PSN/XBL Ragequitters

YOU TOO!? I was wondering if it was just me.

Has anyone ever actually played a match against this guy?
I don't mean to call this guy out i think....but I played him once in sc4 if i can recall, and we had a pretty good connection but now in sc5 he just always avoids me so I doubt if it's just because " we have a 0 or 1 bar". Not only that i know record means nothing....but his is at 99% and I question that because mine is 89% (mostly because of fighting bad players) I know players like AlphaKG,pocky yoshi, redjinn, dapinkowner,Solot4 and a few others on here can easily beat me. But my thing is to have its just fishy to me....that and heard from a few players that he left in the end of the match.(lag perhaps? or not?) But I have no beef with him anyway since we have yet to play let alone quit on me.
Grandbeeking is obsessed with JG(he literally spams it; no shit! Use cancelable attacks and you'll see him constantly doing the JG dance), won't play anyone if it displays anything under 4 bar for even a split-second, and does indeed ragequit when he loses. Seems like he'd be a decent competitor if he wasn't obsessed with JG and egostroking, sadly :(
Grandbeeking is obsessed with JG(he literally spams it; no shit! Use cancelable attacks and you'll see him constantly doing the JG dance), won't play anyone if it displays anything under 4 bar for even a split-second, and does indeed ragequit when he loses. Seems like he'd be a decent competitor if he wasn't obsessed with JG and egostroking, sadly :(
hmm sounds similar to my friend in sc4...well his name is fires of ahura or something on XBL. He once was a very good fighter in sc4 and respectable although he did get pissed off a few times due to lag tatics some scrubs abused on him and he lost for it. Anyway...when sc5 comes around I hear several stories of him trash talking and calling people out let alone quitting on them.....its a shame how sc5 has turned some players attitude around...because I know fires of ahura did not act like this in sc4... frustrations with the game perhaps? Heck even my attitude has changed since I been playing sc5, still working on my anger issues with this game.
It's not the game, it's the players. I still lose more often than I win when I'm giving it everything I've got. Why can't some of these self-styled pros learn to handle losses like a non-juvenile?


I'm loving hosting my own room. These saltiest of scrubs that see a silly room name with the host being E5 assume that as bad as they are that they're going to get free wins without adapting or even trying any sort of strategy...It's beautiful. Glory to the malfested.
Grandbeeking always avoids me so I avoid him. One less worry here.

Dashon is a Cervy CAS that I feel I could better against offline. I did do a few salty runbacks and let's just say I make sure he falls to my mains.

When I want a salty runback, you better accept it. If I feel you wuss out or sandbag it, then I will get more salty. Sadly certain scrubs who do beat me legitly always beat me don't know I'm a heat seeking missile. I won't stop until I get a win. Then I can breathe a little easier and take losses or try for another win.

In conclusion, ragequitters, ragewinners, and scrubs deserve no ggs unless there's something unique about them. You can pretty much ask Solo how my persona is online. Easygoing but competitive to a fault. Only a few scrubs actually deserve my respect if they keep fighting me until I tire myself out. That's when I can call ggs. No quitting until you give me a beating and/or I give you one.

As for 8wayrunners? Well, I treat you all about the same except I treat you all a little more the arena haha. Otherwise I autopilot and troll tease scrubs with some buddies here.

What bugs me most is when I lose and I could of done better. Lag will always be blamed then my skill but never my opponent.
I dont see the deal with 8wayrunners referring to anybody who is not like them or anyone they don't like a scrub. Scrub should be reserved for people who are genuinely bad at the game refuse to get better, or those who cant blame themselves for a losses.
I dont see the deal with 8wayrunners referring to anybody who is not like them or anyone they don't like a scrub. Scrub should be reserved for people who are genuinely bad at the game refuse to get better, or those who cant blame themselves for a losses.
A lot of people here are elitist, kind of sad really. For me though, I only really call them a scrub if they're constantly bitching on their mic. If they're bad at the game and they don't complain they've earned my respect. How good people are at the game doesn't matter to me because with the correct mindset getting good is only a matter of time.
I dont see the deal with 8wayrunners referring to anybody who is not like them or anyone they don't like a scrub. Scrub should be reserved for people who are genuinely bad at the game refuse to get better, or those who cant blame themselves for a losses.

That's generally how the word is used around here, though. It's not that being different is bad, but that choosing to be weak and hold yourself back with willfull ignorance...well, is bad. Why prefer mediocrity over pushing boundaries and breaking past supposed limits?
The only Ivy player I have gone up against thats pretty good is someone called Th3 Jeffersons I think thats how he spells it but I never seem to be able to get a win on him Dx but he seems pretty proficient with Ivy, either that or I just suck at fighting against her .__.
He beat me with his laggy connection once out of 5 games.
[notice]If this thread turns into "annoying online people v2.0" everyone who posts after this is getting infracted.

Have a nice day.[/notice]
I'm asking because this and the locked thread are more or less identical to the pinned thread. The only differences I see between them is one is locked, one is pinned, and then there's this one. They were all made to complain, locking any of them seems to eliminate the point of them as best I can tell.

Wouldn't merging these into the pinned thread make more sense than locking and throwing out infractions like they're going out of style? :/

I don't mean any offense(and I'm sure as fuck not claiming I know any better; I've no issues being told I'm flat out wrong), I just think it'd be a bit easier and more efficient if it was that way. Also, I think it's better than helping the whiniest amongst us find fuel for their "zZzOMFG 8WR STAFF R CORRUPT N EVIL!!!" fire. That makes sense to me at least.