PSN/XBL Hatemail Thread

You think i care about ur little post.. its true all u did was back step and sidestep.... i got impatient and just left, no hard feelings.. u msg me calling me a "scub" because i had beaten u once alrdy. so dont act like i just sent rage msgs out of nowhere.... i swear ppl on these forum are just looking for some type of drama. get a life and if u want to take pic of ppl msg how about u show them the rage msg u sent to me.... now looking back on it im guessing u did it just to get me going so u can make it out like u beat me and made me rage. but face it ur trash tht only know 2 or 3 moves.... and u will never be on my skill lvl all u can do is run away from me and pick me off because u dont know how to fight anyother way.

As for the maxi thing...... yea i hate fighting him because idk how..... and tbh idc what u guys think. i play how i want so if i dont want to fight maxi thts my business and if u consider leaving when i see him "rage quitting" then go right ahead. i dont even see why im wasting my time on here.... im only 4 months in the game and im better then most <3 i can tell i have gotten good because "haters gone hate" lol xD

And Steven like i said u are trash, dont waste ur time trying to fight me because u will be kick from my rooms on the spot.... and i will send u another rage msg just because, so u can put tht on the forums bi**h <

ps: the people tht fell for what hes trying to do are morons.... because when u look at my 1st msg its obvious im replying to something he said to me not just raging at him out of nowhere...... think for yourselves for once and stop buying into all of the bullsh** u hear just because u want to be involved in something >.>

You have never beaten me. That was our first match and you RQ. So you're a scrub. Not my fault you were losing to 2-3 moves.
Well, you cared enough to log onto this site for the sole purpose of responding to him to call him trash. It's ironic that you want to talk about people on this site "looking for drama," when that's exactly what you came here to cause. If someone boasts about "being so good at the game," they're usually bullshitting themselves.

Who here remembers MrTheGamer's "Beast Mode?" Good times...

BTW...Welcome to 8WayRun!
I know, i rlly statred just to ignore it but couldnt let tht one go lol
You have never beaten me. That was our first match and you RQ. So you're a scrub. Not my fault you were losing to 2-3 moves.
Im a scrub? lol i 3-0ed you our first match our second match u won one, then i won second round, u started backstepping like crazy i dont like chasing ppl down so i left an i guess u were still upset about our 1st fight..... u sent me a rage msg like 20mins later calling me a "scrub bitc*" i asked who u were... u replyed "the guy tht made u rage" thts when i sent the msg tht u posted..... Steven u are trash and cant believe u tryed tht. ur showing ur ignorance.
Stephen, he only talks in italics to you. I think he likes you.
Hes just mad, figured somethiing was wrong how he msged me, should have just blocked him. guess always having to have the last wrod backfired. Its not a good habbit xD
You think i care about ur little post.. its true all u did was back step and sidestep.... i got impatient and just left, no hard feelings.. u msg me calling me a "scub" because i had beaten u once alrdy. so dont act like i just sent rage msgs out of nowhere.... i swear ppl on these forum are just looking for some type of drama. get a life and if u want to take pic of ppl msg how about u show them the rage msg u sent to me.... now looking back on it im guessing u did it just to get me going so u can make it out like u beat me and made me rage. but face it ur trash tht only know 2 or 3 moves.... and u will never be on my skill lvl all u can do is run away from me and pick me off because u dont know how to fight anyother way.

As for the maxi thing...... yea i hate fighting him because idk how..... and tbh idc what u guys think. i play how i want so if i dont want to fight maxi thts my business and if u consider leaving when i see him "rage quitting" then go right ahead. i dont even see why im wasting my time on here.... im only 4 months in the game and im better then most <3 i can tell i have gotten good because "haters gone hate" lol xD

And Steven like i said u are trash, dont waste ur time trying to fight me because u will be kick from my rooms on the spot.... and i will send u another rage msg just because, so u can put tht on the forums bi**h <

ps: the people tht fell for what hes trying to do are morons.... because I love sucking cocks more than IRM and when u look at my 1st msg its obvious im replying to something he said to me not just raging at him out of nowhere...... think for yourselves for once and stop buying into all of the bullsh** u hear just because u want to be involved in something >.>

Azure Ivy,Yesterday at 11:31 PM
Last edited: 25 minutes ago
Wait A Sec....
Last edited: 25 minutes ago

Changing Our Story Eh?
Im a scrub? lol i 3-0ed you our first match our second match u won one, then i won second round, u started backstepping like crazy i dont like chasing ppl down so i left an i guess u were still upset about our 1st fight..... u sent me a rage msg like 20mins later calling me a "scrub bitc*" i asked who u were... u replyed "the guy tht made u rage" thts when i sent the msg tht u posted..... Steven u are trash and cant believe u tryed tht. ur showing ur ignorance.

