League of Legends


Traditional Supports are garbage, how fucking shocking.
How though? I thought they were going to be but Thresh, Sona and Soraka are strong. Sona still has the stupid ult + auras. Nothing wrong with her.
Soraka still works but her classic self would have been stronger with the items she gets now. Her passive is counter intuitive as well, its all fine wanting to heal hurt people more but I'd rather heal them when they are party hurt so they can tank more with the armor I give them and so I can heal as much as I can instead of waiting for my heal to be its most efficient.

Sona is a joke. There is literally nothing good about her now. Lulu also terrible. Support junglers having the time of their lives atm as supports. Making supports utility scale, its just so inconsequential. Does anybody really give a fuck if Lulu/Nami/Janna/Sona slow is increased roughly by 1% per 20ap? Then there's that Lux Q/E everyone for good damage with her set CC amount which is stronger all than supports with low AP.

Raging, gonna test some more champs as support, like Trist. hee hee.
But what exactly isn't good about her? Other than her squishiness. Shes being used in competitive play so that says shes still a conventional pick.
don't waste your time with Sett. he mainly just complains from what i've read throughout this thread. traditional supports are still really good. but with the changes it just makes it easier to have other champs bot. like apc's and others. but they don't bring the same kit as supports. i've had more of a problem when i face traditional supports rather than these other random champs bot. although i do like Lux bot but that's because she has a support like kit. but i've been playing her bot before these changes even.
don't waste your time with Sett. he mainly just complains from what i've read throughout this thread. traditional supports are still really good. but with the changes it just makes it easier to have other champs bot. like apc's and others. but they don't bring the same kit as supports. i've had more of a problem when i face traditional supports rather than these other random champs bot. although i do like Lux bot but that's because she has a support like kit. but i've been playing her bot before these changes even.
Gragas support seems rather interesting now. Seen from some Korean team and it worked out pretty nicely. Tried it myself and had mixed results. Very strong poke in lane and is very good when 2v2ing cause of the AS slow on his Q.
Traditional Supports are fine. Annie outclasses every support right now.
Zyra is back to ass though.
Taric is stupid atm.
I think they forgot about Alistar though he could use some tweaks.
Traditional Supports are fine. Annie outclasses every support right now.
Zyra is back to ass though.
Taric is stupid atm.
I think they forgot about Alistar though he could use some tweaks.
just beat an annie with a janna support. and this isn't the first time. annie ain't as god like as people make her out to be. if i go lux bot though it's over. i dare them to go all in off of annies ult. they will be insta killed by my combo and me shielding my adc that is just wailing on them. but i'm still on the traditional support's side. still think they are stronger.

not saying she isn't beatable. her auto range and scaling just set her apart. she can be outplayed but, she's an easy champ to play.
Riot keep nerfing my shit. Elise, Sona , tears, spectral lanterns and now Rammus. I fear going against someone with tenacity will be shit.
most of those things needed some toning down. Sona though not to her extent. She had the high win % for the longest among supports.
Elise needed mana changes you could win lane all day just by spamming Q. (I did it a few games lol)

I agree on the lantern in 3s that nerf pissed me off. Now just start dorans, cloth, and pots.
I feel like right now in preseason 4... DAMAGE TANKS are running the show.

Champs like Dr. Mundo, Udyr, Nasus, Olaf, Singed and Warwick are all kind of out of hand. These champs can build straight tank, and still do damage. With season 4, they goal was to extend the length of the mid-game... but since these champs build tank, their mid game doesn't really get extended. So everyone else has an extended mid game, but these champs reach their end game before anyone else and then just start snowballing.
@Jaxel pretty much. almost like season 1 all over..
thing i don't understand they nerf the viable ADCs instead of buffing the shitty ones.
Riot really needs to learn how to balance certain aspects of the game imo...
it's like they don't even use BETA feedback

other news been messing around in hearthstone.
games pretty fun

Me sending out invites and no one accepts.
I feel like right now in preseason 4... DAMAGE TANKS are running the show.

Champs like Dr. Mundo, Udyr, Nasus, Olaf, Singed and Warwick are all kind of out of hand. These champs can build straight tank, and still do damage. With season 4, they goal was to extend the length of the mid-game... but since these champs build tank, their mid game doesn't really get extended. So everyone else has an extended mid game, but these champs reach their end game before anyone else and then just start snowballing.
You sure about WW? I've never seen anything positive come from WW. Fed or not. Ult then dies all the time.

You also forgot Rengar who builds tank then destroys his foes with QQQ. Nasus ain't shit either. Only real strong tanks are Mundo, Olaf, (If a really good player) Singed, and Rengar.

Last whisper is a nice item.
Top lane Rammus still a big owner even after nerfs. Dude is just simply the best.

Just bought Urgot, wanted to do some serious research on this guy.
So I just turned level 30 yesterday, and ever since I've been getting matched with Platinums/Golds/Silvers in my normal games

Could someone tell me why? Seems kind of unfair to me..