Just Guard Tutorial By Aris

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Aris, with the help of Insomnotek, Binkley, and Commando have created a tutorial video on how to execute Just Guard in SOULCALIBUR V and the ways that it can be implemented within a match. If you have yet to try just guard, you should check out this video, as well as his previous video on fuzzy guard.

Also, if you are in the SoCal area, on Tuesday, January 31, make sure to stop by Super Arcade for their launch party & side tournament that they will be holding for SOULCALIBUR V, or watch it online starting around 8PM EST/5PM PST.

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Very educational, thanks for showing us. maybe now i'll be able to do something other then just turtle when things get hectic.

edit: 2:35 JG multiple hits? oh wow, JG'n the really fast moves is gonna be a real treat.
I assume that binding extra G's on shoulder buttons would make JG even easier, similiar to JU in SC4. Looks pretty broken so far.
I assume that binding extra G's on shoulder buttons would make JG even easier, similiar to JU in SC4. Looks pretty broken so far.
I don't think so, because if I recall correctly, Utoh said that extra bindin's of G wouldn't help JG execution on the NEC stream. I think Daishi said this in his first explanation tweet of JGin' as well.
Not having played yet I don't know if this is really hard to do, but I hope it doesn't turn high level play into SC4's boring to watch where players are afraid to press buttons.
Not having played yet I don't know if this is really hard to do, but I hope it doesn't turn high level play into SC4's boring to watch where players are afraid to press buttons.

I don't think that will happen in SC5 until 5+ years into the game. The fact that 3S was the primary SF tournament game for 10 years is what led to that style developing.
Some genral thoughts here. First of all, this is a great video by Aris. It shows some of the ways you can utilise JG properly. However, I want to allay some concerns.

JG will not make GI obsolete. They are useful in different circumstances. JG is great against unblockables, and against similar timing mixups like the Hilde 3BA / 3BB as shown in this video. GI has a much bigger window and is better when you see a move coming but don't know exactly what it is, because you know what attacks you'll be able to follow up with.

Because you can bait re-GIs, you can get the double advantgage of getting a much bigger combo than with a JG, and you can waste your opponent's meter. Finally, and this is really important, if your opponent hasn't got enough meter to re-GI, you can use GI for absolutely guaranteed follow-ups.

With JG, every attack you JG will yield a different advantage: some won't be launch punihsable, and some won't be punishable at all. JG will be a really powerful tool in the hands of skilled players, but GI will still be important too.

I assume that binding extra G's on shoulder buttons would make JG even easier, similiar to JU in SC4. Looks pretty broken so far.
I thought this at the beginning, and I remember Kayane sent this concern to Namco when JG was first announced. Multiple binds do not help at all, because there is a short window after you attempt a JG during which you can't attempt it again. To spam JG, you tap G rythmyically but not quickly, and it's very risky.
Age of Truth: Why is Aris saying then, that its better to quickly tap G, instead of tap&hold G button? I can only conclude this comes from negative edge and as such it makes no sense that extra bindings wont help. But anyway thank you for clarifying this issue.
Some genral thoughts here. First of all, this is a great video by Aris. It shows some of the ways you can utilise JG properly. However, I want to allay some concerns.

JG will not make GI obsolete. They are useful in different circumstances. JG is great against unblockables, and against similar timing mixups like the Hilde 3BA / 3BB as shown in this video. GI has a much bigger window and is better when you see a move coming but don't know exactly what it is, because you know what attacks you'll be able to follow up with.

Because you can bait re-GIs, you can get the double advantgage of getting a much bigger combo than with a JG, and you can waste your opponent's metere. Finally, and this is really important, if your opponent hasn't got enough meter to re-GI, you can use GI for absolutely guaranteed follow up.

With JG, every attack you JG will yield a different advantage: some won;t be launch punihsable, and some won't be punishable at all. JG will be a really powerful tool in the hands of skilled players, but GI will still be important too.

I thought this at the beginning, and I remember Kayane sent this concern to Namco when JG was first announced. Multiple binds do not help at all, because there is a short window after you attempt a JG during which you can't attempt it again. To spam JG, you tap G rythmyically but not quickly, and it's very risky.
I agree with you. GIing will not be banished from high lvl gameplay. With more options come more mind games for both the attacker and defender. Not to mention, you can GI grabs. Haven't seen a JG grab yet so I would guess that it isn't there.
Age of Truth: Why is Aris saying then, that its better to quickly tap G, instead of tap&hold G button? I can only conclude this comes from negative edge and as such it makes no sense that extra bindings wont help. But anyway thank you for clarifying this issue.

Can you tell me where in the video he says this? I remember him saying that you can't hold guard and then release, which is true. You have to commit to - release guard, tap guard, release guard - to do a JG. Negative edge doesn't work because of this.

Two things about Just Ukemi. Firstly, you could mash all your G buttons to do it in SC4 and any G press at the right moment would lead to a successful JU. In this game, they have changed the input system, so that if you are holding a button, the game won't recognise any further inputs of that button until you release it. This is why Hilde can't do A attacks while charging A, or B attacks while charging B. She has to release A or B, or the other button binds will have no effect. If she is charging A and presses an A+B bind, only B will come out.

This is the same with G. So if you press G and then mash another of your G binds, the other G presses won't be recognised at all until you release your first G button.

Secondly, as I said before there's a window where a JG attempt cannot be followed by another. It is easy to test this - just mash G on one button as fast as you can. If all these taps counted as JG attempts, you would JG everything, because JG actually has a pretty huge active window (as Aris shows at the beginning of the video against Yoshimitsu). But you don't - you will only guard some things and get hit by others, but you will never JG.

However, you can tap G a little slower to keep performing JG, though you do risk getting hit this way. Because you are risking damage and not necessarily getting a reward (your opponent may have more hits of their string to do), it's not a broken or especially effective tactic.

Of course, it WILL be effective against very predictable play, and this is a good thing. E.g., it would have been great if you could have done this against Ivy's CL 1B+KB or WP 6B+K2 in SCIV.
This really isn't much of a tutorial. It's more like "hey, check out this mechanic that exists!"

To clarify some points:

Tapping quickly is better because the jG window does not start until you release G. Also, pressing and holding G for too long negates your ability to jG entirely. The optimal tactic, then, is G~(G), which will grant a jG attempt followed seamlessly by guarding.

Moreover, it's a tactic that doesn't necessarily grant any free punishment. I land jG most frequently against fast retaliatory moves my opponents use to check me after they block one of my safe attacks. In that case, you get a free M/L/throw mixup, but only some characters get free hits.
I made a tread for this video already, but good stuff, only a few more hours to video gaming glory

Edi: i wonder if this will make this game a turtle fest, if yes then we have ourselves another sc4 guys
edit: so sad my local best buy is not doing a midnight release -_-

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