[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

I actually put a little time into my Blanka. Maybe 3 significant training sessions since I was assigned the beast. I'd like to think it showed. But since I only actually won one set... Meh.

Also... As someone who pretty much NEVER trash talks, I think a good amount of trash talking should be allowed. You're going to run into some real assholes out there. It's important to be able to deal with it.

Of course, there's a line. If you talk some shit about some dead family member or something, that's gotta be flagged. Don't need any bloody fist fights.

And holy shit rufus! The irony...
i don't see a problem in trash talking if it isn't over done. des kinda over did it yesterday during the tourny, casuals..... talk all the shit you want but out of respect to our players you(we) should prolly tone it down a bit during tournament play.

also i love this character training stuff, yeah it kinda sucks to lose a match just because you don;t know said match but i still think we can all learn from these experinces so yeah lets stay positive guys.

Again not my community, but if you feel it's the same people that are being disruptive week in week out, this isn't the place to settle it. Pull them aside and talk to them as a group, let them know what you want Buffalo to be all about. I'm not helping you with this part unless y'all plan on playing Calibur or something, lol. Your community now, it's up to you guys to shape it. And as much as it makes me physically ill to so much as watch this trash game, I really do support you guys and want you all to do well.

If you feel something or someone needs to make some adjustments, do it as a group, and do it in a civil manner. I'm REALLY bad at that so I won't judge you if you can't, but just know that I've seen and been around where communities break apart from personal beefs or people acting out and trash talking too much, and a lot of it could have been solved by just stepping up as a group and doing something about it.

Kyle I do agree with you that it's ok in moderation, but when it's constant during a match it's a different story. Regardless of what people say, when I've seen people do that it's been specifically to gain an advantage, whether they admitted it or not. I've seen people do stuff like that, tell everyone it was nothing, then go talk in Spanish to their close friends and say that it was something. Again, you guys are running the show now, so you guys will have to handle this as a community. I'm interested to see how you guys avoid some of the pitfalls that have hampered other communities, as nobody is immune to human nature.
Haha, the trash talk that was going down last night wasn't directed at anyone really IMO, it was just giving a play-by-play of the game. He did it to Jug later on too, and it was 100% hilarious, and Jug dished it straight back!
Random Battles Character assignments week 2!:

Jug- Rose
Jeff (blackandred)- Dhalsim
Desmond- Cammy
Tony P- Gen
Brian (chacha)- FeiLong
Joe- Honda
Tony G- El Fuerte
Jeff P- Dictator
Dave- Gouken
Kyle- Chun Li
Phil- Rufus
Ryan- Viper
Jamie- Boxer
Brian (celestien)- Ryu
Matt (donatelli)- Sagat

If any one who doesn't regularly show for game nights or ranbats that wants IN on this, just let me know and I will run you through the spreadsheet!

Approach with the proper mind set, do a little research and find out this is easy and a great way to be competitive.

cha cha

Since it got next paged.

cha cha
I Agree, hell I spent 15-20 hours this week practicing Ken and I knew I probably wasn't even going to make it to play last night. Instead I played him a bunch online and got to the point where I was very comfortable with his ground game of turtle and punish. Which is the complete opposite of my offensive Geif, or zoning Seth.

If you simply cannot have fun than yeah, that's an issue you need to address. But as a player I thrive on variety and enjoy mixing it up every chance I get.

Lol im guessing u couldnt find the shadowrun cd key lol
siick viper. now i can deal with that. specially my online friend that lives in ohio is a viper player
i was thinking about picking her up eventually. trash is retarded imo. proving it on the board is more important. Something i learned from playing ice hockey is that. Proving it during the game. better to keep your mouth shut and stay discipline and play your best and not trash talk.

btw me and jug are going to a chinese buffet on Thursday out by me, neone is welcome. its a bit pricy but its all you can eat so it makes up for it.
Not going to be here next week. Can I just play Gouken the week after?

