Working Name Orlando Tournament Results


The cake is a Lie!!!
Here is the bracket from the tournament last night. Many thanks for everyone who arrived and played, and even to those who just came to hang out and watch. Once again, Congratulations to Issac on his amazing first place victory, and to WCIRE for putting up an amazing fight all the way to the end.

Videos are going up as soon as I can get them uploaded.

(I could not find ANY other way to get the bracket up.... sorry)


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[8/30/0] Working Name Orlando Tournament - Orlando, FL

Cheers to everyone who came to Sadist's tourney. Me and my bro spent the whole car ride back to Tampa talking about the good times, cool people we met, and how we can't wait for the next tourney. Sadist's setup is pimp and so were all the skeelz you all brought. That was my first money tournament I've ever been to and I can honestly say I've never been so happy about losing money. My hat's off to you all :D

Sadist inspired me with his determination to pwn with Ivy. I'll try to brush up on my Voldo and refine my Lizardman and bring it to the next tourney. Expect to shake my hand after getting humped by Voldo (you'll still'll just be all's its own reward as far as I'm concerned).

I apologize beforehand for any matches I recorded that looked like I was filming in the midst of an earthquake. Nicotine deprivation + Sleep deprivation == shaky hands for me. If we don't have an alternative solution to recording by the next tourney, I'll bring a tripod with me to fix that. Special thanks to the steady-handed dude recording those matches at the beginning. You ruled.

To all who attended, my door is always open for some matches. If any of you find yourselves in the Tampa area, PM me (my name is ShaggySmoker on 8wayrun...yes, I realize I look like Shaggy and I friggin love it) and drop me a line. I'm usually up for SC M-F 6-10PM and any time Sat-Sun.

Major congrats again to Isaac and the Siegfried (Wcire I think?). You guys are MACHINES :D
[8/30/0] Working Name Orlando Tournament - Orlando, FL

Good shit ISAAC! Always rewarding to come from the losers bracket and beat the one who put you there hehe. Props to the placers
[8/30/0] Working Name Orlando Tournament - Orlando, FL

Great games everyone. I hope I can make it down for the other tournaments.
[8/30/0] Working Name Orlando Tournament - Orlando, FL

*this is a repost from*

And just in case people cant see the brackets for Whatever reason, here are the results (top 3 anyway)

1st- I$AAC (Raph)
2nd- wcire (Seig)
3rd- ToiletTurkey (Lizzy)

Shout Outs:

Sadist= Thanks for having this tourney at your place and you did a great job running it. Everything went smooth for the most part.

wcire- nice Seig man. It was good playing you throughout the tourney. You can really rush with Seig. Good shit

ToiletTurkey= Good shit on getting 3rd bro. Lizzy was a beast that night. props to your brother as well for picking up the game! I'll let ya know when I'm back in town.

MeDRoX= I think we had the best fight of the tourney. Shit was pringles lol. Good Cervy man. Keep that shit up!

Ichigo=GG's to you too bro. If only they recorded the Rock vs Rock match. That shit was EPIC WIN!! lol

To everyone else thanks for coming out!! Tourney was fun and hopefully we'll get more peeps to come out next time!
[8/30/0] Working Name Orlando Tournament - Orlando, FL

I think I played the Cervy (MeDRoX I think) after the tourney (a little while after you left) and he beat me for third place since we hadn't fought yet. I can't remember if it was 2-1 my favor or 1-2 my loss (was too tired towards the last part of the night), but I remember we had some good matches. I just want to give credit where credit's due :D

Can't wait for you and Nix and his friend (wherever they're at, probably making someone cry in Tekken 5) to head on over. More Boobo and Space Pope action awaits.

Oh yeah, I sold my brother on playing Taki so hopefully we'll see some good ninjar action from him in the coming weeks. My other friend that didn't come to the tournament was shutting down my Lizzy with his Sophie last night so if I invite him over we'll have four, a healthy start to an SC-fest or some team battles.
[8/30/0] Working Name Orlando Tournament - Orlando, FL

I think I played the Cervy (MeDRoX I think) after the tourney (a little while after you left) and he beat me for third place since we hadn't fought yet. I can't remember if it was 2-1 my favor or 1-2 my loss (was too tired towards the last part of the night), but I remember we had some good matches. I just want to give credit where credit's due :D

Can't wait for you and Nix and his friend (wherever they're at, probably making someone cry in Tekken 5) to head on over. More Boobo and Space Pope action awaits.

Oh yeah, I sold my brother on playing Taki so hopefully we'll see some good ninjar action from him in the coming weeks. My other friend that didn't come to the tournament was shutting down my Lizzy with his Sophie last night so if I invite him over we'll have four, a healthy start to an SC-fest or some team battles.

hi all I nando of D.R I play soulcalibur 4 and tekken 5 dr an send a regard to my friend DREAMKILLER he was here IN 1 year ago.\ sorry with my egilish is no very good SOULCALIBUR my caracter is setsuca in tekken brian wiht the knee this is my id DOMINCANGILR THANK