Xiba, Yoshimitsu, Cervantes and Aeon Confirmed!

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Today, Famitsu announced four new characters for Soulcalibur V! While Yoshimitsu was "sort of" announced in the custom character trailer, there was never any real confirmation. As well, hints about Aeon Calcos comings from soundtrack leaks (the same way Raphael was discovered early). Aeon Calcos in case you don't know, is the original Lizardman!

In addition to the return of the immortal Cervantes, Namco has revealed a new staff user by the name of "Xiba". Xiba, a character clearly designed around the Monkey King from the Journey to the West story in Chinese Folklore. Several months back, Daishi stated on his twitter that Kilik was an "ill-fated" character. With the introduction of Xiba, it begs the question: "What happened to Kilik?"

2d_aeon.jpg 2d_cervantes.jpg 2d_xiba.jpg 2d_yoshimitsu.jpg
aeon_3D-Render.jpg cervantes_3D.jpg xiba1_3D-Render.jpg yoshimitsu_3D-Render.jpg xiba3.jpg alchemy2.jpg
aeon_astaroth.jpg aeon_astaroth2.jpg aeon_pyrrha.jpg aeon1.jpg
aeon2.jpg cervantes_ivy.jpg cervantes_natsu1.jpg cervantes_natsu2.jpg
cervantes1.jpg cervantes2.jpg cervantes3.jpg xiba_leixia.jpg
xiba_maxi.jpg xiba1.jpg xiba2.jpg yoshimitsu_mitsurugi.jpg
yoshimitsu_voldo1.jpg yoshimitsu_voldo2.jpg yoshimitsu1.jpg yoshimitsu2.jpg
alchemy1.jpg cave-ride1.jpg cave-ride2.jpg pirate-ship1.jpg
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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
Sheba: I don't know why, but i think he won't play like Kilik. His design reminds me of something...
Human Cervy: AWESOME!! Nice to see they ditched the zombie pirate look.
Yoshi: A certain Pocky Yoshi will be very pleased. I'm also thrilled to see Namu back.
Aeon: Fire breathing lizard with angel wings? New main!! :D
i like them.....but i'm not quite sure about lizardman having wings...specially those kind of wings
i mean, i still like him and i'm glad he's returning.... and he looks bad-ass, but i don't know, i'll have to wait and use him.
Cervantes looks cool....and younger, like rejuvenated. Glad he's back though.
Yoshi..... it's yoshi :P
So the animal motifs then... there's no doubt who the "High Spirited Tiger" is.
There's something lizard/dragon like on Cervy's pants.
All I see on Yoshi is flames flames flames.
Aeon is... eh lizard and... those wings...?
Xiba - I guess it's not Leixin as I speculated, oh well. But hey, I like his concept similarities to Sun Wukong. Guessing that this is the "young male" Daishi would add in the game. Leixia might have a new friend/rival outside the palace. :)
Cervantes - Knew he would come back! I noticed that his jacket looks similar in appearance like Ivy's, only it's red and longer. I see that he appears a little more laid back with his beer and has grown some hair on his chest. xD
Aeon - Not partly human as I speculated, but wings, DUAL axes and BREATHING FIRE, holy crap. o_o
Yoshimitsu - Also knew he would come back! His mask splitting to show a skull inside kinda creeps me out, but very interesting concept.
Shiba looks like fucking justin Bieber. Seriously wtf. Little monkey? What a joke.
Human Cervantes with red jacket is meh.
Yoshimitsu looks quite bad too imo, too much red, stupid helmet.

Lizardman again is pretty damn good.
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hopefully lizardman counts as a new character seeing as he has wings now and ditched the shield. if not thats a wasted slot. sorry lizardman fans never been a fan.
Here are the stages from Famitsu.com: I don't know how to use the "spoiler". Sorry for my noobieness...


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