With no banning, what will 2009 Evo be like?

Everyone will pick Hilde and Yoda will win.
He will DOMINATE. I swear it.
Green fury will own everyone. Then people will counterpick Yoda with Mina, and all he Minas will own the Algols. And Tiers will look like this: Top: Mina, Yoda. Bottom: Hilde, Algol. I guarantee it.

As if Algol needs bubbles to beat Seong Mi-na, she's just that bad. From my experience, Kilik probably does the best against Algol, but I haven't really seen much of the Cassandra vs Algol matchup yet. And Hilde isn't going to be the only character there.
1. Characters to prevail: Hilde or Kilik
2. Evo will have counterpicking but how much I don't know. I know Oof if he does go will be the centerpiece for counterpicking.
3. Top players to win EVO: Something-Unique (Just saying lol) Seriously who knows especially with it being international and all.
4. The S+-Tier and S-Tiers will be the exact same. Hilde followed by Algol respectively.


Do u honestly see Kilik, Voldo, and Amy as a greater threat than Hilde and Algol. I could see them being a major threat but on the same level as Hilde and Algol.


I agree that Ivy may be a sleeper hit. I swear I feel like i'm by myself in respecting her ability in this game. She is really good.

Another thing damnit! Stop letting the Hilde secrets out the bag. Shhhh...........


WS K ist beastly man. Just recently tapped into the beastliness of that move. Godlike.


You just explained Oof's genious in a nutshell.
Counter Pick game may be strong but to be honest my ONLY fear is Hilde. While Algol's bubbles can suck to fight, some characters with range really don't care (yay Ivy matchup!). While I feel for some people, there are characters with good matchups on him and if they exist i guess it's ok.

Hilde on the other hand...is an issue. Getting the Hilde player to agree to a stage is never going to happen because they'll constantly be going for the easy RO stages while you aim for the no RO stage. Dear God I pray for a 1.04 fix to this madness! Maybe if they ban the doom combo when used for RO (might as well be treated like the infinite combos since it wins games once it starts with very little positioning set up). It's one thing to have an overly strong character, but an average character with a "Hail Mary" combo that turns 1 mistake into a win in nearly an positioning/scenario is bullshit. And the issue with counter picking against her is the 2 best matchups are 2 of the worst characters: Yoda and Rock. I wont be crying if I see her abused at the tournament, but I feel a ban on the FULL doom combo is needed (she can still have her amazing RO C2 A and smaller combos with it). The full is where it gets ridiculous.

As for the starwars characters...none of them are really that good and I feel they make perfectly valid characters for use. I wont use em but I'll be happy to see them there.

Despite the BS of Hilde I do not feel they will necessarily will win. Characters to make top 8 I expect:


Ivyfanboy-ish ness aside, Ivy has only 1 bad MU (and about 3-4 ties) and it's Hilde. She has plenty of potential to take it.
Counter Pick game may be strong but to be honest my ONLY fear is Hilde. While Algol's bubbles can suck to fight, some characters with range really don't care (yay Ivy matchup!). While I feel for some people, there are characters with good matchups on him and if they exist i guess it's ok.

Hilde on the other hand...is an issue. Getting the Hilde player to agree to a stage is never going to happen because they'll constantly be going for the easy RO stages while you aim for the no RO stage. Dear God I pray for a 1.04 fix to this madness! Maybe if they ban the doom combo when used for RO (might as well be treated like the infinite combos since it wins games once it starts with very little positioning set up). It's one thing to have an overly strong character, but an average character with a "Hail Mary" combo that turns 1 mistake into a win in nearly an positioning/scenario is bullshit. And the issue with counter picking against her is the 2 best matchups are 2 of the worst characters: Yoda and Rock. I wont be crying if I see her abused at the tournament, but I feel a ban on the FULL doom combo is needed (she can still have her amazing RO C2 A and smaller combos with it). The full is where it gets ridiculous.

As for the starwars characters...none of them are really that good and I feel they make perfectly valid characters for use. I wont use em but I'll be happy to see them there.

Despite the BS of Hilde I do not feel they will necessarily will win. Characters to make top 8 I expect:


Ivyfanboy-ish ness aside, Ivy has only 1 bad MU (and about 3-4 ties) and it's Hilde. She has plenty of potential to take it.

