Public 8WAYRUN Questions

How do you feel about the PS3?

Nothing wrong with PS3. Since I have a 360 and have never owned one, I can't say a ton about it. I noticed that Xboxlive seems to have a much better interface than PS3. Also things like party chat being way easier. In terms of games, there are a few I'd be down to play that are PS3 only.
Yo, @Death_Emperor_X, what video game characters do you admire as a berserker?
Bowser: Because he's the powerfulest of them all with the highest survivability in the game, despite being near impossible as fuck to play as.

Broly: Because he's the perfect example of berserkerism; biggest, buffest, strongest, unfaze-able, laughs at you're atks, & treats his foes like a puny scum. Power increases over time, only one who took out a "GALAXY". He is also hard to play as in his own game.

SCII Berserker: His name, shape & size, & moves, says it all. MERU FTW!

Guardians of Middle Earth (GOME) - Great Goblin: Because he's the biggest & fattest character to play as. As well as the tankiest of them all. Extremely hard to take down.

Borderlands Berserker: Highest Hp, Atk, Survivability, rocket launchers as his choice of weapon, & able to Berserk. My kind of specialty.

L4D Tank: Because I fuck ppl up with pure tankiness & berserkerism, with knock back.

GOW3 Berserker: Need I say why?

To sum it all up, it's because were the biggest, heaviest, slowest, strongest, tankiest, we cannot be stunned, we make people run with fear, it takes the whole team to take us down, were the best when it comes to team play, we make pain go away from team mates, & our atks are more like controlling effects. Even our most balanced & common weapon is gigantic. Dem Axes, Hammers, Maces, Rocket Launchers, Miniguns, & my fist.
"Don't ever look at my fist, bitch." Lol
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I prefer the transforming dpad xbox controller. the original controller dpad just cant do it. ps3 dpad cant do 236 or 214 movements smoothly. I have to shift to the analog to do the CE for the ps3 controller. The transforming dpad makes the actual directions stick out more with a better feel and can handle 236 and 214 motions.
I prefer the transforming dpad xbox controller. the original controller dpad just cant do it. ps3 dpad cant do 236 or 214 movements smoothly. I have to shift to the analog to do the CE for the ps3 controller. The transforming dpad makes the actual directions stick out more with a better feel and can handle 236 and 214 motions.

I think Nintendo's D-Pad is the best! Too bad there is no Soul Calibur released on Wii U...

Do you ever feel guilty playing games for extended periods of time? Do you ever feel the need to "do something better with your time"? Do you feel like you would have ended up a better and more productive adult if you never got into gaming the way you did? And lastly, do you feel like video games never allowed you to develop proper social skills?

1) Yes. Sometimes I neglect certain important stuff. Good thing I'm learning to be more accountable.

2) Yes, but only if I'm playing games when I should be attacking that life problem. Like getting a resume done for some interview haha.

3) No. No point in regretting in what you like, right? Not to mention, I'm not perfect. Nor should I try to be something I'm not.

4) It wasn't the games, it was certain people and my own well-being of myself. My social skills only improved because I realized being a loner is bad.

Edit: I don't mind being asked a question or two...
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I don't mind being asked a question or two...

Do you think this thread is a good idea?

I made this thread so that we can publicly ask each other questions and ask question that aren't big enough to guarantee their own thread...

Do you think I'm too nice at times?
Do you think this thread is a good idea?

I made this thread so that we can publicly ask each other questions and ask question that aren't big enough to guarantee their own thread...

Do you think I'm too nice at times?

Do you think this thread is a good idea?

Look at the statement below your question. There's your answer.

Do you think I'm too nice at times?

Do you enjoy being a doormat despite what goes down? Are you perhaps seeking acceptance from peeps here online? These are serious no ill-will questions, and I await your answers to both.
Do you think this thread is a good idea?

The best idea. It's gone 6 pages for a reason.

Do you think I'm too nice at times?

I've seen no one take advantage of your niceness. So I think being nice is a good thing. Also, you bring a lot to the forums. Jimbonator would agree.
Do you think I'm too nice at times?

Do you enjoy being a doormat despite what goes down? Are you perhaps seeking acceptance from peeps here online? These are serious no ill-will questions, and I await your answers to both.

Through any situation, I prefer remain neutral, taking no sides except my own. That way, I can avoid making errors with my judgement. Unfortunately, there are times where one side is clearly wrong, so I can't maintain my neutral status forever.

I seek to get along with as many people as possible while being myself. To my knowledge, I haven't made any enemies on this website. Sadly, there will always be someone I can't get along with.
Through any situation, I prefer remain neutral, taking no sides except my own. That way, I can avoid making errors with my judgement. Unfortunately, there are times where one side is clearly wrong, so I can't maintain my neutral status forever.

I seek to get along with as many people as possible while being myself. To my knowledge, I haven't made any enemies on this website. Sadly, there will always be someone I can't get along with.

Well, I don't think I have much to add. Honestly, you're eerily similar to how I am. I simply asked those questions to get an understanding. I hope you don't lose sight of "getting along". People at times need some genuine earnest people such as yourself.
Through any situation, I prefer remain neutral, taking no sides except my own. That way, I can avoid making errors with my judgement. Unfortunately, there are times where one side is clearly wrong, so I can't maintain my neutral status forever.

I seek to get along with as many people as possible while being myself. To my knowledge, I haven't made any enemies on this website. Sadly, there will always be someone I can't get along with.
Me too.
To my knowledge, I haven't made any enemies on this website.

I think you're a cunt.


Do you sometimes find yourself at odds with the FG culture in general? Or better yet, gaming culture? I only ask because you seem to be one of the more level-headed/mature people around here who doesn't really get caught up in the drama and bullshit. Kids these days can't seem to handle dissenting opinions.

I view games the same way I view art: in the eye of the beholder. There is no such thing as objective truth when it comes to "which game is teh best".

I find myself at odds with gamers in general, but especially true with FGers.
He may come off this way, but you never know.
I once made a "let me google that for you" joke to him. He called me a bunch of shit, PM'd me the most disgusting and cringe-worthy insults I've ever read on these boards, and put me on ignore. I'm pretty sure that says more than enough.
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