[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

Was talking to Jug a little about this.
There's a website called http://www.justin.tv/

People from all over the world broadcast whatever the hell they want, and a lot of games happen to get broadcasted.
SF4 and BB are pretty common channels, there is one channel in particular called CompetitiveOnline that i go to often. I was watching it tonight and happened to see the broadcaster playing against Jug. Thought it was very funny to see it, and watch the comments pour as Jug beat their so called "UnBeatable" Gief.

They also hold weekly, or so online, XBOX LIVE, tournaments. Also a lot of casuals, all you have to do is ask the broadcaster, there are about 4-5 players who are in this broadcast that will play you and play it live online. It's just a cool way to get your name out there/play solid competition, they're all pretty damn good.
I disagree about that, that dudes just gonna roll up, park his fat ass in a free spot, and expect to leave with 500+. Sounds shady and dirty to me. I just don't think he deserves to be accommodated to personally. But that's me.

Welcome to competitive SF4, lol. But honestly Justin isn't as bad as like, Marn or some shit. There are people out there that Brian would NEVER offer a spot to in his house, people like Marn and Jinmaster are on that list. So him allowing Justin to stay is enough of a stamp of approval. Just don't expect him to play you seriously unless it's for money, is all. And don't expect him to be humble or overly friendly, because he's not. He really is just there to take 500+ dollars and be out.

But like I said, welcome to competitive SF4 lol. Most of the people at the very top are like that, especially now with the flood of new players coming in. Justin isn't shady or anything, just don't expect to play him all night and get a bunch of advice. He might show up, play Sakura or some shit and then go to sleep.

The most important thing is the cred he brings. People now will go "OMG JUSTIN WONG I'M GONNA GO PLAY HIM AND GET SUPER GOOD AT STREET FIGHTER!" if they're new, or if they've been around for a while, they'll just see this as a legit tourney with top competition. You should be happy to take both of these scenarios, because it means more players and more hype. That's the real benefit to you guys, not Wong himself but the people that will show because of the cred he brings.

Is it kind of a shitty way of looking at things? Maybe, but that's the way these things work.
im happy that justin wong is comming up to buffalo for our tournament. im really looking forword.. i just wanna shake his hand have a few good words, some a few games of causuals, and call it a day, then tournament time. i really hope to play him, win or lose, its a learning experience, and personally. an honor to play someone like him for the first time ever. cuz i highly doubt ill be able to get to get to him at SB4
im happy that justin wong is comming up to buffalo for our tournament. im really looking forword.. i just wanna shake his hand have a few good words, some a few games of causuals, and call it a day, then tournament time. i really hope to play him, win or lose, its a learning experience, and personally. an honor to play someone like him for the first time ever. cuz i highly doubt ill be able to get to get to him at SB4

See this is what I was talking about though. This is probably NOT gonna happen. He's just looking for a bed and a roof over his head, and 500 bucks. I mean, he's probably not gonna be a total dick to you if you go chasing him down for games? But he may not play, and he's probably playing you with random characters.

If he proves me wrong, good for him and definitely good for you guys. But this is the way things usually happen, in all fighting games.
See this is what I was talking about though. This is probably NOT gonna happen. He's just looking for a bed and a roof over his head, and 500 bucks. I mean, he's probably not gonna be a total dick to you if you go chasing him down for games? But he may not play, and he's probably playing you with random characters.

If he proves me wrong, good for him and definitely good for you guys. But this is the way things usually happen, in all fighting games.

well if not. whatever its not the end of the world yo know lol. i heard hes a nice guy, and you can actually come up to him and talk to him. i heared most of the other players are dicks.
LOL 1) I don't let ANYONE push me around or take advantage of me. 2) I personally asked him what I could do to get him up here, and that is what he requested. He will be in a rush and probably won't stick around long, it's his Birthday weekend. He is coming under the impression that this tourney is free money. I'd love for any one of our attendees to prove him wrong, but it probably will be easy for him.

