Zas Videos

Zas videos....

Ive got some vs Sacredphoenix

There all Zas vs Zas

Don't watch any ot the Yoshi ones attached do these because I was playing really badly with him that night.

P.S Im the one in the crimson red.
Zas videos....

omegas vids are insane. mad adaptation, extreme unpredictability and great technique from both sides. I'm speechless.
Zas videos....

Codemaster what the hell was that?

Outstanding videos from Omega, as usual. 2:34 in the first clip was hilarious. Sieg tried to poke you on the ground and it caused you to recover backwards for a BT B+K for the win. Wowzers. Random shit FTW.
4:42 in the second video. Recover grounded into BT B+K, WTF? Is this something you can only do face up feet away?

What a deterrance from those UFOs that like to hover over you grounded.
Zas videos....

4:42 in the second video. Recover grounded into BT B+K, WTF? Is this something you can only do face up feet away?

If you are grounded and your feet are towards the opponent and face down, you have to press 4_6 G. This leaves you in BT.
Same goes for head first, face up.
Zas videos....

How does that juggle combo work in Codemaster's first vid? its from 1:13 - 1:17. I can't seem to re-create it.
Zas videos....

It is FC3B, 66A+B4, BT B+K

Im sure you tried 66A+B not its variation with 4, which will relaunch.
Zas videos....

Pretty pro playing on both sides. I love how Misturugi uses his Relic stance and Mist stance...supurb man.
I think I have a flashback from my online sessions with Zas btw...
Zas videos....

Yeah, I started watching that when Drake first put it up. Then I stopped when the Zas player punished 2KB with BB4 instead of 44B4 for the ring-out.

I just watched the whole thing now.

-Too much 1AB
-Too many whiffs
-Would've liked to see more throws
-Not nearly enough 4B+K
-Didn't use his best low pokes (2K, 1K)
-Threw out 4B at random times but never when he would've easily scored a CH like after blocked 6AB
-Didn't see much 6kB either
-Moved like a mannequin

+Started using 3B and BB for space

Overall, my forehead is sore from repeated facepalms.
Zas videos....

Mitsu was playing very conservatively, waiting for Zas to attack and then punishing or mixing up with 2KB. This worked really well because the Zas player had no mixup- he was just attacking mid/high all of the time hoping for CHs. The only low he ever performed was 1AB. Start 4B+King to pressure Mitsu's SG, using low attacks, and throwing. Alternatively, since this Mitsu will block both hits of 6AB, just whore it the fuck out and frametrap mix-up him to death. This would still involve low moves and/or throws though. The worst thing you can possibly do is play into his hands with a bizzaro mid/mid/high "Hope for a CH" game.

Zas didn't ever take advantage of his setups. He got 4ish blocked 6ABs throughout the match, but most of them actually resulted in Zas taking damage. If they're blocking 6AB they don't know about the frame trap, just BB4 and take your free damage, then throw him. It's free, because Mitsu is slow as shit and that player probably hasn't played enough Zas to see it coming.

That mitsu didn't seem familiar with Zas at all- he got hit by 1AB once, didn't duck 6AB, etc. So why was Zas whoring out 6B without the A followup? He used plain 6B 7 times in the first match... more than any other move. 6B on its own is pretty awful, only useful to mix up with 6BA to keep people from punishing you after it 100% of the time. If your opponent lets you get away with 6BA, you should never do 6B without the A followup. And if 6BA isn't part of your game, never do 6B.

Zas also missed every 2B4 and JF opportunity.

Finally, Zas needs to learn the tip range of his moves. He whiffed constantly.

Overall, I think that this Zas is very flawed. He doesn't know how to effectively attack a defensive opponent, doesn't really understand how to use his characters tools, and fails to take advantage of his opponents mistakes.
Zas videos....

In so many words you 2 covered my sentiment. I can only imagine what would've happened if Drake knew how unsafe the Zas was being. He didn't seem comfortable spacing. The best thing imo would've been to poke at him (the way Lies mentioned) and attack the SG (as Qshi hinted at). Drake wasn't SS much so 44B, 4B+K, 33B, all that good stuff could have worked wonders at max range.
Zas videos....

LMAO!!! I love how yall are insulting me... Its awesome

Guys sadly enough I was playing the Zas and I am still new to these things. He is my main and I like the critics of this Its helping me. I am currently getting a rundown on basics with this and Im learning. My downfall I that I worry to much and didnt focus on the match...

I will continue to read on my match though and may post more if you would like to give me tips.

Edit: I have many things to work on from what yall have written and would appreciate some tips from Zasalamel players since the people I play with (IceColdEdge, Cepzeu, FunkPanda, Eddy Pistons and other Dallas Krew) all play with different characters and only person who could really help is EP. But ya if you would like I wouldnt mind learning sessions due to the fact I do need improvement
Zas videos....

OH SHIT IT'S CHRIS GOLD HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!! That came outta left field. I hope we weren't too harsh on you.
Zas videos....

Welcome to the family Chris. We try to make each other as capable as possible. It's a nice change of pace to look at more than online and Omega vids.
Zas videos....

I will be using Zasalamel at Trash Day so Ill try to grab some more videos of things Ive learned from checking out vids and such. Possibly seeing what yall think since I cant fight well under pressure, fighting in regionals is probly horrible pressure for me so ya.

I have been checking out the things yall said I should work on and I cant seem to fully understand the potential of some of those ideas such as 6kB. I know my whiffing may get annoying to yall but if you notice I only whiff when the opponent is out of harms way (or when i think it will connect) and mostly with reasonably safe moves. Also in these match situations my JF's never come out lol for some reason in casuals I can pull off maybe 6 7 JF's and then maybe 1 if im lucky in a tournament match, but ya ill have some more videos of my matchs up soon. So yall can hate and rate my talents and progression..

Chris Gold is the Man!!!
Zas videos....

need more step and more throws. basic kinda stuff is especially important with Zas because he doesn't have much else to fall back on, so to play this character well your basics gotta be really strong.