We only had one match and you RQ. There was never a second match where you 3-0 me. Stop making shit up.

We can have a FT5 on stream if you want where you can show me you 3-0 me.
Im a scrub? lol i 3-0ed you our first match our second match u won one, then i won second round, u started backstepping like crazy i dont like chasing ppl down so i left an i guess u were still upset about our 1st fight..... u sent me a rage msg like 20mins later calling me a "scrub bitc*" i asked who u were... u replyed "the guy tht made u rage" thts when i sent the msg tht u posted..... Steven u are trash and cant believe u tryed tht. ur showing ur ignorance.
Steven is right, and running away worked because you failed to adapt and quit because you were mad or by your words "bored"
We only had one match and you RQ. There was never a second match where you 3-0 me. Stop making shit up.

We can have a FT5 on stream if you want where you can show me you 3-0 me.

I dont know what tht is, but ur mad because i exposed ur bullsh** next time dont try to make someone look bad just becuase ur salty about a loss..... had u fought me during our rematch and stop running away i would have finished it
I dont know what tht is, but ur mad because i exposed ur bullsh** next time dont try to make someone look bad just becuase ur salty about a loss..... had u fought me during our rematch and stop running away i would have finished it
"Bullsh**" does that mean being a one directional person that folds under a direct counter-strategy like "running away"? You could drop this silly attitude and just learn to adapt and stop making excuses then you can grow further as a fighting game player.
Steven is right, and running away worked because you failed to adapt and quit because you were mad or by your words "bored"
i suppose, ill say he won tht match because i didnt feel like chasing him down..... wht im mad about is he was trying to lie just because he got beat, and try to make it like i msged him raging..... he clearly msged me out of fustration i fed into it.
"Bullsh**" does that mean being a one directional person that folds under a direct counter-strategy like "running away"? You could drop this silly attitude and just learn to adapt and stop making excuses then you can grow further as a fighting game player.
Thts true
I dont know what tht is, but ur mad because i exposed ur bullsh** next time dont try to make someone look bad just becuase ur salty about a loss..... had u fought me during our rematch and stop running away i would have finished it

1. I never lost to you.
2. What rematch? You quit and never joined the lobby after that.

Azure dumbfuck.png

You said "if im such a scrub then fight me..." and I replied saying that I'll fight you then. But you said "no thx buzy"

Kappa I'm just gonna stop here because I'm derailing the thread.
Im a scrub? lol i 3-0ed you our first match our second match u won one, then i won second round, u started backstepping like crazy i dont like chasing ppl down so i left an i guess u were still upset about our 1st fight..... u sent me a rage msg like 20mins later calling me a "scrub bitc*" i asked who u were... u replyed "the guy tht made u rage" thts when i sent the msg tht u posted..... Steven u are trash and cant believe u tryed tht. ur showing ur ignorance.

Hell yes! >:D

Tell it like it is, but if he did send you hate mail, can you post the screen shots like with a camera phone or something? =]
i swear ppl on these forum are just looking for some type of drama.

ur trash tht only know 2 or 3 moves

As for the maxi thing...... yea i hate fighting him because idk how..... and tbh idc what u guys think.

when u look at my 1st msg its obvious im replying to something he said to me not just raging at him out of nowhere
why else would anyone go to a forum, and even a thread titled "psn/xbl hatemail" no less.

nothing wrong with only using a few moves. why learn new moves when your current ones are doing just fine?

seriously, just aB him any time he tries to do anything. you can even punish him with anyone's 2A/2K (depending on the character of course). sure he can try to read ya and throw out his aGI, but who cares? get him using the aGI reliably and you can abuse that.

it couldn't be any more obvious that you were replying to him, but he hasn't posted anything he said so we have nothing to go on other than him being raged at. it just comes with the territory here on the hatemail thread.