[Toronto] The Race to 10,000 Mountain

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wtf is happening in toronto

As far as I'm concerned, if I don't have haters, I'm doing it wrong. Franman knows what's up!

The tentative date for the next tournament is THURSDAY JULY 25. Still waiting confirmation on it. Let me know if this date works or what days work for you folks. Friday the 26th is another date I am considering.

As for Chu Vs MONEYMUFFINS, of course they would go 10-9. They're both equally skilled scrubs, refer to my tier list.
As far as I'm concerned, if I don't have haters, I'm doing it wrong. Franman knows what's up!

The tentative date for the next tournament is THURSDAY JULY 25. Still waiting confirmation on it. Let me know if this date works or what days work for you folks.

As for Chu Vs MONEYMUFFINS, of course they would go 10-9. They're both equally skilled scrubs, refer to my tier list.
Ain't nobody hating Lol just observing facts. You sit here talking shit about ppl but wonder why no one wants to come to your "tournaments".

PS: 6 ppl is a gathering not a tournament.
Ain't nobody hating Lol just observing facts. You sit here talking shit about ppl but wonder why no one wants to come to your "tournaments".

PS: 6 ppl is a gathering not a tournament.
If people can't handle me talking shit about their skills in the game, then that's not my problem. I don't wonder why people didn't show, I know why people didn't, because I spoke with them before we started the tournament and they told me they had priorities and couldn't make it.

You weren't there so you have no place to define what the event was. As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure the participants as well, this tournament was a success. It doesn't matter about the amount of people who showed, the fact is people showed, had a great time, and a tournament was held and streamed. It can only get better from here!

Get Hype for REVIVAL 2.
As far as I'm concerned, if I don't have haters, I'm doing it wrong. Franman knows what's up!
Ah... a student reading and taking my pro tip advice.

For your execution I grade you an F!

...and no F does not stand for Frantastic as you may have thought I have my own grading terminology.
Correction... 5 people, including himself!!!
I love how people who didn't attend the tourney feel entitled to criticize and undermine it. If you didn't come out to support it then you shouldn't speak on it. Unless one of the attendees comes out and says it was a failure (which I'm sure none will), then the tournament was considered a success by the people who were there. Good times were had, intense battles went down, and a tournament was streamed and completed.

It almost seems like certain people wanted to see it fail, and are now trying to convince themselves and others that it did, even though to the actual people who were there think otherwise!

If you didn't come, don't speak!! If you want to speak on whether the tournament is a success or failure, then attend the next one and you'll have every right to criticize it!! In the meantime, stay salty that people had a great time at a tournament and you didn't! lol

This is only the START of the tournament REVIVAL in Toronto!!
I love how people who didn't attend the tourney feel entitled to criticize and undermine it. If you didn't come out to support it then you shouldn't speak on it. Unless one of the attendees comes out and says it was a failure (which I'm sure none will), then the tournament was considered a success by the people who were there. Good times were had, intense battles went down, and a tournament was streamed and completed.

It almost seems like certain people wanted to see it fail, and are now trying to convince themselves and others that it did, even though to the actual people who were there think otherwise!

If you didn't come, don't speak!! If you want to speak on whether the tournament is a success or failure, then attend the next one and you'll have every right to criticize it!! In the meantime, stay salty that people had a great time at a tournament and you didn't! lol

This is only the START of the tournament REVIVAL in Toronto!!

It almost seems like a certain person wanted to see it SUCCEED, and are now trying to convince themselves and others that it did, even though to the actual people who MATTERED think otherwise!

"The man who lies and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or the truth around him."
As the Supreme Champion of this community, I think it's time I expose certain players for the frauds that they are at this game.

Chu Fye, Eli, MONEYMUFFINS, and D.I.N.O I challenge you to challenge me to a money match. First to 5 for whatever your broke asses can afford for me to take from you.

If any of you accept, I will expose and humiliate you in this game and expose you for being the scrub you are.

If you decline, then you are automatically exposed for being a cowardly scrub!!

I await your excuses on why you must decline. LOL

At least if you accept, you won't look like a coward, so your options aren't so bad! CATCH 22!! hahaha
Dude I exposed you terribly earlier for being a coward. Remember that $50 money match that you weaseled out of? haha

Keep thinking your measly couple of FT10 casual wins made up for losing MLG TOURNAMENT MATCH. lol!

I think you're scared about losing to me and letting me have the last laugh! Unfortunately for you I'm already having the last laugh by exposing you for being a coward that you are! lol

1 exposed, 3 more to go!!
Hi all. First of all I want to say I'm sorry for doing something that some people might see as not minding my own business as I am not from Toronto. I just want Canada SC community to thrive as a whole because I am a part of it now and something had to be done.

So here it is! Let's put old beefs behind and use this thread for what it's meant to be: contacting each other in a hope to set up friendly gatherings and eventually, tournaments.
I hate to break it to you, but despite your efforts of locking the other new thread and hoping for a better start, as Vints posted, the drama is never taken away.
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