But yea, what Chris said may prove to be kinda right. If he stays with me, he may have conditions, like not wanting to play a lot because he'll be 'tired' or what not. He'll probably talk with people, they'll probably be a few players there that know him well and will sit there talking to him all day. He'll definitely accept money matches, he'll probably have a minimum bet, but that may be the only way you get to play him tbh.

But again, don't be too geeked out about him. He's not a celebrity, he's just a great FG player, and I will be glad to have him come show his skill and bring hype. Just make sure if ANY of us play him, that we record it for experience, and don't miss anyone!

I will fill you in on what we can expect from the guy when I know exactly what his plans are.

edit: LOL chris- Justin is bringing Phil with him, loloolol, I guess Phil has penetrated the 'inner circle'. But now we have a reason to make a good showing in SC, as Phil no doubt views this as free monies too.

cha cha
heh wouldn't surprise me.
So, when and were exactly is this tournament you all are talking about?

university at buffalo student union. nov 14th i believe?

all the info you need, be there or be square
also again i ask who is down for sb4, we will only need a hotel for one day if we decided to go early saturday and if we split one room it shouldn't be too much. i think the fact that it will prolly be the closest major to us that we should go( especially those who have never been to a major) i'll be driving so yeah, text me if you guys are interested.

also seeing as tekken 6 is coming out soon and we will have some new blood( me) could someone post some vids or sites that might help us new players. i don;t know shit about that game
So, when and were exactly is this tournament you all are talking about?

New people? I bet you only play SF4 too, lol.

Brian I dunno how Phil could view this as free money, he DOES know Toronto is like right across the border, right? But hey more comp is more comp, I won't argue with it.

all the info you need, be there or be square
also again i ask who is down for sb4, we will only need a hotel for one day if we decided to go early saturday and if we split one room it shouldn't be too much. i think the fact that it will prolly be the closest major to us that we should go( especially those who have never been to a major) i'll be driving so yeah, text me if you guys are interested.

also seeing as tekken 6 is coming out soon and we will have some new blood( me) could someone post some vids or sites that might help us new players. i don;t know shit about that game

Iamtekken.com has a few good, if incomplete, guides.
Tekkenzaibatsu.com is the shoryuken.com Tekken equivalent.

Also, Tekken game night's cancelled, people is ills.
Just going to throw this idea out there, but for RiiT, would you guys want to get sort of "Team jerseys". Just T shirts with our name or persona on it, a silhouette of our character, and some quote that we all agree on? Just to show our colors and let everyone know who Buffalo is? Just wondering if its worth the effort and if everyone is down for it.
New people? I bet you only play SF4 too, lol.

I've only just gotten into fighting games, but i'm happy to see that there are people who play in the Buffalo area. I'll be at the tournament, if only for a little perspective. And, I also enjoy some blazblue.

I believe Brian is going to Smash club tonight, I'm not sure where that is. If you can free up time tonight to go meet him, you can see about getting in on our weekly game nights, get some practice in before the tournament in November. Someone can help me out with the when/where on Smash club?

Also Tony G, just wear some Bills/Sabers gear, just as good lol.
Who knows, maybe you and I can face off in casuals. I don't get to play against others IRL often.

I would love you see you come up and play you. No better of an experience for gaming than this one come November.
Also Tony G, just wear some Bills/Sabers gear, just as good lol.

lol and wtf are you going to wear? Gee I wonder....
I believe Brian is going to Smash club tonight, I'm not sure where that is. If you can free up time tonight to go meet him, you can see about getting in on our weekly game nights, get some practice in before the tournament in November. Someone can help me out with the when/where on Smash club?

Also Tony G, just wear some Bills/Sabers gear, just as good lol.

Smash Club takes place in "The Flag Room," which is located on the second floor of the Student Union on the University at Buffalo North Campus.

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