Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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As long they don't overdo it with the dlc prices (would be nice if some were free) like 100$/€ per char *caugh*
I am ooooookeeeey with that
No, free games are mostly shit and only online for kids and no gamers. I pay money for a game to get complete thing , packed with content. I'm sorry but I amd gamer from 90s where there no horseshit like DLC and grabbing players off cash. Thats all
Me too - - - grown up with full games, no dlc shit... but it is ... "acceptable"
I only hate dlc, which content already was done with the game but they just wanna make money with it and cut this content from the game to later add it.
No, free games are mostly shit and only online for kids and no gamers. I pay money for a game to get complete thing , packed with content. I'm sorry but I amd gamer from 90s where there no horseshit like DLC and grabbing players off cash. Thats all
Seems like you stuck in 90s because game development costs MUCH more than back then.

The idea of getting only 21 characters is quite problematic imho, especially if the game has been in development for 3 years now. They'll probably rely on DLC to get money from us.

So far, if the 20-21 chars roster is confirmed, I will probably think a bit longer before buying the game...
Let's pray they don't go with season passes or something stupid like that.
One of game play videos we see the menu after a offline fight and it's the same as SC5 with just rematch character select and main menu nooooo we need button configuration and stage select there aswell :(

Last vid shows that both players can select which is great, but they did miss Stage select and reset counter would be nice.

The idea of getting only 21 characters is quite problematic imho, especially if the game has been in development for 3 years now. They'll probably rely on DLC to get money from us.

So far, if the 20-21 chars roster is confirmed, I will probably think a bit longer before buying the game...
I definitely would prefer DLC be cosmetic (and they have an easy way to do that with CAS costumes and 2P/3P costumes), but if DLC is the only way we'll get a larger roster, then well, I'll become part of the problem and buy a larger roster.

I'll definitely be bummed out if we get a small roster and that's it. A common complaint about SC5 was about the roster, and it wouldn't be good if people get disappointed with that 2 games in a row.
I definitely would prefer DLC be cosmetic (and they have an easy way to do that with CAS costumes and 2P/3P costumes), but if DLC is the only way we'll get a larger roster, then well, I'll become part of the problem and buy a larger roster.

I'll definitely be bummed out if we get a small roster and that's it. A common complaint about SC5 was about the roster, and it wouldn't be good if people get disappointed with that 2 games in a row.
As I said, DLCs should be cosmetic: more costumes, more funny CaS parts, music from previous games... That's ok, but when DLCs are required to experience the full game...

SCV roster was smaller than IV, but here... 28 characters, minus 3 mimics, minus Oprah (she's a bit redundant), minus Viola and ZWEI (if they want to retcon V), plus two newcomers, plus the previously cut characters (Talim, Zas, Yun), plus some changes (aPat to Setsuka, Patroklos to Cassandra), the roster should be at least 27 characters.

If SCVI is really going for 20-21 characters, it will be worse than SCV as the cut characters won't even get successors...

I was really excited about the game, now I'm a bit more cautious.
God I hope Talim makes it in the base game or DLC and not all that picky about how she makes it in.
If they ignore that character poll they did where she won first place, many people would be upset. Like why even go through the trouble and discard it?
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