Also, trash talking, at least among us, is a courtesy thing. If it's cool with the other person, that's fine, run your mouth, but if someone asks you to tone it down or shut up entirely, I think they should respect their wishes. I realize that in an outside tournament, we don't really have control for the most part over what happens, but among friends, we should try to keep a certain level of decorum, and show a certain level of respect. Ranbats aren't that serious business.
A charger, I knew it. I got a charger out of spite--spite thinly veiled as trying to get me to try something I've never done before--didn't I, Brian? >:| Naw I'm just playin' you're alright.

Going through the trials, stuck at hard four. I have yet to find any flaw in my execution as Akuma that could be improved with a stick--especially now that I can reliably kara demon on my pad, and my FADC Red Balls are slowly creeping up that last little bit to 100%--but holy crap, I can never get the right dash punch out. Maybe that's why I never played chargers.

In other controller related news, I bought a Sixaxis and sync cable, but can't get it working on the PC. No big, needed it for the mod anyway.

If someone could bring one of the MadCatz SF4 pads on Thursday (and possibly forever and ever until I get my own pad modded) to let me give that a whirl I'd be super happy and buy you a drink, or a taco, or whatever 2bux thing you want. The fact that I can't kara demon, or even buffer it in blockstun as safely on that pad due to the shoulder button arrangement doesn't concern me too much when everything else should be much smoother, so I'd rather use that in the interim when I'm not getting some practice in on a stick.
you guys take des to seriously lol. he talks shit for fun. like, it's just for laughs. he doesn't do it with the intention to
offend u and actually make u mad. he does it just to be a goof ball lol

listen to this man every time i play jug i say im bust yo ass and every week he beats me but i play well against him i mostly talk a lot just cuz from what i know in the pass anyone i talk shit to play better because they want to shut me up lol thats what i live for ppl proving me wrong (in games) so i can get better learn from what i just got raped by and i thought that jeff was one of those ppl *sigh* sorry jeff if i mad u mad real talk but im not going to practice with cammy at all this week ima work on my Sagat on stick and ima take that shit lol
chris we have not spoken since blaze blue so ima man up and say sorry but i dont think i was out of place i just didnt know thats how u reacted until i heard Cha talking so now i know that we can only speak as men so much respect to u man

Holy crap guys how did I know know about this? Brian did you know about this? You guys should drink some of this shit for next week lolololol. I need to buy like, fucking 50 cases of this I'm way too uptight.

O_O! sweet! a new drink to mix with liquor and cough syrup lol

I just reserved my copy of Tekken 6. the game litteraly comes out in a few weeks. ARE YOU READY!!? HUHA!

see? des don't mean no harm to nobody lol
the fight pads are 40 bux, but arent that reliable.. i bought one for ps3 and it was shitty.. i couldn't hado or throw punches and kicks at all because of the pcb issues. so i borrowed celes's because he has a working one that works with no problem. then i switched to stick lol
overall the main problem i have with the random select is it's only one week. if we're going to be learning a character at least give 2. everyone has equal time. nothing changes really except it's more beneficial b/c there's more time to actually learn something.

if it's 2 weeks we can have 2 random char tournies and at least see if we improved or not with that character and the concepts that come with that character. we could get a stronger feel for matchups since we've seen more of it and actually learn something.

the way i see learning a character in one week is like cramming for a test. it does no one any actual good. so we played a character for a week and then what? what did we learn in the few hrs we practiced with this character and played the random char tourney. truthfully not much. with other stuff going on like school, work, w/e anyone else is busy with, a week is just too little time.

that is the main reason i proposed a secondary character tourney instead of random select. that way we actually get to spend time learning a new character without a time constraint and we get to see progress with that secondary character week to week. also obviously you can be changing around the secondary character to learn more characters if you wish, try rufus for awhile, then try another character, etc. it reinforces almost all the same points that you wrote about chacha.

also let's take into account that some of us haven't been playing fighting games very long. we might not see the concepts as quickly as others. people with more fighting game experience may have an easier time transferring over what they learned on one character to another but for the first timers like me, jeff p, tony p, and whoever else's first fighting game is sf4, one week just isn't enough.
My 360 MadCatz SF4 pad still works perfectly, and I got it the day it dropped. Been using it for SC4.

