[Winston-Salem, NC] Care for a smoke?

Will - I mean, I've always been a fan of the Soul series since Soul Blade on the PS1 (fanboy-ism) and when I finally decided to get serious about competitive play on my own before I knew about SRK or caliburforum, it was at the ass end of SC2's lifespan right about the time that shit was hittin the fan on SRK because of the Evo 2k4 incident. So I had to wait and when SC3 came out I put in crackfiend hours breaking down the game, then our good ol' buddy "VC" came and ruined it for me. I mean, I'm glad what we did w/ Drunken Triad but I lost interest in it and just hoped that Namco wouldn't do a fuck-up that big again, and now we're on SC4 which (I hope you believe too) is the best game in the series (aside from SC2 of course) but nobody's gonna go back to that, so we just gotta look forward to whats out now.

To answer your question though: it's just something I think that will always stick with me. I learned the game on my own, traveled to outta state tournaments before I knew you guys, on my own, and even if NC doesn't support it, I'll still play it cuz I don't think it's a bad game or that I have to "win the crowd" to get respect as a Calibur player. The only thing I regret is that I never met you guys back in SC2's prime in this state, it would have definitely made me a much better player to have started back then with real players rather than practice mode. Then again I was in High School then.

on a side-note: where the fuck was ATL at Nationals and EVO? Somethings up.
Cliff's notes (as I'm not sure if I'm just tired or starting to get sick from the people that brought that stuff from Evo to Nats):
- There was some questionable seeding all-around (first round had stuff like KDZ vs Kayane, Malek vs Big Boi, RTD vs Saitoh, etc...)
- I lost first round winner's bracket to one of the guys from Korea, and lost in loser's bracket to RTD. Think both would've been winnable under different circumstances. Will elaborate more later.
- Far as Atl goes, I know Big Boi lost 2-0 to Malek and JTO lost 2-1 to lolo, not sure about their other losses. Don't think they got far. JTO looked a little rusty, probably too much SFIV.
- Both of RTD's losses were to Something Unique. I'm now convinced Kilik is a solid counterpick vs Hilde.
- Second place guy was Kura, another guy from Korea. Dude's Talim was beastly (took out Oofmatic and Malek, nearly took out Thuggish), and had insane defense (blocking and punishing the large majority of Amy's 2B+K attempts on reaction in both Winner's Finals and first set of Grand Finals? seriously?!?!).
- Finals were INTENSE and HYPE.

- Also, they had a "japanese maid cafe". Just one problem: I thought the whole point of these things was to have cute japanese girls dressed as maids wait on you, not significantly overweight, unattractive, non-japanese girls wait on you. Yeah, I think I saw maybe two people in there the entire weekend.
hmmm, odd brackets. Good shit though Doug. I'm still all :-( though since Link himself said that Malek is now THE Ivy player in the community.
I've been looking through X's frame data. And I still can't believe how much they raped her. I mean they did an across the board rape! As if Namco didn't even know what was wrong w/ the bitch!
Today's fine w/ me.

Will, can you make it? We meet up right after I get off work at 6 to go to Bali.

Kevin, alright that's too bad. I should be available the next few weekends, though, if you want to play then.

e: Huh, has there always been a minimum character restriction of 10 characters on new posts here?
Apologies, guys.

I checked the forums too late. I won't be able to make it out. Post somethin' up on SRK next time. Never know who might be interested in a game of SC4. You can also hit me up on facebook. I'ma have to give you guys my new number too.
sup everyone, i am now in NC mon-fri because of a new job. i helped make VA a huge powerhouse in games like tekken and id love to do the same for NC in SC.

when i actively played SC4 i did very well in tourneys including being inside the top 10 at SB3 and NEC. i'm getting back into games again and want to go hard in SC4 and finish what i started as i believe i can still be a great player.

anyone want games? i'm in hillsborough but i'll travel almost anywhere.
Yo! We need somebody like you, the scene here is pretty dead. Me and longshot play at my apartment in Raleigh on random weeknights, you're welcome to come out.

Xiomar is trying to run SC4 at NC's next tournament on Labor Day weekend in Greensboro, we've been struggling for entries lately but we could maybe get 6-7 if people would step up. Game popularity here is like SF4 > XII > 3S/BB/GG > SC4 > random anime/SNK games.

Hope to see you soon. I'll PM directions as soon as we decide on a gathering.