The Rusted Repository (compiled personal designs and discussion)

And what the hell, I'll share this, though it's a pretty rough design: a much more cartoonish and simple iteration on the frog theme, this is just something that I threw together as a lark while work-shopping through a chain of ideas. It's much simpler and less nuanced, but I would not have thought to create 'Sir Glenn' above, but for the tinkering I did on this one.

Prince of the Pond


I was a little dissappointed with this one, if I am honest. Somehow the color scheme doesn't quite work and the detail work came out as more noisy than ornate. There's a few iterations here, but I'm struggling to work it into a clean design. Meh, still marginally worth sharing I guess. I do like the hair. I think she ended up being one of those cliche native American fighting game character archetypes, though that wasn't the intention when I started on it.


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Yo this one is sick af. Do you think you could post the instructions on how to make her?
Ha! Once again I demonstrate that I never have any ability to know which of my designs is going to connect with others. Thanks for the compliment, DF! And sure, I can share the build instructions: I'll take down notes on the less obvious stuff when I next get the opportunity--might be a couple of days, though.

Edit: Hey, @Dragons Fury -- I started your detailed instructions (they will still be forthcoming soon), but got distracted and (in part because of your enthusiasm and the generally positive response to the base design) ended up creating a couple of new variants which I think improve upon the polish considerably. I hope you like it: I may well have given up on this one if not for the feedback. :)

n'Haeha (Trailmaker)


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Nearly done again for a while, but since 'Sir Glenn' is coming along so well, I figured he needed his destined foil. This is one I've seen a fair few people take a stab at out there on the broader interwebs, but if I am completely honest, I think mine is the most faithful effort I've seen so far (no offense intended to anyone here at 8WR whom I've forgotten about who may have tried it). The placement of the codpiece and some the other ExEq do need some further tinkering, but for the moment, more than complete enough to share:

Fiend Lord


Edit: Partially deleting, minimizing, and hiding this post, since I've already presented a more refined version on this same page.

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Maybe the best of this current batch, the original idea here was to create a version of Cassie who had truly taken up her sister's mantle as the 'holy warrior' or what-have-you (a concept I may well still do eventually), but it kind of morphed into an Elysium-ish Cassandra, albeit of a heavier variety, and then into almost a straight up angelic horde kind of vibe. I actually did about a dozen different variations on the headgear, each of which got it's own color balance and slight tweaks on the rest of the equipment, but these two are the only ones I'll be taking the time to share. In truth, the color needs to still be dialed in here a little, but even with the last 5% of polish lacking for the moment, I think these really turned out pretty striking--a really solid place to stop for now. Forgive the lack of scaling in the images/the excessively long post for the moment.

Cassandra: Ascension

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This one is so trendy, I'm almost embarrassed to put it up right now. But it came together rather organically, and I have to say, it's a surprisingly effective and faithful rendering for a reference CaS that can't benefit from any attire--with the usual caveat that it could be even better with a few extra ExEq objects.

Bone Breaker


Another iteration of 'n'Haeha'. I think this is where I'm happy with her:


And finally, a much older n'Haeha, apparently now the deeply revered chieftan of her people. Yeah, alright, I pulled out all of the stops on the generic Native American tropes for this last variant, I'll grant you, and she is somewhat vague/monolithic as to her exact culture of origin, especially accross the multiple versions, but I actually think it comes together fairly stylishly, all caveats aside.


And finally, as requested @Dragons Fury, please find below all of the documentation you should need to recreate this design. Of course, these details are true for just one of several of the versions here, but you should be able to reverse-engineer any version fairly easily from the details found in these images. Likewise, I didn't identify the exact color values, but you should be able to find something that works for you easily enough, I think. But if you have any specific questions about some detail or another of the early "peppermint" version that you first expressed interest in, please feel free to ask. Thanks again for the interest: I really like the way she turned out and I didn't have any plans to polish it any time sooner, if ever, until you expressed an interest. :)


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And I finally, I polished up 'Sir Glenn' and 'Fiend Lord' a bit. I even channeled our friend @VILARCANE and made some action stills with super corny dialogue: mais pas de jeux de mots cette fois, mon ami! Of course, I just realized the spelling is inconsistent and grammatically atrocious, but I imagine it's gonna stay that way! In any event, I have to say that, considering the limitations of the editor, I never would have expected to get this reference pair looking so quality. And man, do these styles fit like a glove on this pair or what? I really am going to have to share some video--they look so quality in motion together!










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Fiend Lord and 'n'Haeha are really nice designs, they legit look like full fledge characters. and of course, the Prince of the pond is very creative - i don't think i've seen anything like that before lol
Fiend Lord and 'n'Haeha are really nice designs, they legit look like full fledge characters. and of course, the Prince of the pond is very creative - i don't think i've seen anything like that before lol
Thanks Glitch. As to Fiend Lord, I can't really take the credit for his underlying design as he is a reference build. That said, I'm a little self-congratulatory about making a version that is so faithful in most respects to the original character. But Zas' style helps quite a bit there: so much so that it's actually made me wonder if his own original movement design was itself intentionally based a little on the CT scythe-wielder!

