My Personal breakdown for Voldo


hopefully landfish isnt locked behind SC

Also hope 2A+B~ 236A+K transition into BT is still there
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I was hoping BT+G would revert to normal stance. He felt too much like roulette in V. Sometimes you got a normal move, sometimes you got a BT move.
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I don't feel comfortable with how 8WR is shortening the title of the video for me...

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Unfortunately I'm on a work computer -- and I see what the mobile users are seeing.

Unfortunately I'm on a work computer -- and I see what the mobile users are seeing.

Switch to mobile/phone and you’ll get a good laugh at this (It’s rather fitting considering this is Voldo we’re talking about lol).
Hey guys, I was at MEO and I played Voldo more than a few times. Here's a couple of notes I made along the way about his character. It's my first time doing one of these, please be gentle. If you have any questions, please ask and I'll answer as best as I can. I've also written one for Azwel so if you're interested in that, check out in his character forum. The other players with me has written one for Talim and I am in the process of convincing the other person to do a write up for Seong Mina.

Voldo plays fairly differently from his last appearance in SCV. For starters his Critical Edge (CE) is two hit horizontal and has decent range to it. A tap of the button can save you in a pinch due to Voldos movement before the CE initiates. Worth noting that regardless of front stance or back stance, contrary to what has been rumored earlier the CE is the same. It's also handy to note that after the airborne attack, the opponent does sustain fall damage which can kill if enough health is left.

2/8 B+K is the sway which goes into Mantis Crawl (MC). For some reason, pressing up or down in MC goes back into MC and not into Land Fish (LF) as previously it would go into MC > LF > MC and so on it would go into MC > MC > MC, perhaps that changes in Soul Charge (SC). 4 B+K when held can put Voldo in MCFT.

SC will change stance when you use it. If SC is popped when in Front Towards (FT) he will go into Back Towards (BT). If SC is popped whilst in BT he will go into FT.

Moves in MC are different, A is a slash which changes direction of MC (ie. If Voldo was Mantis Crawl Feet Toward (MCFT) after pressing A he would be Mantis Crawl Head Toward (MCHT) B is an upward slash which launches much like what is shown on his debut trailer.

Voldo has a new attack in FT where he has a two hit string where on the second hit he is able to pull his opponent closer to him. Worth noting by close, I mean so close Voldo is already in BT after the move is finished. The move can also OTG opponents. Even dragging back opponents as they are laying down.

Calistoro Rush (CR) is still done by doing 236. Worth noting that there is some changes to moves CR B is similar to that of SCIV. CR A+B still does frontward slide capable of ring outs. CR A+G is still the bite throw, since B+G is now RE in order to pull that move off you need to press 4 A+G like you would a normal throw whilst in CR.

Reversal Edge (RE) can be done in both directions, both of which when done successfully will do the same moves regardless of stance. A is a moderate horizontal slash. B is an upward slash which acts a launcher, easily comboable into CE. K is a short BT attack which puts Voldo into MC then goes into Roll which regardless of on hit or block will launch himself upwards for a follow up. Roll can be directed as you please with movement of pad/stick as Voldo goes upward.

2 A+B is the same move but now able to pick up the opponents back on their feet. Much like on the debut trailer.

When Rising (WR) B is a vertical launcher much like the one in RE. Not tested but if its comboable into CE there, its most likely the same in this instance too.

When Crouching (WC) A+B when held down fully is no longer unblockable. Still it can crush guards.

1K is now the same kick as 11/77 K in SCV.
Ok I have watched all the footage out there and I couldn't find 2 of my most used and loved moves.
22/88 A and 11/77 K, are those still there for Voldo?

Can you still pickup grounded opponents with 1B? Or is this now 2A+B only?
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Out of the 45 or so minutes I had, I couldn't find 22/88 A.. but 11/77k is now 1K. 1K is now 4K.

Thus far, he feels like SC5 Voldo, just with many tweaks.. and he's got 22_88B back! (the shredder!)
7_8_9A is his old WL A from SC2, and it hits grounded! His SC2 2B,B works nicely with it.

I love his new A,A, it has bigger reach on the second hit. On soul charge, the 3rd hit is a transition to his old 66[A] from SC5.

WR A, BS CR_WR A.. BS 2A+B, CR A+B, FC 3B... some of my favorite moves well intact.

Couldn't find his Beyonce.. (BS 66K)

Mantis Crawl: HT_FT B+K has a really nice hitbox
-Simply hitting K will roll him forward
-his old A+K hop doesn't have a hit box. Damn.
-HT or FT both run over/hit grounded opponents

I kinda feel like they gutted Mantis Crawl, and making Land Fish soul charge only is something to get used to -- But in the grand scheme of things, it's ridiculously early, my words will likely mean nothing in a matter of days when we figure out some awesome new tech! I can't wait =)
Out of the 45 or so minutes I had, I couldn't find 22/88 A.. but 11/77k is now 1K. 1K is now 4K.

Thus far, he feels like SC5 Voldo, just with many tweaks.. and he's got 22_88B back! (the shredder!)
7_8_9A is his old WL A from SC2, and it hits grounded! His SC2 2B,B works nicely with it.

I love his new A,A, it has bigger reach on the second hit. On soul charge, the 3rd hit is a transition to his old 66[A] from SC5.

WR A, BS CR_WR A.. BS 2A+B, CR A+B, FC 3B... some of my favorite moves well intact.

Couldn't find his Beyonce.. (BS 66K)

Mantis Crawl: HT_FT B+K has a really nice hitbox
-Simply hitting K will roll him forward
-his old A+K hop doesn't have a hit box. Damn.
-HT or FT both run over/hit grounded opponents

I kinda feel like they gutted Mantis Crawl, and making Land Fish soul charge only is something to get used to -- But in the grand scheme of things, it's ridiculously early, my words will likely mean nothing in a matter of days when we figure out some awesome new tech! I can't wait =)
You say they gutted Mantis Crawl, how is MCFT A? I've seen it in some videos and it looks like it has insane range. Can't wait to try this after work.
Mantis crawl might still be amazing.. I should have specified, they gutted it's play-style from before, which I thoroughly enjoyed (especially in SC3) - that said, I could totally change my mind when I play more tonight.. I'll try to find some good stuff ~ I'll let ya know about MCFT A, it seemed unsafe, but still a great option.
22b combos into 666b on NH
bs jump a stuns on NH. combos into aa or 4(b)
sc4 6k is now 46k in FT
1b is now locked to BS and no longer picks up, but has a MC entry in bs 1bk
mc a+b has no uses other than trolling. it seems to be extremely evasive despite having no hitbox
Either sc5 is to long in the past or the game and voldo feel totally different to me. A lot of notations have changed. Would really like pmode right now
Cant figure shit out on this network test. Some of his stance changes are the same but you have to mash random stuff to figure anything out lol
Either sc5 is to long in the past or the game and voldo feel totally different to me. A lot of notations have changed. Would really like pmode right now
yep im confused as shit playing this character rn
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