You could never understand how to customize me!

Eh...,why not.
So, who else thought Siegfried and Hilde were going to hook up after SCIV? I like to think that what really happened was that she put him in the friendzone, which crushed the soul of an already regretful Siegfried. Now, instead of working up the nerve to show Nightmare who's boss, he huddles in the corner, puts on some Bright Eyes, sucks down the booze, and bawls himself to sleep.

Design Notes:
- His messenger bag is made of two boxes fixed to his hips, sized to minumum width, and patterned with minimum size crocodile skin.
- The shirt has four stickers: a heart, a scar, motif 88 placed by view for smearing, and a rose. It's supposed to be some kind of "artsy" emo trash about how his bleeding heart is watering a rose, which is a metaphor for who-knows-what.
- His sword is also some kind of emo metaphor for his heart being encased in ice.
I hate how this thread doesn't follow the standard custom X template in the title :<


SC2 Siegfried
A remake of a favorite of mine.


Blasphemy! Siegfried wasn't in SC2, I know. But I still loved this outfit (probably tied with SC3 2P as my favorites) and took a few liberties with the design. Have I mentioned how much I hate items with unchangeable colors?


Japanese Siegfried
My favorite character edit.


A recreation of his 1P in a Japanese flavor. It was made for Distant Worlds contest. I made a matching Nightmare as well. I want to make similar edits for other characters but couldn't pull it off as good.


There is no Schwarzwind anymore, they are Kurokaze :P


At last...
So here are all of my Siegfried creations (In spoiler tags because they are a lot)

1) A random Siegfried recolour


2) Sexyfried


3) Herr Schtauffen


4) Angelfried


5) Summetime Siegfried (Would you like some Coca Cola?)


6) Baby Siegfried (He is soooooooo cute and manly. Also I have another baby outfit. Who could he be?)




(I hope you noticed the bottle of milk XD)

7) Nerfing Siegfried



8) All black Siegfried (His mon died sooooooooooooo...)


9) Another everyday outfit (From my deleted data...)

More coming...
Here are the rest (Sorry for the double post)
10) A random Knight outfit



11) Another random every day outfit (LOL he has a gun)


12) Another Knight outfit


13) And another one (That's one of my favourite Knight outfits though)



14) Soul Blade Siegfried (I think most Siegfried players have one XD)


15) Another Knight costume (He is a Captain-Knight...whatever... So I guess that explains the variety)



16) Siegfried and his friend (He is very helpful at the wars against the malfested)



17) Another every day outfit, all black type... I wonder who does Siegfried want to give the rose to? (Not Hilde. END)


That's all :)
Baby siegfried and goth modern siegfried w handbag are hilarious ... Well done !
Soul blade recreation strike a nostalgic chord
Summerfried, Babyfried, Nerffried
Summerfried and Babyfried got a rise out of me. The concepts are funny and the execution was done very well. I'm especially impressed by the pacifier and rattle. Nerffried is pretty funny as a concept, too.

13) And another one (That's one of my favourite Knight outfits though)
I really like this one. The entire top section works well together and I like the way you worked in the Oathkeeper's belt. The color scheme looks great. It seems kind of plain from the waist down, though. You should have some special equipment slots open, so maybe you could build a fauld/tasset out of some of those? That's entirely up to you, though. Just a suggestion.
Babysiegypoos... great job! Don't usually feel much for the joke CaS but he's absolutely great! It fits my disdain for Sieg players as well - maybe that's why I enjoy it so much. :p
Not sure how to feel about baby Sieg D:

Sat down and played with some new Cepheus Store items on Sieg. I really like what I came up with!


I feel that he's slightly inspired by Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I wanted to make him so gaudy that he became awesome/fabulous. After taking the pics I realized his hair didn't look how I wanted it...imagine it to be an ultra-bright natural red/orange tone, rather than the dull washed out pinkish color here D:
Christopher Columbus






Design notes :
- dead eye as a result of Sieg's trademark facial scar
- ancient armor inspired the conquistador theme and gives the historical touch
- bird tattoo used to give the armor a layer of decoration to reproduce ornaments on noble armors at that time
- first use of the fur fox on one of my CAS, to give an additional touch of nobility and grandeur
- Use of griffin sticker on the right side of the chest piece for double colored / decorated chest plate, complementing blend of gold and steel plate armor
- Tatoo painting representing the ship in distress with floating sails and flags and frantic crew...


The (almost) full formula

Base : Siegfried custom
Christopher Columbus

"Print and Play" formula, provided you got DLC and are Level 99 or close ;o)

Body :

Hair : Wavy Bowl Cut

Equipment :

Artist Beret
Chain Mail
Steel Plate (Ancient Armor DLC)
Steel Greaves (Ancient Armor DLC)
Warrior’s Belt
Fur Neck Wrap
Steel Gauntlets (Ancient Armor DLC)
Hand Gun :
Hips, 28, 10,-5, -17, -38, -22, 5, -47, 8
Angel’s Feathers :
Head, 0, -27, 0,0,0,0, -1,52,0
Apple :
Head, -5, -37, 4, -40, -50, -8, 10, -3, 0,

Weapon :

Effect : at your leisure, I chose “none” but outrageous might be ok

Colors :

Body :
Undergarments : 9/0/25
Others : 9/0/31

Equipment :
Headgear : Europ 17, 8/1/16
Size / Angle (4 right / all way left)

Undergarment :
0/0/24, 5/1/25, standard

Tops : 4/8/13, 7/1/15, 5/1/25

Bottoms :
Basic 1 : 1/36/10, 8/8/13, 9/8/13, 9/1/17,1/36/10, Europ 19 : 4/1/20 (size : 4 right, all way left -3)

Hips : 4/7/20, 8/8/11, 1/41/3

Neck/Back :
Basic 1 : 2/0/1, 2/0/1, 6/0/10 (find size and angle you like, gives depth to the fur), others unchanged

Arms :
Basic 1 : 1/36/10, 8/8/13, 9/8/13, others unchanged except color 4 (5/6/23)

Special equ 1 :
Europ 16 : 3/0/5, 9/7/23 (size, all left, angle all left -25)
Special equ 2 :
Basic 1 : 0/0/3, 3/0/11, 0/0/9 (size all way right, angle : -16)
Special equ 3 : 9/1/21

Stickers :
I’ll just give the stickers and colors here because the placement can easily be seen on the close-up pics I posted earlier

Chest :

Bicolor chest plate
1/Motif 78 (red and golden griffin on the right part of the chest plate) :
4/8/13, 8/1/17, 4/8/13
2/Motif 3 (1/36/10) (covers left part of the chest plate)
3/Motif 95 : upper left part of chest plate
4/Motif 95 : back portion of chest plate

Belt fresque (see pic for ref) :
1/Motif 47 (waves)
2/Motif 13 (Moon crescent) for the hull of the ship
3/Motif 45 (for the sails)
4/Motif 46 (for the flags and crew)

Weapon :
0/0/15, 9/8/24, 4/8/16

Thumbnail formula (don't underestimate the power of the thumbnail ;o) !

Pose 1 (centered and slightly zoomed)
Background 57
Back Frame 53
Front Frame 19