[Winston-Salem, NC] Care for a smoke?

[Winston-Salem, NC]

You're in luck. Tomorrow afternoon there's a SC tourney at Lucky's card shop in Greensboro on High Point Road- it's in Westgate Shopping Center right across from the LIbby Hill. From 40 you head past the Mall about a mile or so to get there.

Also 3s/GG/UM stuff as well.
[Winston-Salem, NC]

Ah I can't make it to Greensboro though, I could make it to Winston though if there is something around there since I go to school there....problem is I can't drive yet.
Well, next Saturday (11th) they're running at Lucky's again.

A lot of the GG community plays SCIV here.
im bout 2 hrs or so, stck in jacksonville. but lookin for good comp, any tourneys any time soon?
Hi guys.

So yeah. Hot spots for this game in NC are the triad, Raleigh and Greenville.

We have some good Voldo, Maxi, Raphael, Hilde, Algol, Sieg, Sophitia, Talim, Lizardman, Astaroth, Ivy, etc.

NC State is a good place for gatherings to play the game, or my apartment. State uses a 360 and I have a PS3.
Brent - and in that list you mentioned NONE of the characters I play haha. btw Algol = banned. as of the latest patch.

but yeah, if you want to play some SC in NC best bet is to post about it on SRK to see where or who is doing casuals (people to watch for: longshot, ceron, kyodachi and purify) or just show up to a Lucky's tournament. Since a lot of us don't go on the calibur forums that often.
quote: but yeah, if you want to play some SC in NC best bet is to post about it on SRK to see where or who is doing casuals (people to watch for: longshot, ceron, kyodachi and purify) or just show up to a Lucky's tournament. Since a lot of us don't go on the calibur forums that often.

that tourney's still going on the 15th right? also where on shoryukin do u guys post, i cant seem to find any of u, not for sc4 anyway?
sorry Q eheh

so add Taki and Setsuka to that! I'm just now starting to play ranked online. So many Cervantes and Kilik players. Good to see there are people in this game too that sit on the character/stage screen for the full time limit then try to cheese you :D ...I don't like taunting people after I win, but I have to to those guys lol

This one dude was all trying to 2A xN with Talim, then either do a mid or throw...that's all he did. I was like...really? People lose to this? And like...Cerv players spamming psycho crusher loool, on that note GI is awesome.

This is my first Calibur game, so I'm going to be playing for a while and I'm enjoying it. Don't expect me to puss out. I think it's a pretty decent game. See you guys on the 15th, also we're gonna play at NEC rite? Who all's going.
Brent - well it's more like Tira, Taki, Setsuka. Pickin up a 4th too just in case I make it out this weekend. Might play some Cerv too. Glad you're enjoying the game, wish more people would play, it's really easy and 5 - 10 bucks to enter isn't that crucifying unless you're broke like me. haha. If this shit gets picked up by WCG then I'll get more serious.

Ninja Cannon Edit:
found out on you're profile you can put up who you play as and it appears in your post (aka the lil' character pics). Was wondering wtf those were haha.
Well since more people are posting on 8WR now I'm going to throw it out there.

What are we doing for the rules sets from now on in our tournies?

Algol- I say we leave him. Only person that still sort of uses him is Jon( got the name right?) I don't anymore and don;t care about it.
Vader- Since ps3 is the standard and he's open on the 360 now I don't see a reason to ban him. Mainly cause I want to use him. . but whatever lol
Yoda-I don't care if we ban him or not. I can show everyone auto win strats against Yoda so he's null and void unless he ever gets patched. Or hell If the ps3 we use doesn't even have him even easier lol.

Button Binding with Hilde:
This is the only other thing that I guess we need to discuss. I'm not partial to it after reading on the subject. But unless we get an influx of Hilde players it wouldn't really be that big of a deal?
"Algol has been officially banned from Version 1.03 by the Nationals Commitee."

I haven't read about the Vader / Yoda thing however I think they should remain banned. Yoda can't be thrown and either character has to be bought as an add on, which is the main reason why I'm still against Vader being legal.

Button binding has always been legal, due to pad players having random ass button-layouts. But I see where you're coming from with the Hilde theory.
Re: characters, we should do whatever the majors' rules are.

Re: Hilde and binds...I don't think it's game breaking that you can use a normal while charging (but break the charge), however, I don't think it was intended by the developers and it's not something stick players can really do, so I'm against it solely on those grounds. It's an advantage for pad Hildes, most def, and I don't like the "well arcade stick players have a natural advantage cause they play stick" argument. I've tried playing like this and I certainly see where it would be useful, but it just doesn't feel natural to me.

If people can play Eddie and I-no on pad, they can play Hilde on pad too. Just deal or play stick.
Re: characters, we should do whatever the majors' rules are.

Re: Hilde and binds...I don't think it's game breaking that you can use a normal while charging (but break the charge), however, I don't think it was intended by the developers and it's not something stick players can really do, so I'm against it solely on those grounds. It's an advantage for pad Hildes, most def, and I don't like the "well arcade stick players have a natural advantage cause they play stick" argument. I've tried playing like this and I certainly see where it would be useful, but it just doesn't feel natural to me.

If people can play Eddie and I-no on pad, they can play Hilde on pad too. Just deal or play stick.

call me a noob with the terminology but, what's button banding?
Button binding, as in you hit R1 and get A+B. I'm fine with that, I use A+K myself. Binds have been allowed in SC since ever so that's not so much an issue.
Well the only major I can find the rules for right now is Final Round, and they have Yoda/Vader banned. I'm not going to push for them to be allowed since Yoda is useless and I'm not expecting people to pay for Vader just so they know how to fight him.

Besides I think I'm the only person even wanting to use Vader on Saturday anyways. I can always just use him in casuals and shit.

But if anyone wants to play online or something I do, and I need to test out my stick to see how well it works.