Zasalamel General Discussion

What's your mixup with WS A if you don't mind me asking? I never could put it into a mixup it's just there for long distance anti-step for me.
Well usally i do a 2A WS A. See how ppl react if the duck most of the time
ill switch to 66A then follow up 2b4 and go from there. Not the best thing
but it works for me
I need you two to know several things if youre even trying to be good players, because at this point I am certain the both of you dont have the slightest grasp on Zasalamel:

-Nobody is going to fall for 66A. Ever. After they have been spaced with 4B+K. Never. Its too slow and it has short range. The end. Dont do it. It doesnt work "on paper" because it sure as hell doesnt work in the game. If I see that you like to use 66A, after I stop laughing at you, im going to punish it every time. If im Kilik im going to 66A. If im Talim im going to 6B+K. If im Cervy im going to iDC. If im Zas im going to 4A:B.

-Anyone whos knows how to deal with Zasalamel would have a field day with you. Zasalamel has several shortcomings, one of which is the lack of quick advancing mids, and in the oppourtunity to use one (after 4B+K) you opt to use one of his slowest and worst options for this situation, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

-There is no "mixup" out of WR A. Its a high. If you use WR A, youre gonna get mixed up. lol. Im going to tech high and punish you. Astaroth is going to 6K you. Cassy is going to 236B you. Sophie is going to 236B you. Siegfried is going to 3B you. WR A is only useful to stop step, and even then its an inconvenience because its a WR move. If they are step happy then CH 3AB is a smarter option. Depending on what side they are stepping 4A is a good option, 4B+K is a good option.

-The premise of a "mixup" is to put your opponent in a situation where they have to 50/50 guess out of harms way. After 2A, there is no fear in WR A because the only thing YOU can do afterwards is block or guess wrong. lol.

You have the game down in theory, but youre using the incorrect moves to be successful, whoever youre playing must be god awful.
If he's playing online, you'd be surprised how many people get hit by 66A. I rarely use it because I'm never at the right range for it, but when I do use it I almost always hit with it.
I'm confident that I'm pretty damn good with Zasalamel. I play the best people in my area. I thought it was strange too, when someone who did all the frame data for all the characters told me that it might work. But I play THE best people. And when I see they like to run in as soon as I 4B+K them I used 66A because it WOULD hit because I KNEW they were going to run in. Lately I've used 2B4 instead of 66A in that situation because it's at least somewhat safe.

I understand your point in view. Using an unsafe and slow move like 66A does sound stupid. But I hardly ever used it, just to condition them to stop rushing in after 4B+K, once again i've substituted it for 2B4 in that situation. I know his frames, I know how to play him, and I surely know that I don't go against 'god awful' people. I've had too much experience playing as Zasalamel against the best people in the NC/GA area to be contradicted as someone who doesn't know how to play him.
I stay in NC. Im the best Zasalamel in North Carolina.

Who plays Zas in Georgia? Ill be down there in a week.

Cuz you dont have a clue son. Not if youre winning with 66A. You playing hot garbage.
Artilust, 66A isn't as terrible as you're making it out to be. It's just not worth using. Some characters can't punish it with anything scary, and a lot of players don't know how to punish it properly (And none of the moves you listed punish 66A).

just to condition them to stop rushing in after 4B+K, once again i've substituted it for 2B4 in that situation.

You do realize that after 4B+K is blocked you're at serious frame disadvantage, and your opponent has options that can not be interrupted. Right?
I didnt list moves that punish 66A because nobody good is even going to let you try that shit.

I refuse to talk about this game with people who dont know how to play. I could see if they were discussing strats and things, but im telling you flat out that that move is crap and to never use it, and yet you insist that its has it uses, when myself and even Freaky have given you much better alternatives.

Im on PSN right now. You want me to show you how useless 66A is?
I dont trash talk dude.

because at this point I am certain the both of you dont have the slightest grasp on Zasalamel

You playing hot garbage


And I don't have a PS3. And since when did I say I ever used 66A liberally? Once again, I found a way to make it work and left it at that because you two are right it's a garbage move. However it doesn't make me a bad player just because I USED it. I sparsely use it at all yet you're rambling on as if you think I use it a dozen times a match.
4B+K is actually unsafe, the ugly pushback it gives is what protects you from getting punished. However near walls and such if it's blocked you will be punished, or should be.

4B+K blocked into 66A will only work once really, because the second time your opponent should be smart enough either to interrupt your 66A or punish you after he blocks 66A.

Personally I use all of Zass's moves, 66A is only useful at it's peak range for anti step. I think it has a longer range than 3AB. But yeah it's not a good tool at all.

2A into WS A is terrible. Your opponent will either duck after 2A or attack you with one of his own 2A. WS A is a high, in this situation I am surprised you make it work even online.
Lol ight everybody i get what everyone is saying and that most of you are tyring
to help and i definetly hear you. It was something i tried and have learned to use other
things i will openly admit my Zas is lacking as he pretty much takin backseat to my Ivy and got sparring use here and there since the day SC4 came out.(though he was my 2nd since he came out in Sc3 and talim became trash r.i.p Sc2 talim) Lets K.I.M(keep it movin) i was dumb wrong u where right.

Artilust ill play you just get at me on PSN and let me know when.
Everybody chill the fuck out. Especially you Arti. Goddamn you get fired-up easily.

66A is a bad move. If it TCed like it did in SC3 I would be more inclined to use it. That being said, I still use it every once and a while, mostly after the opponent does a late throw break and sometimes after CH B+K. 3A does the job just as well though.
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