The Prince of the Pond is a funny case: I started out trying to make a version of Olcadan that would stun (or at least be marginally better than the versions others have made for SCVI). But in the final analysis, I didn't feel like I was making anything that was breaking new ground in that respect, so I let my efforts drift towards making an owl-like brass automaton, sort of like a full-scale humanoid version of the clockwork owl from Clash of the Titans (Bupo? Bubo? Something like that):


Of course, that's a very rough version, because no sooner did I sketch that out, then the idea for the 'Prince of the Pond' struck me and I shifted towards that concept and abandoned the owl motif altogether. Of course, before I could even complete the prince, my objective shifted once again towards wanting to do a less cartoonish and more refined frog-man design, and 'Glenn' (also a reference design from the same source as 'Fiend Lord') became the ultimate outcome of this chain of experimentation. It almost always works like this with me: four times in five these days, when I start out with one concept, I end up somewhere radically different after a series of experiments leads me far afield. It's the same when I work on any kind of art involving character design, but especially pronounced with CaS.
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Some good stuff here mon ami, naeha being my favorite but the others are quite entertaining.
The goofiest, ones, albeit novel, do come out as a tad(pole?) too indefinite in the head build (for my own taste).
Les jeux de mots c'est pas grave :)
Some good stuff here mon ami, naeha being my favorite but the others are quite entertaining.
The goofiest, ones, albeit novel, do come out as a tad(pole?) too indefinite in the head build (for my own taste).
Les jeux de mots c'est pas grave :)
Yeah, believe me, I'd die for a few extra objects to pull that together even further (seems to have become my motto whenever talking about the recent versions of the editor). But that said, its actually still light years ahead of where I thought I would be able to get that character as a reference design trying to reach a target. And indeed, if I may say so, it is maybe better than just about anyone else was likely to do (with you, my friend, being one of the few people who might challenge that presumption to find an even better approach). So I'm learning to be happy with that more conservative standard. Though I will flip my lid if the SCVII has a three object limit as well...

So, in short, some nagging reservations myself there, but still immensely pleased with how 'Sir Glenn' (and indeed, this last group generally) came out, on the whole. And though I didn't set out to do this intentionally, I really do feel like I became the premiere creator when it came to animal people! The furries are gonna love me when SCVII comes around. ...wait, I didn't mean that the way it came out!
You are so totally right and you deserve more than manimal praise for all you have done despite me taking a paws from CAS.
You might have seen it of course, but do you remember that furry good thread of mine back in SC5 days ? :)
Maybe you can renelive it or even open one for SC6, call it CASnimal kingdom maybe, i have done a few, you have done many, so have many others i am sure.

Can you claws the deal ?
I pet you can :)
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You are so totally right and you deserve more than manimal praise for all you have done despite me taking a paws from CAS.
You might have seen it of course, but do you remember that furry good thread of mine back in SC5 days ? :)
Maybe you can renelive it or even open one for SC6, call it CASnimal kingdom maybe, i have done a few, you have done many, so have many others i am sure.

Can you claws the deal ?
I pet you can :)
I've actually been thinking about opening a thread called "The Menagerie" for exactly that very purposes for the last couple of months! Actually, it's just one of four or five thematic threads I've been considering opening for every one (who is still here) to contribute to collectively, as we seem to get towards the very end of the SCVI era contributions. Shared threads like the main cast threads where we can all contribute stuff we've done in the same vein and compare and contrast our approaches--and most importantly take a last appreciative look at what was made in each of those areas, and where we began and ended in terms of what we figured out with this version of the editor. I'm absolutely bogged down with other responsibilities this week, but at some point next week, I'll but a couple of these threads up. We really need a "SCVI Lizardman Edits" thread, I think, since many of us did a large number of those. And then The Menagerie, for all the other animal people. :)

Edit: By the way, that SCV is incredible. I actually have seen it before, but it's been a long, long time. Pretty impressive what people were able to eek out of the SCV editor!
Like the name (actually a french word meaning a collection of eclectic things or animals)
Ménage means cleaning or house cleaning, so idk why it's called like that tbh :)
Like the name (actually a french word meaning a collection of eclectic things or animals)
Ménage means cleaning or house cleaning, so idk why it's called like that tbh :)
Mais oui--c'est en fait aussi un mot anglais (mot emprunte au francais bien sur). Cela ne fait pas necessairement partie du vocabulaire anglais commun, mais nous l'avons. In any event, seemed like the appropriate name! ;) I'll throw it up next week--look for it!
So, these are just placeholders for more dialed-in versions at some point, but since these represent the entirety of CaSing that I have found time to do in the last six months, if I don't throw these up now, who knows when I'll get around to it!



First is a superficial update of 'Clash at Erum' Mitsurugi. Just a different, more ornate version of the surface work.


And here is Margarette, variations of whom I have been making since Soulcalibur III. At first I went with a version pretty traditional to the bucaneer vibe I have typically given her:


Then I thought, maybe the old girl is a little more seasoned in this version:


Which in turn lead to a more extensively new variation:



And finally, this last guy I am calling Star Knight, for now. This one is definitely just a rough draft/concept piece at this juncture, but I think it's going somewhere eventually. :)

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HELLO, nice to see you again... Your first 2 characters have a certain potential that could certainly be even more accomplished. Clash at Erum is starting to take shape...I particularly like the idea of the cutlass which adjusts skillfully.
Margarets is more classic, but nice.
I'm less convinced for the third...knowing that it's a prototype.