Framework for re-establishing SC4 on a global scale!

To agree with the above post; and to fellate my own ego some more (as seems to be the theme here); This community seems completely incapable of making any kind of group decision. I never thought I would yearn for the days of WCMaxi being a fucking dickhead and laying down the law; but well... there it is. I do. I miss those days. Did we entertain debates on why Necrid was banned? No. We didn't. The law was laid down, the status quo was maintained. Stability was achieved and an influx of new players was had.

This is a year too late, 2 ban debates too late and one EVO too late, and about 20+ top players left in disgust too late. This is not telling online players the game is bad in a truthful way too late. This is not having any players coming in as new blood too late. This is worrying too much about what other communities think too late. It's too fucking late.

Love for the game doesn't equate to ability to effect change. As a person in this community who has attempted effect change not once, not twice, but three fucking times; I'm serious when I say the following:

"What the Fuck, Soul Calibur Community"

Good Luck, seriously.

This plan is good. Any attempt to revitalize SC is great. As usual the haters care more about who makes it happen then if it actually happens to the point where they deliberately try to sabotage any attempts made by people they don't like.

SU keep doing what you're doing. For myself personally I can't promise that I can be active offline between work and school I have less and less time. But to you and anyone else that tries to make things happen I commend you.
People are capable of making decisions. It's just that these types of discussions on an online forum never amount to shit.

I could write a bunch of bs, but I rather let my actions speak for myself. We still play Calibur over here hardcore and outlasted alot of the ones who came before us. And ultimately, any type of revival resides in the individual wanting to play Calibur offline and someone in each region stepping up to organize a community. If more people did that, Calibur would be back on the map. But you can't do anything else until you have strong communities at the local level.

I'll be keeping an eye to see if anything of substance happens. And this community is still awesome. Don't let what's posted on the forum sully that. And fuck all the haters, keep playing that Calibur baybee!!!!

There is no reason why ANYONE should be throwing ANY negative comments toward this idea. Its a damn good idea for the ppl who still like Soul Calibur and those who like to play it.
Why the fuck is this thread being cluttered with spam? This is not the fucking Online Forum or some shit off the fucking General Lounge. Keep your garbage elsewhere!
I already told u, u have my support and im down to help any way I can.
dreamkiller...what is this idea? i am confused.

As Idlemind said, this is a noble effort; but really it seems to be nothing more than Something-Unique once again wanting to be the center of attention.

quoted for motherfucking truth.
My opinion on u guys is this. Some of u vets not all again some of u vets not all honestly no hate no bullshit I believe are bad for this game. U think cause u have been around and did shit in the past even if positive lmakes u the be all end all and forever in good faith.

Imo if u were once positive for the community but are now negative ur still bad in the end. The same rule applies to life. In with the new out with the old. Just look at people like Vincent to. His entire post history is probably pure troll content from beginning to end. direct this post at jaxel. the man who held up the strongest offline scene for over a year...the ONLY person to consistently hold monthlies for over a year...the man who, for no personal profit MADE THIS WEBSITE TO SAVE THE COMMUNITY.

or vincent who, in spite of trolling, actually also organized offline events early in the game's life despite having his main removed from the game.

as soon as "the new" start holding events, hosting, working, paying to uphold the community, then rest assured we will all follow. many people already do, and kudos for that. until then don't spit on the hand that is feeding you.

wtf is wrong with you? i applaud your efforts to make a strange list of players...although i just don't see what the hell the point is. we have regional matchmakers. we have tournament organizers already and we have places to easily find information about them.

is this supposed to be a headcount for sc5? is this supposed to be a headcount of active offline players?---well your list looks more like a BEST OF PSN thread than an offline player headcount. seriously half of the people on it do not/never have played offline at all. there are players on that list who have never played offline nor expressed interest in doing so. there are players that aren't even real players and troll secondary 8wr accounts. is it supposed to be a general list of people interested in sc4? well you can scroll through 8wr members if you want. seriously what is the point of this list? is this your newest club that you can be chairman of? i do actually like the idea of regionalized player lists for the purpose of informing newcomers who to contact for quick reference if they want to play offline, but there are already regional matchmakers, and if that was your intention then call it like it is.

texas is the hub? a good place for nats? when almost everybody would be flying location is pretty trivial. maybe think about where the best TOs are? or TOs that are even willing? maybe think of affordability and outside recreation? maybe think of local housing prospects? texas by car is like 10 hours away from ANYTHING. how does that make it geographically convenient? ---on a separate, related note, texas is relatively close to arkansas...the one that isn't on the west coast.

can i be in this super fun club?!?! can i play you on psn for a leadership role in it? actually naw i guess i'll just keep supporting real scenes and events.

i just don't get it. now, though, i guess that by creating this random arbitrary list, i can no longer ridicule you for never having done anything for the community...oh wait...i still can.


what i REALLY want to know, in this new club, should we ban hilde or just button binds?

