Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Yeah I believe so, though we aren't guaranteed to hear everything at the direct. Keep in mind we technically didn't get any news from the Bamco event yet.
I don't know if anything will be revealed in the Nintendo direct, but considering the game is 70% complete, it shouldn't take too long for us to receive more and more news.
SC4 and SC5 had updates almost every single month between initial announcement and release, so I don't think we'll have to wait long for more details.
Eurogamer just posted an article (the journalist probably had handson during the event on the 15th):

"I counted 20 slots on the select screen."

That is very worrying. Hopefully the UI was a placeholder or the journalist is bad at counting. Noting that a few slots aren't even characters (random button, button for "create a soul" characters, mimic, etc), the roster could be as small as 16. Maybe the development team are being very literal when they say they're gonna revisit SC1.
Eurogamer just posted an article (the journalist probably had handson during the event on the 15th):

"I counted 20 slots on the select screen."

That is very worrying. Hopefully the UI was a placeholder or the journalist is bad at counting. Noting that a few slots aren't even characters (random button, button for "create a soul" characters, mimic, etc), the roster could be as small as 16. Maybe the development team are being very literal when they say they're gonna revisit SC1.

Time to lower those expectations
Also, Ashlotte has the unique aspect of being the only souless character in the entire series and, like you said, she was a bonus character, and I must add, a bonus character in ONE game, while Rock was a main character in three or four games.
Aeon/Lizardman is soulless as well :P
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Way to step out on a limb, lol. "See, it only took them ten years to make a sequel! It was never dead!"

There's really no reason to believe that a company that milked one fighting game for five years straight would just let the series lay dormant for another five years. This isn't like Namco who cut and run with Soul Calibur.

They released that crappy DOA X3 in 2016 and are porting it to some Japan pc browser or something this year. So give them a bit before predicting if DOA is actually dead (no) or alive (yes, and you know it's true).

As for the tournament. I don't know. Team Ninja/TecmoK seem incredibly incompetent at promoting the game for more hardened fighting game fans so I'm not reading too deeply into it.
Eurogamer just posted an article (the journalist probably had handson during the event on the 15th):

"I counted 20 slots on the select screen."

That is very worrying. Hopefully the UI was a placeholder or the journalist is bad at counting. Noting that a few slots aren't even characters (random button, button for "create a soul" characters, mimic, etc), the roster could be as small as 16. Maybe the development team are being very literal when they say they're gonna revisit SC1.

I just read the article and I liked everything I read, except the part about the 20 slots. At this point we can only hope that the screen is a placeholder of some sort.
Here's what it apparently looks like.

Here's what it apparently looks like.
Welp, I'm not panicking anymore.
This screen is as placeholdery as it gets.
Also such design allows to add much more characters, because it doesn't have pre-determined final shape.
It kinda reminds me of a BlazBlue/GuiltyGear.
Ok, I'm still kinda panicking a little, because I could easily be wrong and they just made a game in 2017 that is a 6th entry in the series and has around 18 playable characters...
Welp, I'm not panicking anymore.
This screen is as placeholdery as it gets.
Also such design allows to add much more characters, because it doesn't have pre-determined final shape.
It kinda reminds me of a BlazBlue/GuiltyGear.
Ok, I'm still kinda panicking a little, because I could easily be wrong and they just made a game in 2017 that is a 6th entry in the series and has around 18 playable characters...
It doesn't look like placeholder to me. It matches the style of the health bars ingame and the style of the character illustrations.

I'm starting to wonder if it's a case of the game having a small budget. It would explain why they're cutting corners by re-using models from SC4/5. If the game releases with such a small roster, I think they'll be shooting themselves in the foot. They already saw how fans reacted to many characters missing from SC5.
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