[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

No i think that we should start the 2 week randoms next week with new ppl we should just play with the ones we got this week do the tourney and then start it next week that will be better for all of us to me
aww fuck mk vs sf. just sounds dumb. i don't wanna see any stupid shit like street fighting characters doing fatalities.
So what do i need to bring to smash club to play some heads in SC4 and Tekken? Will the ppl who talked like they play... actually play me (on ps3, fuck dat 360 shit)?

Also i wanted to remind everyone about our upcoming tourney (which none of you have bumped threads for recently ;p hype hype hype?) that me and Kyle are supplying ALL of the $500 bonus right now, and we'd like some help alleviating some of the burden. Now I am not gonna say you need to donate or that too little won't help, but really think about what you can spare or save up to spae and make this a project where our whole crew comes together and contributes to a great cause, and that cause is getting the Buffalo scene noticed and getting players come play us, so that we may impress them and hopefully form stronger relationships so that they will travel here again and harbor us when we roll in to their town. Helping us build a pot, would be a great first step to taking ownership in our gaming situation. How important is it for you to want better, to get competition and make our community stronger? That should be your measuring stick when deciding if you wanna help out. Thanks ahead of time and again for helping me with donated equipment, volunteering time and rides for our events and just being one chill ass crew to hang with. Let's make this Rumble a great tourney and all do what we can.


First thing first i need a new stick part this won that i use now is not all that great ( cha i want you baby or make mines her lol) i drop alot of combos on my stick cuz it seems to input late or something the buttons are great but the stick is still ass

Second i need ...... excuse me I NEED TO TRAIN i think that we should get up as much as possible the top players here should have sessions somewhere for like 3 weeks straight where we can go back and forth with jug only then will i feel like we will be ready for Rumble

Third ill try and see what i can do with helping because i have someone else i that needs my money to live (with the help of his mother too hint hint ) lol jk but ill try cha

as for the rest of yal Niggas and Crackas step yo game up LOL
old school OMGWTFBBQclaws moment:
yeah what tony said. but it's alot easier said to keep cool when losing. trust me I know, me simon, tony and nuni have
been salty over games, I know how it feels. But the best thing to do in this situation is to point out the things that
cause you to lose or not do so good and try to figure out a solution to em. there is no offense/defense thats is good enough NOT to be penetrated at any level of play, so constant improvement and refinement is a necessity.

training mode is your friend! use it! like me, Ryan and kyle was tellin me that the lp version of abel's super
can beat out moves as an anti air. I'm seeing if this is true right now as I speak.............

............... and it's true! lol. his HP version goes through fireballs also

Lol we were having many "salty" moments before salty ever became the new thing to say. It's embarrassing now when I look back at those times. You can keep reminding yourself that it's just a game but shit, when you devote so much time into it without meeting your expectations, doesn't matter what you do, its gonna cause a lot of intense emotions.

Nice of you to step yo game up des. Shoulda done that when me and nuni were still there. We always had some intense ladder moments.
honestly i can only donate like 20 bucks. since i didn't have a job this summer doing summer session, money is not something i got a lot of. lol i gotta stop eating mighty.. just eating my money away and at a fast pace at that.

oh and smash club plays on des' ps3 that he brings so yeah they play on ps3.

leighton is on ps3 and tristan is on 360 but he can just use my stick or something

not a game not a game not a game.. we talking about practice.

how do you put videos in the actual post?
^that would be fine even if everyone in our crew can throw in 20 it would help a lot, thanks

also is anyone other than me and ryan wanting to go to seasons beatings 4. i plan on driving and cha said he can find a place for us to stay
one more ting ............................. thats just for shit and giggles
You don't have to be a student, no. We play smash melee and brawl as well.

Sounds sweet actually. I recently completed my $50 Wii scheme (hehe) and have brawl but haven't played much of it. It's a fun game from what I've dabbled in.

Brian, I am willing to throw some money in, not much, maybe 25-50 dollars depending. I also have a set up if you need it; PS3, and a 32 inch LCD or 24 inch LCD, whichever would be more convenient. If you need another for the tournament, let me know.
So Cha, what tournaments do you need help in running for the tournament.? I'm just going to be playing SC4 so I don't think I'll be entering anything else, which means I'll be pretty free through most of the tourney, especially when I go two out in the tourney :P (just being sarcastic, nothing depressing)
This is more important than the pot contributions imo, but everyone who has this game at home, BRING YOUR FULL SETUP TO RUMBLE. TV, Console, copy of the game. We're gonna need a ton of stations for you guys, and T6 is also gonna be brand new. So we need all the consoles of both kinds that we can get. 360 setups can be casual stations, or used for tourney matches that both players agree upon. Triples should be used for tourney only once it starts.

I'm erasing SF4 data off my console, so that won't even be an option. Mine is probably gonna be used for SC4/BB only. Tekken will most likely ONLY use triples, as well. Let's not turn this into Syracuse where we've got no stations for anything else.

The only excuse not to bring a full setup, is not owning a full set up. If it's like, your mom's TV or something and she won't let you bring it out the house, or you don't own SF4 at home, that's one thing. If you need help transporting it, let's sort that stuff out now, ahead of time. I want to start getting a feel for exactly how many stations we'll have. I have my tv over at Brian's that's free, and will work once I bring the remote. I'm also gonna try and bring my computer monitor + speakers for my 360 setup, since I have the VGA cable. It's a CRT model so there's no lag.
i have a set up and a extra tv, i can bring my lcd tv but there might be a small amount of lag on it not sure
By tourney time I'm going to have (up to) 5 monitors I can bring, plus I'll be bringing at least the Tekken 6 cab, possibly others. I'm gonna be renting a moving truck that day so we can move around heavy shit if we need to.
i have a set up and a extra tv, i can bring my lcd tv but there might be a small amount of lag on it not sure

Even if it's laggy, bring it for casuals. If we don't use it then we don't use it, but with 100+ people for SF4, we're gonna use it probably. Brian stepping up with the monitors will be a huge help for people who 100% CAN'T bring tvs/monitors, but don't rely on him. Bring your shit anyway. I'll get a list down later tonight hopefully on who's bringing what.