We keep playing weekly, because we're not interested in other fighting games. Not sure about the rest of the German "scene", but many have switches to BlazBlue and/or SSFIV.
While I'd be inclined to agree with Dreamkiller, and the many who have posted something to the effect of, "Don't throw negativity at this thread," because I fully support revitalizing a community, I have to take the opposite stance.

Why? Because I don't even know why the hell everyone is saying that this is a good idea. SU has put forth no idea. I mean really, if he had a solid plan that was laid out here, I'd be throwing support at him. However, what we have is a list of players- some who have never even shown their faces anywhere or come from the online scene having been tantalized with some promises of offline comp.

Along with this list, I see SU wildly defending himself against people with weird accusations like, "You're all posers." This being said to people who've been TOing, building and maintaining communities and funding tourneys for a long time. You say "out with the old in with the new" yet you list Dev and NEC as majors for SC4 next year when SC4 isn't even close to having a guaranteed spot at DEV. It did this year because of some intense support from lobo, one of the people you like to call a "poser."

You promise an offline tourney, and use texas as a hub for it. As lobo said, driving to texas can be silly, and flying to anywhere in the us, prices are more based on the airport, and not the distance travelled. As such, a main hub for a tournament like nats makes more sense to be in a spot where the most active people can travel to it on their own. Not only that, but you list idle krayzie nori and yourself as community leaders and make nori the TO of this main tournament. It's quite obvious from idle's posts you didn't talk to him beforehand, did you even talk to nori, the man who's supposed to be hosting the end all be all of your year of tourneys? Many of the players you listed also don't live near any of the TOs you listed, if these TOs hold tourneys every month and a half as you lay out- how are you expecting the people living off on their own to make these? It just doesn't make sense.

All in all, you've pretty much managed to make a list of active players. Why not just save all the trouble and organize a nats circuit, and post about that rather than nonsensically list out players you expect to attend it before trying anything else? Get together with other people willing to TO regionals, and get nats set up. People will follow then.
Well shit, it seems some people are saying 'I'll support your idea SU' and others are saying 'too little too late'. Well even if it is too little too late, I know we out in NorCal have a cool nucleus of players who love the game and really won't stop playing so I guess running some tourneys every 6 weeks can't hurt. I know the guys out here in NorCal have been wanting something to play for for a while now. Gatherings are fun but it's nothing like the rush of a tourney. So let's do this shit, when should our first tourney be? Sometime after FSAK?
i'm saying "what the hell is this idea in the first place?"

ok so 4 pages in...have we established that this is a new set of regular local tournaments on a fixed schedule? if so can we maybe rename the thread or make a new one so that it makes a bit of sense?
Well shit, it seems some people are saying 'I'll support your idea SU' and others are saying 'too little too late'. Well even if it is too little too late, I know we out in NorCal have a cool nucleus of players who love the game and really won't stop playing so I guess running some tourneys every 6 weeks can't hurt. I know the guys out here in NorCal have been wanting something to play for for a while now. Gatherings are fun but it's nothing like the rush of a tourney. So let's do this shit, when should our first tourney be? Sometime after FSAK?

A "monthly-or-so" tournament would be awesome. I could possibly show up a number of times seeing as the distance isn't that much of a hassle. That'd be an awesome idea. Hope that shit works out, and I'm definitley going to support it.
I will no longer respond to those who have nothing other to do than be negative in this thread regardless of who u are. I have a shit ton of respect for Jaxel but I also will lose a shit ton of respect for Jaxel just that fast if in the end he nothing but a potential sabotage now from what he once was which was a superb supporter. Its that simple.

The names confirmed to participate in the first post will grow starting with the east coast Tri-State region and New England region first since i'm in that area and can build the fastest there.

Instead of people such as IdleMind since he is in my area posting the negative post he did what he could have done is post the names of the people from his area and yes I will confirm to particpate at the Venue I establish.

But I wouldn't be surprised if I get no such confirmation cause I never get individual responses from him only in bunches when one of u posts from java the other java click follows.

With that said. Confirmed to Participate or not will be listed next to the person's name. Thats where the truth is in support and its that simple.

Last comment to the haters. Accept that my reach may extend farther than urs and it might be possible that I can do more than u. Support, Stop Hating, and STFU if u have nothing positive to say. This thread is being outsourced farther than just the players u know I have that kind of pull.

Clean this shit up please so people such as them don't get disgusted and confirm for themselves why the state of this community is justified. Its strange how threads stretching as long as when the game was knew got locked over and over again pissing people off and giving no room for discussion being one of the reasons we are in the state we are in now but u mods can come up and always in the same "click" (Idle posts, lobo follows, another random java head follows, its always the same on board "click")

What u can do for once the correct way is erase all ur negative shit that u posted in this thread! Can that happen dear oh dear *8wayrun Mods" or is it just we delete and lock other peoples shit.
SU, I mean this in the most respectful way possible - it really, really would help if you presented more than just a list of players. I think people came into this thread expecting more of a plan.

For example, San Diego is more of a subsection of what was once the Southern California SC4 scene - how do you expect to revive the rest of it? You can either:

A.) Entice Aris/Vicious/Motempest/Semi/etc. to start playing again and start from there (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN)


B.)Forget them altogether and just focus on getting new blood into the community (requires word of mouth, monetary resources for tournaments and meets, etc.)

