CONFIRMED: Raphael and Cervantes playable at Melbourne eSports Open

  • Admin
A series of pictures have been going around on Facebook for the past hour, claiming to have been taken at the Melbourne eSports Open today. These two pictures were posted by @Borgieman on the SOULCALIBUR Competitive Players Facebook group. Namco Bandai has not confirmed either of these two characters.

Both Cervantes and Raphael were part of the leak from three months ago, which also included Azwel. We have no other confirmation on the validity of these pictures; but we will update this post throughout the weekend if more media and pictures come from him!


Update: Another member of 8WAYRUN, @Eclair is also at MEO, and has given his confirmation with a video!


Update 2: well as it turns out, Namco accidentally set up the wrong build of the game at MEO. These characters were not supposed to be revealed today. Videos have been taken down. Unfortunately for them though, you can't stuff the genie back in the bottle.
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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
All stages were available, Kunpaektu Shrine and Astral Chaos were the other stages.

I am in the process of doing a write up for both Voldo and Azwel, I believe Eclair has done one for Talim. I am convincing another one of the exhibitors to do one for Seung Mina and Raphael.
Ayy hit a brotha up when you complete this
Now, if they only bring back Amy even if its as DLC I would have an orgasm. I know is unlikely because it seems in this settlement they opted to keep the similar movesets to a minimun and go with the originals, which I appreciate truly, but still...I can dream.

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