I wanna get a PS3 one
listen to this man every time i play jug i say im bust yo ass and every week he beats me but i play well against him i mostly talk a lot just cuz from what i know in the pass anyone i talk shit to play better because they want to shut me up lol thats what i live for ppl proving me wrong (in games) so i can get better learn from what i just got raped by and i thought that jeff was one of those ppl *sigh* sorry jeff if i mad u mad real talk but im not going to practice with cammy at all this week ima work on my Sagat on stick and ima take that shit lol

Hey it's cool man now you know. Ha and I did want to shut you up, but I got more mad at myself when I started losing, and losing just happens sometimes. Let's hit the Sagat/Honda fight hard at Smash Club if we get the chance. I say take it over, get two TVs going! Otherwise, we'll play in two weeks.

Chacha - I don't really think you should try to use negative points to make up for having a system that awards too many points to the top end. I think instead of negative points, you should re-do the system to have a closer point spread. It actually wouldn't take much effort at all since you still have the old results.

Something like 3000, 2000, 1500, 1250, etc...
(You might even want to make it closer than this)

If we keep the current subtraction system, things could get kind of wonky. Say someone works hard and gets 3rd one week. Next week he gets his usual 5th. Not bad? Too bad he loses all the points he gains that second week. Same thing happens if you go from 2nd to 3rd. You do WORSE the second week than the guys that don't win a game, they get 100 points.
Or see what happened to me this week. If I wouldn't have made it yesterday, I would have gotten -100 points. I had 10,000 before, so that's 9,900. But I did come and didn't place, so I got 500 points but also got -1000. Now I have 9,500. So, it would have been better for me to not even show up.

Note - Above I'm assuming you won't double penalize top placers who can't make it. Say Jug gets something that comes up randomly, and he can't avoid missing game night. Is it fair to take 2100 points away for that sort of thing? If you do decide to keep the system, maybe only do -100 for misses, and then keep the place subtractions for the next time they actually play?

So anyway, that's some examples why I think we should tighten the point spread. Good players will still go to the top, but at the same time there is still pressure because the other players aren't far behind. Even this system though needs some help for the non-Jugs among us. So instead of negatives, how about more bonuses? Keep the bonus for most improved player, give bonuses for anyone who breaks into top 3, etc. It's a lot more of a friendly system than taking away points. Losing points from your overall total because you did a little worse just seems wack.
i agree with jeff now if i lose to jug early and then lose to jeff after like 2 fight in between i lose all the points that i just won and tony p and u will move way pass me so i think just tightening the point spread thats the best thing and jeff we can bang out a first to something whatever the time allows
IMO, forget the bonuses. it's just too many variables to consider who gets the most improved and w/e other bonuses there are. why do extra work when tightening the points rewarded can easily do the same thing for a player that most improved.

the one for the random character one seems to look pretty good

results using theoretical, but close to accurate placings using the top 4:

jug 2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st
jeff 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 5th
des 5th, 3rd, 4th, 2nd
tony p 5th, 4th, 3rd, 3rd

point total using 1000,800,600,400,200 for top 5 spots

jug 3800
jeff 2800
des 2000
tony p 1800

basically puts pressure on the people at the top to keep performing while it rewards people improving.
if the theoretical jeff, tony, and des finished the similar placings another 2 weeks.. we would see a shift in the rankings. however as you can see if you drop lower than your regular ranking 1 or 2 times. it wouldn't completely kill you either.
Yeah I feel like a tighter point scale would be more fun--it allows for more positional fluctuation and keeps the people on top on their toes because if they don't perform well one week, their placement is jeopardized.

Despite all of the criticisms we may have of the system, rest assured Brian we really do appreciate all the time and effort you've put into everything thus far--needless to say the Buffalo crew would not be as large or as thriving if it weren't for you, so thanks.