Is there something I'm missing?
You should add FatCowBecky to the list of active FL players. I know for a fact she secretly still plays.
SU, I mean this in the most respectful way possible - it really, really would help if you presented more than just a list of players. I think people came into this thread expecting more of a plan.


Really SU, do you not even read responses once you come across the first statement that doesn't fully support you? As I said, if you put forth some kind of plan, showed that you were starting a circuit of tourneys that lead to nats, or you had ACTUALLY CONTACTED the people who you're listing as TOs, I'd very much support you. Hell, I'd be more than willing to support a guy who raped my mother if he had a good plan for bringing SC back. However, as of right now SU, you've shown me nothing but a list of players, and pretty much said "all the old TOs are old news, I'm the new paragon of the EC, I have no plan yet but you all should support it." And that's not going to get anything from me.

That said, KrayzieCD alone has given this thread purpose by saying he'll host monthly tourneys. I do support that, and I'll do my best to show to as many of them I can, too. I mean, it's only a 15 hour drive :)
S-U congrats on trying to get attention...get things started.

forgive me for being less than supportive or even believing when you have many times said you retired, that the game is dead, that you only play for over $50 etc... then you come randomly insulting the people who actually have pushed and supported and held up the scene which you have shit on for so long.

jaxel and idle did not post negative shit...they posted reality. vincent did not troll this thread...he pointed out how criticism is necessary for success...but then i am sure that went over your head.

how dare you even begin to accuse myself, jaxel, idle, or anyone else who has worked toward the offline calibur scene of hating on the game. again i ask of you...what have you done? ever? anything other than grace a few events with your magnificent presence? what have you done to be in a position to insult those who have gone out of their way to build this scene? how can you call jaxel "potential sabotage in a post on a site that HE SET UP IN ORDER TO SAVE THIS GAME? how can you accuse idlemind of responding incorrectly when he only gave you advice and honest truth? you say he "could have posted names"...instead of actually giving you advice? what good are names? what does it even mean? this after idle made his own offline scene. after he already did this...after jaxel already did this...and after you shit on both of them for it. in spite of your efforts to shoot it down...some of us "random java heads" have actually been building, for years, this community which you have once again decided needs to give you more attention.

as far as this thread...what is the point? do you wish for it to be a list of active players? do you wish to set up some local tournaments? if so then by all means do it and you know full and well that players will support it. you do not need a roll-call. find a venue...plan ahead...make an announcement and people will come and play.

here is how i view this a plea for attention and as an attempt of forming some sort of club that you can be captain of. what good can it do other than lead people away from their regional matchfinders? is this supposed to be a be-all-end-all list of active players? if a newcomer comes to 8wr looking for comp and finds a list full of retired players, online only players, non-existent players and sees it as THE LIST of players...if so, then what message does that send to newcomers?

look if you want to set up local monthlies, more power to you. of course we ALL support that. if you actually go through with it and do one...then i will eat my fucking head. until then i see this as nothing more than a plea for attention. i hate to naysay, but i'm just being honest. SU you need one of two things; 1: a clear thought process or reasoning behind making a random list of online and offline and non-existent players from everywhere...or 2: a history of going through with your word and actually supporting and not being bipolar about hating and loving this game/community. you NEED one of these things, preferably both, in order for me to see this as anything other than a plea for attention.

right now you have neither.

edit: oh, and that whole "i can shit on all you guys have done but please be nice and don't be negative in my aimless self-aggrandizing thread and delete all those horrible posts" thing you are shooting for...yeah forget about it.

Mods can u delete all the unnecessary shit that u have posted in this thread? U can go on about S-U this S-U that. I do not care how u feel about me in the slightest.

This goal/thread is not about ur undying love or distaste for me. Your posts specifically are unnecessary and irrelevant to the thread and its goal.

Thank u!

Really SU, do you not even read responses once you come across the first statement that doesn't fully support you? As I said, if you put forth some kind of plan, showed that you were starting a circuit of tourneys that lead to nats, or you had ACTUALLY CONTACTED the people who you're listing as TOs, I'd very much support you. Hell, I'd be more than willing to support a guy who raped my mother if he had a good plan for bringing SC back. However, as of right now SU, you've shown me nothing but a list of players, and pretty much said "all the old TOs are old news, I'm the new paragon of the EC, I have no plan yet but you all should support it." And that's not going to get anything from me.

That said, KrayzieCD alone has given this thread purpose by saying he'll host monthly tourneys. I do support that, and I'll do my best to show to as many of them I can, too. I mean, it's only a 15 hour drive :)

19hrs when you pick me up :D
so has krayziecd single handedly saved this thread? way to swoop in on that for some credit, though, SU.

by the way S-U came into chat just now and i had an opportunity to ask him about his plans, his intentions, the meaning behind the list of players and many other things for the sake of clarification...

he said that responding was a waste of time and ignored me. :/
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