League of Legends

What do you guys think about the new support items? My favorite is Frost Queen's Claim. It just seems so good but the active should do 100 magic damage instead of 50. 50 is just so underwhelming...
What do you guys think about the new support items? My favorite is Frost Queen's Claim. It just seems so good but the active should do 100 magic damage instead of 50. 50 is just so underwhelming...

Shit. ADCs are getting them, people are playing shitty 2 men top teams and spamming the minion execute heal in a way they will always be ahead of top and jungler. Real mages invading support role. Sona is sad. The jungle has been calculated to give you less gold and jungle items are shit.

But Mitsurugi has been revealed as the next champ so we have that going for us.
really hope they limit that shit to 1 per team... should be fine if they do. so it doesn't hit support too hard..
jungle feels like shit.. slow and unrewarding.. no gold or xp early.
really hope they limit that shit to 1 per team... should be fine if they do. so it doesn't hit support too hard..
jungle feels like shit.. slow and unrewarding.. no gold or xp early.
I really hate jungling now. The money actually seems kinda shit and it's pretty hard to gank since everyone get's the free ward.

Seem's like all you can do now is just farm in jungle...yay.

oh and i noticve alot of people(my team only of course) either dont get a trinket or do get one and never use it.
Actually, double top lane has become much more viable now since you can buy the money items so you can be in lane to support your top laner (I was thinking like an udyr top tank support or something) so maybe you should try that sometime.
Teemo and Karthus are both disabled on One for All due to their ults. Like, imagine how many shrooms there would be. Karthus ult explains itself.
Ziggs is good in One for All you can throw your W bomb on antoher Ziggs to blast him away. Spent a game with mates just trying to blast each other into them enemy Thresh's.
3 games in a row... All as Urgot as well :l 1st game there was a troll that intentionally fed. 2nd game was a 3 man afk and the 3rd game was another troll that intentionally fed.
I have yet to have my champion not selected for the team out of the about 5 times there has not been consensus. It's glorious.
I don't play this game but I thought I'd share with you a post made by a Brien Disbro on the FB page in reference to the season 3 champions. Enjoy.

I find it to be ridiculous that no one else mentions that the korens get paid to play 24/7 and have a set in stone practice schedule, they are not alowed to deviate from there schedule unlike american gaming houses like TSM who have social lives, To the koreans THE GAME IS EVERYTHING and unless everyone lives there lives around the game like they do no one will be able to catch up to them in skill, they should have there own in country league and keep among themselves because they are on there own level, they dont play for fun at all, they play for supremacy which is honestly ridiculous. It would be like a NFL team living at the field and doing nothing but practicing CONSTANTLY that team would always win and it would be unfair. KOREA IS THE DEFINITION OF TRYHARD!!!

Traditional Supports are garbage, how fucking shocking.