matches.
I recommend just quitting the room and finding another with a better connection. If you start a match and see that your inputs have worse-than-acceptable lag, leave immediately.

The whole point of playing online SHOULD be to have an environment that is the closest approximation to offline play as possible in the comfort of your own middle-of-nowhere home. And with good connections, it can often come close to this.

So what's the point of even playing in, let-alone learning to play in a laggy environment that grossly changes how the game is played at a fundamental level? For a meaningless rank? So some lamer won't invisibly make fun of you?

Leave and find another room. Swallow your pride, forget your rank, and leave the room.