......................................trying to sound smart?
Counter Pick game may be strong but to be honest my ONLY fear is Hilde. While Algol's bubbles can suck to fight, some characters with range really don't care (yay Ivy matchup!). While I feel for some people, there are characters with good matchups on him and if they exist i guess it's ok.

Hilde on the other hand...is an issue. Getting the Hilde player to agree to a stage is never going to happen because they'll constantly be going for the easy RO stages while you aim for the no RO stage. Dear God I pray for a 1.04 fix to this madness! Maybe if they ban the doom combo when used for RO (might as well be treated like the infinite combos since it wins games once it starts with very little positioning set up). It's one thing to have an overly strong character, but an average character with a "Hail Mary" combo that turns 1 mistake into a win in nearly an positioning/scenario is bullshit. And the issue with counter picking against her is the 2 best matchups are 2 of the worst characters: Yoda and Rock. I wont be crying if I see her abused at the tournament, but I feel a ban on the FULL doom combo is needed (she can still have her amazing RO C2 A and smaller combos with it). The full is where it gets ridiculous.

As for the starwars characters...none of them are really that good and I feel they make perfectly valid characters for use. I wont use em but I'll be happy to see them there.

Despite the BS of Hilde I do not feel they will necessarily will win. Characters to make top 8 I expect:


Ivyfanboy-ish ness aside, Ivy has only 1 bad MU (and about 3-4 ties) and it's Hilde. She has plenty of potential to take it.

Actually, Astaroth and Darth Vader are also safe from the doom combo. Algol can also be saved from the doom combo if it gets interrupted by bubbles, which happens quite a bit if you land a charge through bubbleshield. I personally don't know how to get the combo to work on Cassandra, because of her fat ass.
My counterpick against Hilde is Rock. Too bad Algol will destroy my Rock... so sad...

I guess I could pick up Yoda... I really should...

Anyone but Hilde will win Evo.
If not for the fact that there's a lack of players for some characters I'd say Kilik, Voldo, Astaroth and Amy are all going to be up there (along with the inevitable Hilde and Algol.. just doubt they will be No.1)

Also, it's funny how everyone is presuming that France/DR aren't practicing against SW/Algol..
Has anyone been spying on them? Don't cut them out of the equation yet.
RTD: I agree with all that Hilde weakness stuff except for Time. Hilde can charge all day if she wants. Even easier with binds. So charging can be happening even right after she uses one, breaks a throw, etc. I've never seen anyone rush Hilde down. The fear of her step + charges is that strong, which makes time even less of a weakness.

As far as EVO I'm just expecting to be surprised.
I am of the opinion that no characters should be banned from a fighting game...that is unless they are just so completely broken, that even someone who knows nothing about the game, could stomp pros with said character. I don't really think Hilde or Algol are broken to that degree. It does take a lot of skill to use Hilde correctly IMO. As for Algol, I think he is extremely powerful, but definitely not broken...I kind of liken him to Old Sagat in Super Turbo.
With no banning, 2009 EVO, and 2009 Nats, are going to have good competitions between good players, with a ton of complainers on the sidelines.
Seong Mi-Na takes it ALL!


seriously just watch it happen...

(and I'll be forcing blind picks the whole tournament even though it will be obvious I will always pick Ivy)
So.... Either way you won't place?

I'm sorry, did you take offense to my reference to scrub players who will attempt to counterpick when it really doesn't matter (because they're scrubs)? I was not referring to solid players with Yoda/Hilde.

For the record, I don't play either Hilde or Yoda, and have never complained about either. I also don't know you, but you seem to know me... and my nuts. Get off them if you could. kthxbye.
The best players are going to win...EVO.
OFF is pretty much the only successful Starwars user.
Despite how strong Hilde is, she isn't dorminating.
Algol remains to be completely seen.

Anyway what I am saying is, if you expect to go to a competition with tons of skilled players, and you think your character is going to do all the work for you...ex counterpick and shit...You ain't winning shit. OFF might counterpick, but he puts in that much time and effort into his characters...

I am hoping for the return of lizzy and talim BTW OFF.

Oh yeah I say Asta or Kilik wins Evo.
setsuka not gonna place top 8 just to put that out there. despite her being really fucking good, how many people actually win tourneys with her (anywhere)? Asta is MUCH more likely to be in top 8, but this is more because of the players than the characters (cause I do think Sets is better than Asta)